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GP put me on Sertraline 3+ weeks ago. I ahd been on Citalopram for years and then switched ot Fluoxetine last October which intiially worked well and were great for mood but the anxiety came back and I ahd a knot in my stomach 24/7. I am going to ask to go back on tnhose as Setraline are giving me jaw clenching, paranoia, sensitvity to light, Apathy, feeling shattered when I wake up, congestion in my sinuses, little interest in work, staring into space, oversensitive... It's just not settling and the thought of straight forward anxiety which I am "used" to on Fluoxetine sounds a dream at the moment - maybe go back on for a month before trying something else.
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CG1964 Hoover2112
personallly i didn't begin to experience any positive effects until the 5th week at least.
so you might consider giving it a bit more time. I know the side effects are devastating - increased anxiety overwhelmed me day and night.
Good luck with whatever you decided and i hope that your day today is better than it was yesterday.
Hoover2112 CG1964
CG1964 Hoover2112
actually currently in the midst of a massive panic attack - but i am going to break down and take a Ativan that my dr prescribed for emergencies - I haven't had to take one in weeks, unfortunately had an anxiety blip last night before bed that lasted all night and with no sleep i am not functioning - have to give my brain/body a rest.
Hope this is just a temporary setback and not something more. wish me luck.
Hoover2112 CG1964
I'll revert ot the docs advice on Wednesday - got therapy tomorrow but even that was a chore last week in this state of mind.