Struggling depresion now!

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im so depressed,now i dont know how to overcome it.i feel tired of everyday life,i wake up every morning that feeling that im not happy anymore.i have to kids i love them both,but it feels like im not connected with them anymore,i am a born again christian i know that God doenst want to give as problem that we cannot solve it.or survive it.ill give all my life to faith but it doenst work.pls some advice.thank you

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5 Replies

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    I am sorry you are going through this. Feeling depressed is very difficult. Do you have any idea why you are feeling this way?

    I know when I was feeling that way, I wasn’t taking care of myself. I did everything for everybody else but always put myself in last place.I wasn’t feeling the joy in life that God wants for us.

    we have to take care of our selves so that we can be strong and whole for our family. for myself, that meant that I had to......

    1. take care of my physical self by eating healthy and getting some exercise., even if it’s just going for a daily walk. drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.When our bodies are not taken care of, it affects our mental state and can lead to anxiety and depression.
    2. no matter how I was feeling, every morning I would write down in a journal what I am grateful for. Some of the things could be that I am grateful for my very life, my beautiful children, my home, Beautiful nature that God made, even things like my car, my food, and so on. did you know that an attitude of gratefulness can actually change the chemistry in the brain?

      3.Reading the word of God is very helpful. It gave me and still does give me a sense of peace that everything is in his hands.

      4.I also realized that I needed to do some things for myself that were enjoyable such as socializing with other women, also things like having some kind of a little hobby I enjoy. Remember that although we love our children, we need to do things that we enjoy as adults. Socialization is very important. It really helps to improve our mental attitude.

    3. we also have to take care of ourselves emotionally. If there’s anyway you can speak with a counselor to help you with your depression, that would be a great idea. They have ideas that sometimes we don’t think of. You need somebody to talk to about this so that you can get some help and feel better.

      Feeling disconnect it from your kids must be very hard for you, but it can definitely be turned around!

      They need you and you can feel better so you can enjoy them much more!

      It’s time to save a little time for yourself so that you can be better for them.

      it’s not so much the situation we are in, it’s how we respond to the situation. even if I had to fake it, I would tell myself every morning how happy I am to be alive, how grateful I am, the more you do that the faster you will heal. But definitely get some professional help for your depression. Hope you feel better soon! Just take one day at a time. ❤

  • Posted

    hi jan,did you already have check up w/your GP,or do you already use self treatment. what is better for is it we need professional help or we can do by our self treatment?or do you try medication for you self?

  • Posted

    I have had anxiety since I was about five years old and the depression came in my adult years.

    I have had counseling on and off through the years and have tried medication for the depression. I am very sensitive to medication so it didn’t work very well. However, counseling has been very helpful. I am actually doing that once a week virtually on the computer and I look forward to it.

    depression is very difficult to self treat. But my anxiety is manageable with the counseling and techniques I have learned. It takes determination and practice every day. It’s easy to slip back but you have to keep fighting for it. I would suggest getting some counseling .

    maybe medication would be helpful for your depression. Everybody reacts differently to it. It does take 4 to 6 weeks to really kick in.

  • Posted

    You need to realize that there are your kids who need you for their support. Try to figure out what is making you upset, connect to a therapist and stop worrying about the thing which is spoiling your mood, do what you like there is so much to do in this world that will make us happy, meditate, develop a hobby and give time to enhance yourself and have faith in your god that everything will be fine soon.

  • Posted

    I can completely understand what you're going through. You are allowed to have bad days. But it doesn't mean you aren't a good mother . Being a mother can be hard, all you need to do is to talk to someone, it can also be a specialist. It will help you feel much better. Please take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon.

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