Success stories of Citalopram please.

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I have now been on 10mg Citalopram for 2 weeks, have to higher the dose to 20mg at the weekend, at the moment I am not feeling too good, hightened anxiety which the GP told me to expect, only sleeping a couple of hours a night and tummy upsets, I would love to hear other people's experiences with this drug as I am not sure whether to pack it in or carry on, thank you.

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  • Posted

    Thanks Ali, it is good to know that you started to feel the benefit after 2-3 months, I realise now that it isn't going to be an overnight thing, I have been on them 6 weeks now and still get the bad day but saw my GP this morning after 2 weeks and he said he could see a big difference in me so hopefully shel there is light at the end of the tunnel it just takes time, best of luck .
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    Hi Shel - sorry to hear you are feeling so rotten. I can remember feeling so desperate for the medication to help me and all it ends up doing is making you feel worse. All I can say to you is to try and persevere if possible. Be kind to yourself and try to keep eating, it does get better. Good luck Ali x
  • Posted

    Thanks Ali, am only on about day 6 and feel so stressed its unbelievable. Have switched to taking the tablet at night, but appear to be getting lots of side affects. Am sweating all teh time just now and anxiety levels have rocketed. trying to stay positive as i know it takes time for these to work, but finding it harder and harder. thank you for your reply xx
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    it does take a while to get used to citalopram but they do work when you are used to and beyond the side effects i am now on 40 mg per day but one thing i have found is when you miss just 1 dose it can become really scary i found myself in tears,i should say that i was in hospital at the time and they did not have them in the pharmacy i thought i was being silly but my daughter in law had experienced the exact same thing just one dose i had to get my brother to bring me one from home and was fine after a day and they were back in my system i was quite shocked that it only took a single few hours without them to reduce me to a basket case so keep taking them and dont miss a dose good luck,
  • Posted

    It's been a month today since starting citrapram ... This weekend I felt great my old self again , woke up today really positive .. Went to doctors who officially upped my dose and is arranging for me to see a therapist ... Then Sods law I came crashing down with an anxiety attack sad((( does it ever go ????
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    Dendo sorry to hear that, I am now on week 7 and still getting the odd bad days, I hope it will work eventually.
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    @ dendo what was it upped to? I noticed I crashed under stress and the doc upped to 40mg which is much better.
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    Been upped to 40 mg ... I want so much to be my old self again ... Can't understand howi was so happy this morning and then crashed !! Maybe it's alcohol affecting it
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      Did you ever figure this out?  You may need a mood stabilizer.  Panic attacks can sometimes be considered a manic episode.
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    Hi dendo, it took me about 6 weeks to two months on 40mg to stabilise my mood. I was still pretty volatile up until then and alcohol definitely made it worse'
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      Hi everyone im getting took of mitazipine and put on citalopram been on the others for ten years and now they are just makeing me ill and so off balance and depressed can i just ask are these citalopram good has iv heard some good reviews on here about them thanks liz 
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      hiya elizabeth i am not aware of mitazapine,i am aware of sertraline they are sooo bad to be on i turned into the most nasty viscious horrid stone cold human being when on them tried to stab my brother threw things destroyed things and sliced myself and was not even aware i was doing it my family say now when you were not you.i was changed to citalopram 40mg and after i had them in my system after two weeks i was wondering about the scars on me and started to ask questions i had no clue i was that strung out and cold my family as i have said played it down and still will not years later tell me what i did citalopram are awesome once they get in your system any side effects just ride with them i did i am now after 7 years on 20 mg but under no circumstances miss a dose as they have the effect of sending you backwards if you just miss one dose in a day you will be a basket case good luck and do trust them xxxxxx
    • Posted

      Hi, i know this post is old now but i just wanted to ask if these tablets really worked for you? Ive just started them. My life for past few years has been horrible, i struggle to eat, i cant go out without it being a big mission, i cant remember last time i was actually happy, cant get rid ov this anxiety and panicking, i feel like a failure that cant even control myself. Ive tried my best to find away to live at least half a normal life but these tablets are my only hope and last resort. It putting myself threw even more for first few weeks worth it in the end? Will they help? Thanks alot
    • Posted

