Strange tickling feeling between chest and throat.

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Hello.First of all I want to apologize for any grammar mistakes.

So lets begin.I started getting this strange tickling feeling between my chest and throat about 5 months ago.This happens probably once a week and when this happens my breathing gets really hard.When I try to inhale I feel this tickling making my breathing extreamly hard, but I somehow make it through.This tickling sensation goes for about 10 seconds and makes me anxious-thinking (i start thinking that I have cancer or that im going to die right now infront of all of my friends).

I have done drugs.I smoked weed 6 months ago and did ecstasy(once) 5 months ago.But I dont think this is the real cause, but weed made me the most depressed and anxious person ever.. so thats why I stopped doing anything "bad".I would really appreciate your opinion on my case.Thank You smile

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    A correction.I started getting this feeling 2 months ago, not 5.
  • Posted

    I've had exactly the same for about a month, and it's driven me nuts! Don't know if this helps, but my GP said that this years flu virus presents a very similar symptom (the flu jab this year was useless).

    If it's accompanied by a very dry hacking cough and not producing much phlegm, it may well be the same thing.

    But best go see your GP, just to be on the safe side.

    In the meantime, you could maybe try a cough supressant?

    It might help.


    • Posted

      Ok.Thanks for the fast answer.But just wanna say that I get this at random moments ,mostly when I get a little anxious and really dont feel like coughing. smile
  • Posted

    Hi Fritz,

    Definitely see your doctor about this and perhaps also you could get a referral to an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor.

    Please try to not distress yourself with imaginings. Go get the facts from your doctor. Knowledge is power!

    I wish the best for you!

    💛 Dawn, USA

  • Posted

    You should see your primary doctor. This could be a bronchospasm or could indicative of ashtma. This is how I feel when my ashtma starts to flare up. Your primary will prob have you do breathing test, chest x-ray, etc. Either way though, you should see your doctor. Anxiety sucks. I know, trust me. Just stay calm and have your doctor help you find the way to beat this. Best of luck!
  • Posted

    I’m having some similar issues. Is it worse when you lay down? My doctor is saying it’s a post nasel drip of acid reflux if the cough seems to be coming more from your throat then lungs.
  • Posted

    I have had a tickle in my chest. Coughing everyday. I was treated for reflux and that was not it. I had a xray and I have walking pneumonia. Would of not known without test have not been sick either. See doctor you never know!

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