Substitute dr. filling in for primary dr. won't refill my monthly Tramodol /pain meds.

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I'm so upset. My primary dr. has been prescribing me Tramodol and one other pain med 3 times daily every month for the last year. A couple days ago I called in my monthly request for regular refill and was told that my primary doc is on vacation and today when I called back I was told he substituting dr. "doesn't like pain meds" and won't refill my prescriptions! The head pharmacist at the same facility has sent her a msg/ info explaining that it is dangerous for me to quit my meds cold turkey. She won't respond, so the office is trying to get another dr. there to prescribe them to me, but he hasn't responded and I'll be running out tomorrow morning! I can't believe this. Just missing one dose makes me sick , so I can't imagine having to wait a week until my primary dr. gets back. I just cant believe a doctor would put another doctor's patient through this and put me at risk. Anyone have this type of experience, or know what to do? Should I go to ER if withdrawalso get really bad?


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Take half the dose, you won’t widthdraw. It will buy you another day. Or even 1/3, buys you 2 more.  I’ve done it  no issues 
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      Thanks Anthony, that's great advice. I too a half tab less yesterday and will take a half tab today, but am afraid I won't get help if doctors still won't respond. One was supposed to call me yesterday after his shift but of course didn't, and all the doctors are in a meeting until this afternoon. Uggh... 😨

  • Posted

    Hi there, 1st of all, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this, it is sooooo irresponsible and reckless even for that doctor to refuse to keep you on a medicine you've clearly been on for months. The fact that the pharmacist even told the temporary doc that its dangerous speaks volumes. I am so p****d just thinking about it. Do you know when your doctor returns?? Ive sadly dealt with the same issues before over 10 years. Depending on when your doctor returns, like lets say, next week, Monday. Ok so you would need to go to another doctor who sees patients as a primary/family doctor. Is there one besides that woman who's refusing? If you go see a doctor like that, they will either just sign your request as your regular doctor for your regular months worth or they will at LEAST give you enough to get through until the day your doctor returns. I have had to go to the ER before because of this and a couple of times they were willing to provide enough until my doctor returned. They are picky though, so know your information before going in. Like the date your doc returns. Call his/her office and ask. Then also mention the pharmacist by their name and tell them how the pharmacist told you not to stop taking this medicine regularly.

    So basically either call now and get in with another family doc and say it HAS to be TODAY, or go to ER, but go before withdrawal. Don't wait until that starts. It is ugly and if your doctor has given you regular dosing as in 3x a day for months, your body will be IRATE. You probably could get through it without medical complications, but some people do experience seizures so it's nothing to mess with.

    This may sound crazy but as I said my doc had me on this over 10years. I've been through it ALL, trust me. If you have any other medicine such as a hydrocodone, or any other narcotic type med, that will offset the withdrawal until you get help.

    I hope you can get this fixed asap. Keep us updated if you would. I will help as much as I can.

    Good luck


    • Posted

      Wow, thank you so much Wvirgo for your compassion and amazing advice! You've answered questions for me that the doctors office/pharmacist couldn't answer. There are 2 doctors there, one is the lady who wouldn't even respond to the Pharmasist and refused to prescribe (didn't even ask me to make an appointment!), and the other I was told would probably send in prescription yesterday after his shift, but hasn't and no word from anyone. I've had to call the pharmacist and office staff at least 5 times, it's been ridiculous. They are closed until 2:00 today because all doctors are in a meeting.

      What really ticks me off is that I called in my prescription 3 days in advance like I'm supposed to, and nobody called to tell me that it wasn't going to be refilled by the covering doctor, so I was expecting it to be filled on time. (in fact she didn't even respond to the request or to the head pharmacist). If I was told it wouldn't be filled I could've at least tirated down a bit to avoid dangerous withdrawals. My doctor knows I suffer from depression as well as pain from a failed surgery/ new disability so I'm questioning the office's protocol about what they normally do in this situation. My doc seems to go on vacation often and I know she prescribes pain meds to other patients too, so this seems very irresponsible. Another time a similar thing happened when she left, but at least I got an answer right away and the other doc gave me enough until she got back, and in time before my meds ran out. I was then told by the office that they normally have things n place so this doesn't happen.

      She also prescribes me one Norco per night, so the withdrawals might be even harder, but I told pharmacist today that I only want the Tramadol because I have had terrible withdrawals from missing even one dose. I thinks it's really good advice to get to the ER before withdrawals get serious because it could be dangerous to drive and doctors won't be picking up the pieces if I get into an accident. I agree with you, it is absolutely reckless and unethical for doctors to put their patients at risk of serious sickness, seizures, unnecessary suffering. I live alone and if I had a seizure there would be no one to help me. SO glad you responded, and , no, it is not crazy , nor should anyone ever be ashamed to be on Tramadol for 10 years or more if you have pain, and it does help with depression which goes hand in hand with pain. (I read it was originally created to be an antidepressant). I do wish dr's would read patient forums like this to see what people truly go through on the meds they prescribe rather than simply believing the drug reps/pamphlets which are often not completely honest.

      I'll post what happens later on, you are a Godsend and am sorry you have had to go through this too. Take care XxOoo

    • Posted

      Sorry for such long post!

      I got my refill yesterday thank goodness. The pharmacist called and said the 2nd doctor had already sent in prescription day before but somehow the pharmacy didn't get it (just 1 of those days, lol). But I eventually got it. Never want to go through that again!!

      Thanks for your support! Xo

    • Posted

      Helllo, I am sooo beyond sorry for somehow missing out on replying before now! I do not know HOW I missed it?? Thats just embarassing, geeeez.

      I am just soooooo happy to hear it worked out for you!!! I am beginning loads of research on the the nitemare they call "medicine", ie; tramadol. Im going to share my updated story as of where I am at now and will hopefully have amazing news to update along the journey!!! I pray this tramadol "situation" gets under control before it continues to get worse. Its sooooooooooooooo much bigger than most people realize.

      Best of luck with everything and I am so sorry again for my delay in my reply!


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