      Hi Roxanne, I won't lie and say the first week or two is going to be easy. I had a couple days of pretty insane anxiety when I started on citalopram. That said, I don't regret persevering one bit. I've been on them for about 6 months or so now (20mg for me seems to be the best balance of effect vs side effect), and I definitely feel better. I don't mean that I feel wonderful every day, but I definitely feel better, have much less anxiety and am better able to tackle things that were previously big problems. So based on my experience, go for it. I'd say it took about 2 months to start feeling a good benefit, but the hard part was over after about 2 weeks. Good luck! It sucks, but we've all been there!
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      Thanks for replying. I feel as if im loosing all hope, Is it normal to feel like everything is a big challenge? Even eating is to much hard work. Im scared that i cant do this
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      Try to stay strong, i had exactly the same thing. I worried because i simply did not have any inclanation to eat.......however i knew that i HAD to in order to stay alive! It was all i could do to keep the food down....because even a piece of buttered bread is better than nothing. Also try to drink something, even if it's just a few sips of water, anything is better than nothing! The feeling that everything is a big challenge is also a feeling i can relate to, i had absolutely no motivation to do anything and everything seemed like a mountain that i couldn't face. However i had to force myself to do things in the day (at my lowest even brushing my teeth was an achievement), this way you can reward yourself for acomplishing even the smallest of goals......getting dressed, having a shower, finishing a sandwich etc. Remember that you need to take baby steps now to slowly get control back over your life, and the best place to start is with the basics....the small things. I have posted my story on this thread yesterday, check it out to get my history, hopefully this will be encouraging for you to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you WILL get there!!

      Keep me posted and stay strong, you can do it! xx

    • Posted

      Hi Roxanne33073,

      Did you manage to find my story on this thread, did it help at all? xx

    • Posted

      Yeah i did thanks. Its been a very hard week so readin good things gives me that little bit of hope x
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      I read your post, I'm feeling the same way as you. Going on 4 weeks this Thursday being on only 5 mg. Today very fatigued and anxious, wondering how you are doing now on this pill, if I too will feel myself again.
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      Hey Cindy1957. I saw you posted 5 hours ago and didn't want you to wait too long for a response so I made an account! I have been on Celexa for anxiety for a little under 4 weeks but I take 30mg a day. I take it at night because it makes me pretty tired. I still feel anxious at times with 3 kids all under 10, and a very stressful job, and then any sort of strange feeling in my body makes me nervous on top of it all and does not help my anxiety! (I tend to get health anxiety, ugh). I felt helpless in the beginning but my psychiatrist told me, don't be desperate, as in don't be desperate and give the pills time to work. I was having a hard time thinking they would ever kick in but I keep remembering those words and they help a lot. He also gave me 1mg folic acid which he said he's seen in other patients that it seems to help boost the Celexa. I'm not sure how or if it is just a psychological thing but I don't want to know because I want to believe that it is helping it work better. Lol. Have you talked to you doctor about maybe upping your dose? Of all the antianxiety medications I've taken I've had less side affects with this one. Mainly I get tired on it and sort of drowsy sometimes throughout the day. When I feel anxiety coming on I take .25mg Klonopin and that helps anything the Celexa hasn't. I know I still have some weeks to go until the Celexa fully kicks in and I won't have the tiredness as much, but let me tell you my anxiety and panic attacks are nowhere near where they were a month ago. I also meditate, use essential oils, get candles that have calming scents, find a support group to go to, I'm going to try yoga soon. And what really helps me is journaling. Writing everything you're thinking about. It slows down your brain to help you focus and try to figure out what is making you feel this way. Get it all out, the good the bad and the ugly, and then shred it! No one needs to know your thoughts but you (unless you want to share). It really helps me and some other people I know. A nurse told me about it and I journal when I'm anxious as much as I can. I find a quiet place and just write. I hope this helps you and anyone else who reads the post!
    • Posted

      Thank you for all you gave written. You and I sound so a like, I too am on clonazepam, mine are. 05 each, I can take up to two a day but only have been talking half a pill at bedtime, maybe I need to take a little more to help me through the next few weeks,at least till my system is use to this pill and I'm only on 5 mg. My body reacts so badly to any meds. I'm also 57 so my kids are all grown and out on their own. Hope the pill works and I can get over this anxiety and fatigued feeling FAST! Thanks again for writing. Cindy
    • Posted

      Yeah today again very fatigued/tired feeling, anxiety goes high when I'm feeling so tired like this, is that all normal? O really wish these fatigued, drugged feeling subside soon, I don't like it at all, light headed and I only am on 5 mg
    • Posted

