Strange symptoms, probably neurology-based

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Hello everyone.

This is my first entry to your forum.

My case is as follows: male, 39 yo, 83kg in weight, 170cm in height, non-smoker, extremely small alcohol consumption, no toxic environment exposure that I know of.

Live in : city-based apartment, along with my family (wife and small child).


  1. About 2019-2021, some sort of depression and anxiety disorder has been diagnosed by a psychiatrist, following approx 2 years of ever-reducing night sleep (from ~4-5 hours a night in 2017 to 1-2 hours a night in 2021). Sleeping pills prescribed (2 years). Anxiety pills prescribed (2 years). Anti-psychotic pils prescribed (6 months). Anti-depressants prescribed (2 years).

  2. Approx 2 years ago (in early 2021), I started having a strange reaction in the morning: I started to have a strong cough, followed by vomit reflex, when I brushed my teeth, only in the morning. This continued for a very long time. I finally went to my family doctor, and from there to a generalist, from there to a gastroenterologists. Condition worsened, with some metallic taste appearing in my mouth in Oct 2022. It only appeared when I sneezed or coughed powerfully (all over the day, not just in the morning).

    I was sent to a endoscopy, which revealed a reflux disease + hyatal hernia (size unspecified) + essophagitis. I was prescribed esomeprazol + another medicine, for 4 weeks. I took them, and the early morning vomiting relfex dissapeared, but, instead, a strong cough appeared throughout the day. When re-consulting the doctores, they said they can't do anyting about it, and that this second cough is from the hyatal hernia , which they strongly opposed against operating.

Coughing continued storngly (sometimes with metalic taste in mouth, sometimes with strong radiating back pains after the coughing fit), until mid-Jan 2023, when, on a forum, I found a similar case: the man had a rare coughing alleargy. So I started taking alleargy siroup immediately: the coughing subsided FROM THTA EXACT DAY, and remains (as of today) very small.

  1. About 7 months ago, when doing the annual set of blood and urine analysis, some small traces of blood were found in my urine.

    Nothing special about that, but I did take a nefrology exam + a abdominal ecography. The nefrology exam revealed all ok with my kidneys. However, the ecography revealed:

  • fat liver
  • extreemyl enlarged prrostate (82cubic centimetrs), and a 6,6cm unknonw-caused scar across my prostate.
    • PSA test (repeated ) = compeltely negative for prostate cancer

About 1 month after this ecography, I discharged blood in my semen after intercourse...

I went immediately (next evening) to urologist, who made his exam, and cross-checked with the ecography above - diagnosis - chronic prostatitis.

Large set of analysies given to be made... and some herbal-based treatment prescribed.

I made the analyses.. No trace of infections, or anything showed up. I started the herbal treatment (which is ongoing as of today as well).

Symptoms: (as of today) daily frequency of urinations: 14-18

daily frequency of stools: 4-6

Blood in urine: yes

Blood in semen: once in every 2-3 sexual acts

Blood during sexual act (mid-intercourse without ejaculation): 2 times happend in the past 6 months.

Sharp pain during intercourse, manifested at the tip of the penis:

  • it hapened very frequently in Nov 2022 and Dec 2022. Practically I had to stop because of the pain...
  • it apparently dissapeared from Jan to Feb.
  • now re-appeared in March... very very strong pain !
  1. About 3 months ago, neurological symptoms (probably neurological) appeared.
  • Almost complete loss of force in both arms. This happened in 3 consectutive days, with no hard labor done, anything.

  • Severe hangover in the morning, although I don't drink alcohol. Pain in teh eyes, sometimes eyes of red color in the morning... Feeling of "stuffy head". Some pain in the occipital area of the head. Dizziness when tilting head forward.

  • Some tinglings, numbness was exibited before in teh left arm only, but I put it to chance nerve behavior.

  • Went to neurologist. Been prescribed 2 x MRIs (one for the head, one for the cervical spine ).

  • Did the MRIs:

    - head MRI: nothing particular, but chronic synusithis discovered. Started self-emdicating with parasinus... based on an advice from a farmacy clerk. this substantially relieved the hangover effects... but .... it also increased my arterial tension (from average 12,6 with 8,8 to average 13,5 with 9,3)

    - cervical spine: 4 of the 7 vertebraes appear as having "protrusions" of 2,5-3mm in length, all of which are specifically recorded in the medical report as "pushing against the medular cordon and/or against the spinal nerves".

      	Next week I have a schedule with my neurologist... To advise.
      	But in the mean time, if anybody could help me understand better the above conditions, and if they are connected  between them or not... it would help.
      	(I am starting to worry about sclerosis as well, as another neurologist suggeted at least part of my symptoms can be attributed to early MS. Cancer - type unknown - is also in my mind).
      	Later Edit:
      	- immune system probably low - 4 common flus experienced in the last ~ 4 months.
      	- allergies: many... to at least: dust, polen, animal hairs
      	- In the past month, numbness of both legs started to develop late in the evening... BOth legs go numb... Just like that. When I get up in the morning, they seem fine...
      	- Last powerfull numbness happened last night.
      	Many thanks everyone,

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