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Since last year I have had 2 womb biopsys which have been inclusive due to cell changes and was told I had polyp 😩Skip to Wednesday I had a d&c and another biopsy so no polyp found so I asked surgeon what is happening only to be told I have to wait results yet again 😩I had a spinal block I was awake when I had it done loads of people in theatre observing ect You would think someone would know something they said procedure went well and would write to me so very anxious 😩 I asked recovery nurse if she could eleborate she said they don't look worried so relax ermmm not helping no idea what I'm facing or how long I have to wait I'm in the uk 🇬🇧
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hope4cure kerry_89290
It's difficult to go thru then have little explanation. I think the waiting is the hardest part. Did they say how long you nad to wait ?
hope all comes back ok peace and good health.
Please keep posting.
kerry_89290 hope4cure
Thank you for your comment I'm praying 🙏🏻🙏🏻 With gods grace he will bless me with good health xx
hope4cure kerry_89290
i'm sending many prayers 🙏🏽🙏🏽And healing blessings your way!
i hope that you are given all that you need to sustain you thru this journey.
kerry_89290 hope4cure
hope4cure kerry_89290
Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but an encouraging word makes it glad. Prverbs 12:25
Gentle Hugs 🤗
Hope xxx
DaisyDaze kerry_89290
Why did you have the biopsies in the first place? Were you having problems? Healthcare in the US is so different than in the UK. However, we all need answers, and that seems to be the problem. I guess it's just not "clear cut," in other words, almost a process of elimination to determine the cause of problems.
Good luck...if they didn't seem worried, maybe everything is just fine.
kerry_89290 DaisyDaze
Hi Debbie thank You for comment I had a blind biopsy and transvaginal ultrasound in August due to spotting after 14 months of no period ( all was good but a polyp was seen ) I was told I would need to follow up with hestroscopy which I did but not till this January but before I went I had a period heavy 😩So I had hystersopy and biopsy done 23/1/ and 3 weeks later I had a letter stating there was a cell change in my lining saying they wanted me to have a d&c 😩I had my d&c 22/3 I was told that they would write to me with results from there findings but no time scale was given 😭Praying I have not got the big c as that is what they are looking for 🙏🏻For us all xx
DaisyDaze kerry_89290
I'm praying for you too! After reading so many of these posts and being a member for a few months now, bleeding after menopause is common (maybe not normal, but certainly common). My GYN told me he sees it all the time and needs to run the necessary tests to rule out anything bad. Hang in there. We are thinking of you.
kerry_89290 DaisyDaze
Bless you thank you so much xxx god bless us all 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hi my results were benign from my d&c 😃Thank You for your support wishing everyone health and happiness god bless xxxx
DaisyDaze kerry_89290
kerry_89290 DaisyDaze
I have my life back xx 😂🙏🏻🙏🏻 Praying for everyone who is still waiting xx