Stress and tension

Posted , 6 users are following.

Hi all!

I was wondering if anyone has been feeling like me? Lately I have been having odd pressure sensations over the left side of my forehead near my temple and then in the back of my head behind the left ear. I feel extremely tired like I could fall over and if I stop to sit down, forget it, I automatically doze off. Then I feel all this tension in my chest and arm mainly on the left side. You know that sends my anxiety into a tizzy! I'm just so tired of all of this!

2 likes, 11 replies

11 Replies

  • Posted

    Am like u at d moment but wit d blurred vision an yes d anxiety ...u just take it ine step at a time...take care
  • Posted

    Oh my I would be seeing my dr right away and get that checked out
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      I keep running back and forth to the doctor and the ER. They think I'm crazy!

    • Posted

      That is terrible - us women don't make this stuff up so stop passing us off like we belong in a psychiatric ward 

  • Posted

    Hi, yes, I've been getting this pressure on my right temple, then switches to the left, feels like something is pressing on my temple, then I get it on the back of head. Weird feeling!

    • Posted

      Hi Yes I get the pressure at my temples and a pressure at the back of my head which hurts to lye on a pillow. I've had it everyday for 5 months . I don't know what it would feel like to not have this pressure 😔 Feels like my head is going to explode x

    • Posted

      Michelle, I don't think I ever had it that bad. I may have felt it once, but it went away rather fast. I found that giving myself a neck massage in the morning helps to loosen the tense feeling coming from my head. Maybe try it and see if it helps. x

  • Posted

    I was really bad last week again went to see my GP I couldn't get ear enough into my lungs it was bad. I thought i was having a heart attack.

    Still go and check up! Don't relay on us!😊

    • Posted

      I do go to the doctor more times than I care to admit. Every time I go, they never come to the conclusion that there is anything wrong. I have been to the doctor/ER probably close to 20 times in the past 2 years and that is a record for me. When I feel I am wearing my doctor's nerves thin, I switch and go to a different one. I have been better about going to the doctor. I try and relax and calm myself down before I feel like I absolutely have to go.

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