Struggling to swallow, feel hopeless..

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Hi All,

I have posted here before when I have had health issues and always found the members of this community/forum very helpful so here goes again..

About 9 months ago I choked on a piece of chicken since then I have not been able to eat or swallow properly resulting in a substantial loss of weight. Each time I sit down for a meal I get anxious, get palpitations and just feel like the food is going to get stuck again. Also, my throat and neck muscles really tighten up to the point were I get the lump in throat feeling. to date i have 3 laronscopys, 2 endoscopys and 1 barium swallow all which have showed nothing but apart from a bit of redness due to the acid reflux/gastritis I suffer from which I am on medication for (lansoprazole).

my biggest fear is il choke hence why I don't bother eating or eat very little. I also fear i may have alachasia, however after the barium swallow that fear eased as it showed no issues with my osopeghus. I just need some help, maybe some guidance from anyone on this forum who may suffered the way I am.


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13 Replies

  • Posted

    HI Moh, i had same issues and had surgeries, im on a newer med called dexalant and it seems to help . i heard others swear by it as well. MAYBE give that med a try ?

    • Posted

      Hi Virginia,

      thanks for your response. what were your symptoms exactly? I'm still trying to figure out if this is anxiety or actually something wrong with my swallowing I'm confused.

    • Posted

      hi MOH, i had your symtoms plus a lot of pain at times in my stomach and chest . but that pill seems to take a lot of the chest pain away . i do swallow fine but do have to chew well and drink fluids with my food . i dont eat most meats except poultry but only on rare occasions . you can eat higher calerie foods to avoid weight loss as i did . i am not a dr but anxiety can do a lot to us . i had a panic attack when i couldnt swallow once where i was choking and a surgeon said my esophagus wasnt working so it closed off ar the sphyncter area so i had that surgery .

  • Posted

    The best test to determine achalasia is a manometry. It is the true definitive test for achalasia. Generally achalasia is felt lower in the lower esophageal sphincter however you might have issues in the higher parts of the esophagus and manometry measures the pressures to detect this. I would talk to a doctor about this tes


  • Posted

    yes i have had two and it does show swallow issues if you have one

  • Posted

    Hi Moh,

    I hope the anxiety finds a way to settle... If you have been told your swallowing function is normal, then it is best to believe that until proven otherwise. I would take the advice below and push for a manometry test as the final say so. This is more accurate for measuring peristaltic waves, and assessing if they are normal. Its pretty harmless but does involve a tube down the nose. For me it was nothing compared to an endoscopy.

    Reading between the lines I feel that stress and anxiety are playing a large role for you - and could actually be the root cause. It is common for these to effect swallowing, as it is tied to our fight or flight response. Plus anxiety can produce no end of symptoms if our imagination runs away with itself - fueled by fear. Been there! For me I somehow have to break the cycle if I feel that way. Visit an old friend, get some spiritual advice, go fishing, something to make a shift. NLP is a great non-flakey therapy.

    Plus accept that there is no chance of just jumping back to your perceived 'old self' . We are changing all the time, so accept a slightly new version, and it will take a few weeks..:)

    This could also be tied to GERD. I have seen people turn their lives around by simply doing cardio exercise 3 x a week. Somehow cardio exercise works wonders for digestion...

    If you do need further advice on Achalsia - go to meet-up and search for the London Group. This will put you in the safest hands for advice.



  • Posted

    may I suggest that you ask your doctor to prescribe DIAZEPAM 2mg tablets. take one before each meal. It may reduce your swallowing problem and can also help calm after meal reflux spasms.

  • Posted

    I am sorry to hear about your swallowing issues. With all the tests you had coming in negative it sounds like the anxiety may be causing your symptoms to worsen. The two tests which I know determine Achalasia are manometry and the barium swallow.

    I have had Pneumatic dilation twice and Botox in the lower sphincter. I'm still having issues, but swallowing is easier. I have esophageal spasms too which are treated with medication.

    I'm not sure what type of medications would aid in swallowing in your situation. Perhaps some type of bio-feedback?

    Best of luck!

    • Posted

      Hi Donna,

      I have had the barium swallow which showed nothing. my issue is each time I try to eat it feels like the food gets stuck in my throat leading me to panic and start drinking water. I haven't ate properly in months and its driving me absolutely insane knowing that before I could have good healthy meals and now I struggle.

  • Posted

    thank you all for your warm responses.

    with regards to alachasia, I dont feel pressure or bloat in my osopeghus. my issue is each I eat I get a lumpy feel in my throat and it feels like my airways are closing which makes me panic and makes my throat spasm. my issue is getting the food from throat to osopeghus it feels like it pools at the back of my throat.

  • Posted

    I can understand how this feeling would make you panic! Does this happen with liquids too? I regurgitate everything I eat or drink, so I try to make sure what attempts to go down doesn't hurt too much going back up. I avoid harsh rough foods and acidic foods. I sincerely hope you find help soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Donna,

      with liquids I'm perfectly fine no issues. just solids, any type of solids make me panic. it's like I'm anxious to eat before the meal is even prepared. it's frustrating because I'm a huge foodie.

      hard on me as I'm only 26 and my job requires to think alot which is difficult on a empty stomach.

    • Posted

      Perhaps you could start by making protein smoothies. I got a small appliance called a magic bullet. You can be as creative as you desire, but make sure you add protein powder. You could start out making them very thin. Begin thickening them up with bananas if you like those. Almond milk is a good base. They also sell some very good pre-made smoothies at most grocery stores, although they can be pricey.

      I read once where drinking warm water opened the throat. My doctor asked me to try CBD oil. It did not work for me. I've heard good results from others. It is suppose to be good for "whatever ails you," so I have been told.

      Wish it worked for me. Sending you hugs! Good luck!

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