Sucralfate/Carafate For Severe Gastritis

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I know sucralfate is commonly used for ulcers but has anyone successfully treated severe gastritis with it? I am asking because I believe PPis are not for me with all the side effects and no effect. Atleast sucralfate does not have side effects like PPIs?

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    I have read that sucralfate can be used for gastritis and some people get benefits.  All drugs have side effects but everyone is different.  I tried a PPI years ago and it worked with very minor side effects which went away after I got used to the tablets.

    I still would recommend milk which is a great stomach healer,and it is natural.  My grandad had an ulcer and cured it with milk; he was a GP.

    If you are not intolerant to lactose, i would still try it.  If I was in the same level of pain as you, I would be prepared to give it a go.

    You will hear people saying it didn’t work for them or that gastritis advice states that it will make you worse.  However, this advice is very general and doesn’t take individual experiences into account.

    Some people do have problems with dairy but not everyone has. The best way to find out if it suits you, is to try it.  Don’t be afraid of trying something new.  If you are frightened of medications, this is the time to see if something natural would be better.


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      Since it gets really painful sometimes that I feel nausea and milk kind of makes me nauseated. Although I used to drink milk a lot but now after hearing and reading researches I stopped when I got ill because of antibiotics reaction. I would give it a try though.

      And about PPi side effects. I got so weak because of not eating and probably because of malabsorption that my back has started hurting real bad. I can feel I am realy weak. PPIs are known to cause malabsoption and they alter stomach acid secretion which creates problem in the future and some consider it irreversible damage. So since I am really weak I am afraid of PPI that they might further weaken me because of malabsoption and indigestion.

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      All the research you are doing is fuelling your fears and stopping you from trying solutions that may help you to get better. Remember that this research is only general and does not tell you what your individual experience will be.  You will not know how you will react unless you try the medication out. Only rely on your experience.  Taking PPIs short term is better for you than long term.  I took them short term and had a good experience with them.  If you do react badly, don't worry.  Simply stop them!

      Did your doctor tell you not to have a barium meal, or did you read that it would not be suitable for you?  Tell your doctor that you can't cope with an endoscopy and ask about a pill endoscopy instead which is less invasive.  Your fear and anxiety will also not help your abdominal pain and will keep your stomach irritated.

    • Posted

      You are right actually the reaction that I got from antibiotics scared me so much that I am now afraid to put anything in my stomach thats why I started reading all the stuff. I was not worrying about it at first but now it has been 4 months and slight activity still hurts so much that now anxiety automatically kicked in.

      Medical staff who do barium said its not wise to do barium since I am in a lot of pain. Pill is not available, endoscopy is the only option right now. I really appreciate your concern. May we all get cured soon.

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      H pylori meds are known to be harsh and can cause people problems.  Your doctor should have advised you to stop them or switched them to something else when you reported that you were intolerant to them. Have you tried a heating pad to help your pain?
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      Yes heating pad didnt help much. Sometimes pain is so much like punch like cramping pain in upper stomach that you feel like dying. Its not gas though. I did try PPi for few days but it didnt do anything maybe I need to take them longer.
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      Some people get relief after taling a PPI after a few days, but you really need to to take them for up to four weeks to really see a difference.
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      Hi Pippa when you say you need to take the PPIs up to four weeks, is this from your own experience? I have been taking pantoprazole for three weeks now and I’m still dealing with constant indigestion all day. I can eat OK, and try to stick to a acid free diet, but the gnawing hunger pains in between meals is what hurts the most. Feels like my stomach is eating its way from inside to outside. Have you ever felt those pains and did the PPI help get rid of them ? I’m desperate!
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      Julia if you are suffering from gastritis it will take time to heal. Also look up Mastic Gum online and see if it helps you.
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      Hi human being, are you speaking from experience? Did you have gastritis and has it healed? I am going to see a naturaopathic Doctor on Tuesday and have a list of supplements that I’m going to ask her about, mastic gum is on the list… If you have any further words of encouragement I could sure use them!
    • Posted

      Everyone is different with how long it takes for a PPI to work.  Four weeks is a very general timescale.  Some people will see improvements before four weeks but others may find it takes longer.  I saw improvements in my heatburn before four weeks. I didn’t have pain with it.. My problem is GERD.  I still have reflux which standard antacids and milk help. I decided not to take  PPIs long term because I was concerned about side effects.

       If you have gastritis, it may take longer to heal.  Ask your doctor for something stronger or a higher dose if you are not getting relief.


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      I did not have gastritis. But since I did not have any clear diagnosis of my pain, I read so much about so many different things and experiences of people suffering from those ailments that I can safely say that if your gastritis is not recurrent (of unknown cause) it will heal. You may have an ulcer too, it might take months but it will heal. When you are really sick you start thinking you will never heal but thats not the case, so dont worry your condition will improve but it will take time. Ask your Naturopath about the use of Psyllium Husk and Slippery Elm as well.

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