strange smell

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i never had body odour problems never really sweat but now do have night sweats but no body odour even the sheets dont have a smell but i have a strange smell about me asked hubby if i smell before a shower and e says no not at all but i still can smell this smell its not a really horrible smell  but a strange smell i know it must be me as i can smell it when not at home any one had this kind of problem x 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi dear I too had a wierd smell on me for a short time and it just went away.  I just blamed my husband.  lol
  • Posted

    Yes I have noticed this recently and I don't really like it, it's not horrible like you say.  For me, it's sort of musty and it makes me feel old and wondered whether it would be permanent.  We all have a skin smell and this is definately not a 'me' smell.
    • Posted

      OMG it was an old age smell?  I am doomed.  It may come back then?  It wasn't my regular fresh girly smell, it was a shift into old age odour.  It was definitely an odd, unique smell.   cheesygrin
  • Posted

    Maybe it's just a phantom smell that only you can detect. I live in hope as I too keep smelling something that everyone else denies. This whole peri business does your head in.
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    Another of our 'sisters' said she smelt a 'sweet/ sexy' smell before her period. I said I thought tat could be her pherimones, and she's lucky not to have a queue of blokes chasing after her!:-)

    Yeah all the one in my family have a thing about 'smells' generally but know that I at least can smell 'me' when I'm bleeding. To me it smells like that post-birth bleed (Lochia(sp)??)!!Try not to get paranoid but we can only do so much. I shower daily and change almost on the hour, every hour but I refuse to resort to scented wipes/sprays. They're no good for women, but I think young girls/women just buy into this marketing ploy, not realising they're doing more harm than good!

    Hate it as I do, and know that its there, my husband assures me he can't smell anything (he's no fool!). All I can do is shower and keep changing as I do. But my sister is as tactless as they come, and if she says she can't smell anything, then maybe I do have it 'contained'!

    No one said it would be easy being a woman!

    I love this site: we 'talk' about things that we don't feel comfortable talking about with anyone else - unless you're me that is!!

  • Posted

    When I was pregnant my sense of smell changed and I've noticed it changing again now I'm menopausal. I don't think you should worry, especially if your most honest confidant hasn't noticed!

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