Strong Vaginal Odor
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Let me start off by saying...this is an embarrassing topic that I've been trying to avoid talking about. For the past few years (maybe 5-6 years) I've had bad vaginal odor on and off. Now its to the point where its so strong i can smell it through my jeans and other people can smell it to so its extremely embarrassing. I have discharge too that is yellow tinted. I've tested myself multiple times for yeast infections as well as general infections with at home tests and everything comes back normal. I know everyone has a natural smell down there but I just feel like this can't be normal. I've never been sexually active so that out rules STDs. I've had urine tests done by my doctor for a UTI for other reasons and that comes back normal as well. I'm just too embarrassed to mention the smell to my doctor. I never used and feminine washes or soaps up until the last couple months out of pure desperation because I know they can sometimes make it worse but they only help a little bit. I'm an extremely hygienic person so I just don't get why I smell so bad down there. It smells almost like I'm just dirty and haven't washed the area, even perfume can't cover it. I forgot to mention, I've had the implanon for almost 3 years so I don't get a period. I thought based on googling that I had bacterial vaginosis based on the symptoms but every test comes back as negative for infection. Any suggestions would be so appreciated!!
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lauren32293 azee0107
Hey I feel where youre coming from because I recently started having bad odor smelling discharge but mine came from my body not use to having so much sex but since you said youre extremely hygienic that could be the problem. Washing and doing way too much to your body can throw it off because your body cleans its self. You being overly hygienic is most likely confusing your body. I would say try drinking way more water and drinking cranberry juice and eating plain yogurt ! and also start taking apple cidar vingear baths just sit in it for a few minutes.
oh and birth control messes with peoples bodies sooner or later believe it or not that could also be the main reason
azee0107 lauren32293
i definitely could see that but i've had this problem before i was on birth control 😕 And I had always just washed with warm water. Thanks for the tips!!
Luk4lotsmore azee0107
just water, maybe try salt water soakes once a fortnight x
jessica3825 azee0107
have you been tested at a clinic for bacterial vaginosis? i get BV quite often & the smell is terrible and so is the discharge. it is usually yellow/grey and thick with a strong odor. sometimes its itchy & sometimes not. even if you test negative for it you could ask to try the METRONIDAZOLE gel. i literally carry it around with me and put it in if i begin to have the symptoms. Another thing that helps is eating lots of probiotics! Eat greek yogurt everyday. also, do not use any scented washes and stay away from soaking in the bath. wear cotton panties and stear clear from thongs as much as possible!!!!! loose fitting clothes so your vagina can breathe is also important. do not sleep in underwear! do not OVER wash! use an unscented soap like dove bar soap and hot water. Pay attention to your diet & make sure you are eating healthy. Some womens PH balance gets thrown out of wack so easily. if you begin to have sex, USE CONDOMS because semen will certainly throw it off. Also smetimes when i get my period i will get BV and i think its because the hormones are changing. i hope this helps a bit, definately try the METRO gel, see if you can get a prescription for that.
cathrine13793 azee0107
i have struggled on and off with vaginal oder, try using boric acid suppositories i started using those and now i have barley any discharge or any smell!! and you can also use VH
azee0107 cathrine13793
I thought about getting boric acid suppositories but I read that there's a chance they can burn you and overall they're not very safe so I was a little scared to use them 😕 The last thing I want is to cause myself more problems.
b30929 azee0107
speak to your doctor about it