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Hi ladies , has any one tried stugeron travel sickness tablets for mild anxiety been reading about it and says it can help, have been fine up till now but had a semer test and a polyp removed two weeks ago all so had to have an internal ulter sound a week ago, rang doctors have not got results yet , just had enough with it all been in peri menopause for 4 years I do take HRT I kown some of you ladies have been in peri longer I don'the know how you do it x
Take care
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mauiblue paula20385
I have not heard of stugeron travel tabs for treating anxiety, do they work?
Have you gotten results from the polyp you had removed?
I dont think i really even knew i was in perimenopause all those years, probably a good 4 yrs, until i started to educate myself about the whole process.
Now im 53, post menopausal 1 yr, and feeling worse than ever. Im hoping it eases up for me in the near future as this is really a kill joy on our quality of life.
You are hanging in there just like everybody else, keep doin it. Let me know how results go.
paula20385 mauiblue
Hope you start feeling well soon
Take care
mauiblue paula20385
Hoping the results are negative, dont fret!
take care
paula20385 mauiblue
Take care