Struggling with perimenopause and migraine auras

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Hello, me again, really struggling with migraine auras which seem to becoming more often and have no pattern whatsoever. Today I've had two, the other day I had one whilst driving. I have been back to the doctors who asked me to keep a headache diary and try to stay off trigger foods, which I did. Nothing I do seems to work. I'm 52 and been peri for nearly two years. My periods are very irregular, and I have almost all the symptoms. I must say it does help to come on here and have a right old moan but I feel like all this has changed me as a person. Thank you ladies for listening 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Joanne, bless you hun..

    all I want to say is I am in year 9 of peri, I am 50 this month..

    I too got bad heads last year and year before, my last period was Aug last year..

    and before it my lord, I had a migraine of all migraines, it lasted 4 full days and nights, made me feel very very sick, this was a sign for me and then I knew I was deffo going to have a period.. I only had two last year 2013 and three in 2012 and they started in 2012, it was like my warning sign of a period would come.. is yours the same ? 

    I think I must be almost full menopause if I go another two months with out a period, I have had no migraines this year as had no period..

    I get the odd niggle normal headache from time to time as we all do, but these were terrible and never had them before peri menopause.. and only for last two years and only at time just before period came..

    my point is, maybe ... ? your not going to have a long drawn out peri like me, as my migraines are only at this nearing the end stage... just a thought.. its hard to explain, hope  you understand what i try to say..

    Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi Joanne, I was 53 a couple of weeks ago and my last blood test said I was in menopause. My periods have been all over the place for about a year now but the last six months my migraine had laying me up for days at a time. All of march was just headache after headache. In the end I made the decision I would go on HRT to get my life back while I was still young and worry about coming off it later. I then saw a mew female doctor about my own age who said because I was though the worst with hot flushes HRT wouldn't be any help. So after a long chat about my migraine and terrible anxiety I was suffering she said I should try beta blockers (atenolol). They have worked a treat. The anxiety has gone all together and my migraine are not putting me to bed anymore. I still get the odd headache but nothing on the scale I was getting and when I get one I don't worry myself sick that I have a brain tumour. I'm starting to feel a bit like my old self again and boy does it feel good.

    its maybe worth asking your doctor about beta blockers, I tried amytriptyline and Topamax first but they didn't agreed with me.

    i agreed with you about coming on here and having a moan or just reading someone else having a moan makes you feel a bit better. My mother still calls the menopause "the change" I now know why it's called the change because like you said it's changed you as a person. 

    Hang on in there we must be nearly through it.

    • Posted

      Hi nanodotty, I'm glad you got something that has helped with your headaches and anxiety. My doctor won't let me go on HRT because of my auras. I too had terrible anxiety, and last year I went for counselling which really helped. Sometimes all this just overwhelms me and I would never of thought it could make me feel so ill. It's sites like this that really help, just knowing your not going mad and it's not all in your head. You do tend to over worry about things, hormones definitely have a lot to answer for.
    • Posted

      Hi Joanne, to tell the truth when the doctor said HRT would not be any benefit to me I was pleased because I didn't really want to take it. So when she suggested beta blockers I was willing to give them a try's nd they have been a god seen. I did ask if I could make an appointment to see her so she can check my blood presure and pulse rate because they do bring down blood presure and slow your heart rate down, this is how I've become more relaxed and calm.  She's happy to see me every month so just knowing I can check in with her all helps towards me feeling better. 

      Please do ask your doctor about beta blockers they also might be the right treatment for you as well.

      good luck and take care.

  • Posted

    Dear Joanne

    I know that you wrote this post three years ago but I wondered how things went since concerning your migraine auras? At 51 I did get them, no migraine and then a gap of two years (in menopause) and they have returned getting even more a month. Just a long shot you might reply as it was some time ago!

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