Stuck or paralyzed can't move
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At grocery store after paying I was walking then all of a sudden, I couldn't move. My body was frozen as if my brain got stuck and I was paralyzed from moving. I'm sure not many have felt this but it happened to me. My friend who was with me asked what's wrong, I said I'm stuck I can't move. He gently pushed me forward and I was able to regain mobility. It was strange and weird. Has anyone experienced this yet?
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maria101 Sochima822
Sochima822 maria101
Thank you Maria, yes, I hope it never comes back. But I recall a long time ago a lady had told me she had felt like she couldn't move, I sort of remember pushing her a bit forward and she was able to regain mobility. Maybe it only happens to some and not to others. Just another one of those strange symptoms. Hugs xx
maria101 Sochima822
Hi had a symptom last year I went somewhere and on my way back i couldn't remember where I was so I stand up for few minutes just to work out which side of the road to go back home by bus scary.
Sochima822 maria101
Yes, Maria I sort of recall having something similar happen to me except that I was driving. Sat in the car wondering what was I there for, and how I got there, luckily, I had a friend with me to confirm we had driven there for a reason. That's why I never went out alone.
ImagineOneDay Sochima822
nancy0925 Sochima822
I haven't felt paralyzed but I do get sensations like when I'm standing I will feel like my legs aren't connected to my body and I'll feel woozy and sometimes as I'm walking I will feel the same or I feel like my left are is disconnected. Hard to ecplain...just weird sensations.
God bless
jamie50513 nancy0925
I have those weird sensations also. Like my legs are not connected or going to give out on me, and like he top half of my body is not connected with the bottom half. I've had this happen many times. Hormones are crazy.
nancy0925 jamie50513
Happy to hear I'm not the only one who has felt that way. It's hard to describe it to someone who has never experienced it. Happened just the other night walking and feeling like my left arm wasn't attached. Pulled it up closer to my body and it felt ok.
Sochima822 nancy0925
Hi Nancy, I do remember feeling this before, and it's a very strange feeling. Well, I hope the stuck feeling doesn't happen to you but if it does you'll at least know it's a symptom of peri/meno.
Take care,
julesmsw Sochima822
I am heading towards age 47 and I guess this is the process of peri into meno
Sochima822 julesmsw
Can you elaborate on what happened? I sure would like to know more, since i haven't heard of many women going through this. Thanks.