Stressing about turning 50
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I'm 47 and I'm stressing already about turning 50. I know I should enjoy the last of my forties but I can't stop stressing! Im scared...scared about depression ,mood swings ,not feeling attractive anymore,weight gain . I feel like it's the beginning of the end and this is terrible! Needing advice...thanks!
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Lotti1966 Jan321
Well, no use stressing over the inevitable. You have to embrace it and pamper yourself. This is going to have to be your "me" time.
If you're like the rest of us we've spent our whole lives taking care of other people. Now it's your time
Jan321 Lotti1966
Thanks for replying. That's what I tell myself. I know I need to enjoy the now time and I try to remind myself daily to do just that. I'm going to try and work on refocusing myself. And I try to remind myself how blessed I am and I have My second grand baby due in june so I try to focus on the enjoyment I have ahead of me. But the stress of worrying about menopause and turning fifty creeps back almost on a daily basis. But I'm trying !!
tmpearce Jan321
Hi Jan,
I stressed so badly when I turned 50. I felt like from that point on my life was on the downside headed toward the end. I'm 55 now and my advice to you, from my experience, is to try not to worry so much about a number. I did that for the first few years after I turned 50 and looking back now I can see that I wasted those years with myself depressed, anxious and did nothing but worry that life was passing me by. Yes, I did and still do suffer from menopause issues but they are finally becoming less intense and further apart.
If you spend your time worrying about the future, you aren't living to enjoy the present.
Hope this helps!
Jan321 tmpearce
I'm trying to refocus. I know that when I look back I'm going to wish that I hadn't worried during these years. It just omg it sneaks up on you and you have to learn to deal with it in a positive way. But it's hard ! Thanks for your advice. It feels better knowing there's others that understand . It's one of those situations that you have to go through to be able to relate. 
Woo3353 Jan321
I am about to reach that number 50 in a few months. Although i am not bothered about the actual number I have been on a real rollercoaster ride for the last 8 months.
After suffering erratic periods, anxiety and panic for which i had to take medication i decided to overhaul my diet, take up relaxation exercise and generally 'not give a stuff' about anything.
Yes i 've stacked on weight ( i couldn't do any cardio exercise for 6 monrhs because of my adrenals and cortisol) i hate it but what i went through and how i feel now - i don't care.
There is no point in stressing its the worse thing you can do, let your body use your hormonal resources where its needed, not feeding your anxiety or stress its not worth wasting them
Jan321 Woo3353
Thanks for your advice. It's just no fun getting older. And it worries me. I'm going to try my best to not stress for I know how unhealthy it is. This age thing just sneaks up on you kind of like empty nest syndrome ...bam it's there and your not prepared!
ImagineOneDay Jan321
Yes, certainly. I am 47 too and the age thing hits me and freaks me out time to time.
You are not alone.
Jan321 ImagineOneDay
It sneaks up on you! And I find myself looking back on my life and I'm not completely satisfied with it and I really want to enjoy these next ten yrs! It's like enjoy it now or never...I feel like the pressure is on! It's really scarey and depressing at times when I really think about it. I hope my coping meganism improves! Good luck to you and if you ever need someone to talk to that s going through the same thing I'm here. This site is awesome I'm so glad to hear from you and the others.
DaisyDaze Jan321
No need to stress. We are all here for various reasons, but most of us are not here for ALL the reasons, if you know what I mean. In other words, menopause was easy peasy for me. No hot flashes, no mood swings, no depression. I did however, gain a lot of weight (ther are many "fat belly" forums started on here)!
I've also had other post-menopausal issues, but that's nothing for you to worry about yet.
One thing I can say...I have more energy now, than when I was 40. I'm 57 now. I'm not sure if it helped, but I have always drank a lot of ice-water all day long. I kind of wonder if that warded off hot flashes. Even kept ice-cold bottle of water on my night stand. Never got the hot flashes, thank goodness. Still drinking the water, as I did this my whole life (not because of menopause).
Jan321 DaisyDaze
You say you have more energy you excersize? I wish I enjoyed it. I have hot flashes but nothing else yet but I'm afraid of what's coming! All the other symptoms and especially my body shape changing. And I def. Need to drink more water.
DaisyDaze Jan321
NO...I hate exercising. Things just improved after turning 50. I think a lot of my stress before 50 had to do with personal/family problems. Things are so much better now that the kids are all grown (although they get their days, and of course, Mom is the one who worries and gets upset).
The only "exercise" I get is a casual walk through the woods or on the beach. Nothing strenouous. If I overdo it, I get aches and pains. My hip acts up and keeps me up all night. So, yeah, I baby myself, but feel good. The water is one thing you can increase, without more exercise!
anetta94863 Jan321
Guest Jan321
Hi Jan, you are not alone. I'll be 46 next week, struggling to remember there are still good times ahead in life. Our minds can be so cruel. Enjoy your grandbabies and do take good care of yourself. I have two nephews who keep me laughing. We take a step at a time. 💕