      I have read where it gets worse on this pill before it gets better, do you know, is this true? Tonight I'm so fatigued and anxious, going on 5 weeks this Thursday only, could it be the worst now, if so how long does this last, I want so badly to feel good, no fatigue which makes me feel so anxious. Only on 5 mg tried talking 2.5 at breakfast and 2.5 at supper, wanting this to work better for me, yesterday was the first trying it that way, I felt okay till today taking half in the morning and half at night, maybe that's wrong to do it that way.
    • Posted

      hey cindy I Just want to tell you right away that your dose is not high enough I'm not a doctor or am I pretending to be but I have been on celexa since summer of 2013 June. I had very bad panic attacks and was nervous to drive, couldn't go out of the house without panicking..etc. Well I started taking 20 mg of celexa everyday as perscribed by the medical physcologist I was seeing. The first night I was on the medicine they gave me a benzo to take with it because I was suffering from really bad nightmares. I just want you to know that taking the benzo the first night was the worst thing I ever done. So please do not try taking anything with the celexa. The first month on the celexa the pshycologist helped me through it all really he done wonders. However I was going on 5 months on the celexa and I had the worst nightmares in the world. I mean they were the strangest things you could ever imagine. I also told him I had gained 30 pounds in 5 months which I hated. He then lowered my dose. Worst mistake I had to go back within 2 weeks the dose was not big enough for me. Before with the 20mg I was so happy and was getting along with everybody and seeing life so much better. Besides the nightmares and getting fat lol But I loved life but then when my dosage went down I started getting crabby again. So he put my dosage back up to 20mg and today is the first day Iv been uped on my dosage since 2013. So celexa does work just dont mix anything with it. Because I mixed a stupid diet pill and now im having to up my dosage so it will work again for me. Good luck to you cindy smile
    • Posted

      Just my multi vitamin, blood pressure pill, baby aspirin and clonazepam to help me sleep at night, been on that for years. Thank you
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      Hi Roxanne,I have just joined this forum and I would love to find yout thread .I am on day 9 of cit and I am really struggling,High anxiety which is why nI am on the pills no interest in food palpitations which are really scaring me.I so want these tablets to workLove to hear from you
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      Hi contain, thought I would wrote you as I'm in VERY similar situation to and stage. I'm on day 7. I take number 8 in the morning. You.Will be at near two weeks now. How is it going? I started taking it at night and couldn't sleep on top of the raised anxiety which is what I'm taking it for mainly. Today was BAD .... Weary to even walk, like I've got flu, but not. foggy headed, dizzy on top of having already been dizzy and lightheaded. Hot and Sweaty at night, palpitations when high anxiety. I wake each morning with horrendous anxiety. I have to shake my leg when I sit down to release the anxious energy I guess. I feel like a nut case! Lol. If I get up this subsides bit Oh my goodness this is hard.

      Let me know how you are doing.

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      Cynthia not contain. Sorry!
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      Hi Crest I don't understand the 'contain' bit but iam feeling just like you I am on day 14 and my anxiety is through the roof.It is so hard.I have palpitations too wake up in a really bad sweat but i am determined to carry on.Love to hear from you.We will keep going!
    • Posted

      Hi cynthia, the contain was a typo on my phone. Sorry.

      Day 8 for me, I ended up call NHS 111 at 5am this morning as had not slept all AGAIN and was freaking out! I was waiting in A queue for about ten minutes and then gave up. I took my pill at 6.30 and managed to get one hours sleep until it woke me up. That was it. I then called my doctor and have been prescribed some sleeping tablets which apparently help keep me calmer for a bit the next day too so I can't wait to try it! He only gave me 7 so I bought some nytol aswell and spoke to the pharmacist. I then spoke to another doctor this afternoon as wanted to know more about the pills I'd been given and she told me that after 8 days 10mg of cit was really not going to be enough at all. Especially in my state. So I go to15mg tomorrow morning then next week 20mg. The side effects shouldn't be too much worse....or so she says. I wish I was on day 14 like you. You should see the anxiety lessen very Soon so most on here say.

      How is your insomnia from the start? Do you take at night or.a.m. Are you taking these for just anxiety how much you on mg?

      Stay in touch.

    • Posted

      Hi there

      I am on week 3 of 20mg, had a bad day yesterday but I have to say a little better today , morning anxiety still bad but beta blocker helping a bit.

      This site has given me so much support and motivation to stick with it , it's been so helpful to me.

      We will all get are old selfs back.

      Good luck 😄

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