Stuck on pause...
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Hello all, hope you're well. These symptoms seem never ending, seem to be happening in episodes where there's a few days that aren't too bad with hardly any symptoms but still feel a bit 'off' & I can manage the day...then come the days where I'm light headed(swimmy), unsteady, weird prickly hot/flushed feeling that sweep through me, sneezing with runny nose esp in the morning, sort of a tightness in chest, left hand slight tingly sensation, had funny taste & feeling in mouth! I've little like being stuck in the "pause position" where the "play" button is I've forgotten LoL I've thought many things trying to give myself explanations for all this even though I know I am in menopause, been over a year since having a period & been confirmed through tests BUT feeling so out of sorts I can't help but sometimes think I have some dire disorder going on & have ask myself is it the Livial/Tibolone even though I've been taking it for 10wks has it somehow now adversely affected me? Is it my BP meds which I've been on for 2yrs? Now being fully in meno some of these symptoms have slightly changed/ that normal? Just hoping all this will end. Anyone else had their symptoms etc coming & going in cycle-like episodes? Talking to Drs seem useless, they don't seem to really listen or know what I'm talking about 😡 feel like giving up, what I'm not sure, staying positive & looking for the light at the end of the tunnel can at times be impossible Oh sigh!...
Keep Well
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ellacraig NuttyNan
Ive done that each time ive been prescribed somethings.. only to be put off using them... but fir example my bosses blood pressure meds affect his kidneys, then caused him an horrific cough and lung irritation. So the dr said yes that happens and tried him on the next one..
and yes i had two good days over weekend to the past two days crying off and on, stomach aches, period stopped prematurely. Having to lie to my daughter whos on holiday why im crying.
Thinking i cant cope anymore.
I winder how our ancestors dealt with the change... cause they had no pills to take.. guess a much purer lifestyle they had though...
lennie45832 NuttyNan
jamie50513 lennie45832
NuttyNan lennie45832
Take Care
lennie45832 NuttyNan
Zigangie NuttyNan
I always thought once you are done and periods stopped that would be it, but no. I think I was just getting worse.
My libido bothered me a lot which is the main reason along with being just too hot. Not flushes just boiling all the time that I decided to try HRT.
It's only now a lot of things are improving that I can really believe that all of this was peri and menopause related and not some dreadful hidden disease.
These last few months my arms hurt so much peeling and chopping veg today was horrible. Reaching around for my seat belt and putting my coat bra cardigan on all have me wincing.
At least the anxiety has gone and depression lifting still. I have to keep reminding myself that it isn't as bad as it has been.
lennie45832 Zigangie
lennie45832 NuttyNan