Sucralfate, Chronic Gastritis.

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Hello anybody know how long Sucralfate takes to work? Been taking it for a week struggling to get it on NHS i pay ridiculas amounts for it but told it will work?



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10 Replies

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    I take it to have an ulcer it usually takes a few days to start to work

    But you shouldn't take any ant- acids at the same time and I think it should only be used for a short amount of time around 8-10 weeks did your doctor not prescribe it as it's free on the Nhs

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      Consultant recommended it because I told him esomaprozal wasn't doing much. Then got told by GP I can't get it of them paid £260 up to now for 2 boxes. He gave me 8 week prescription for it so going to run the full course hope it works.

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    I have been on it for 2 weeks now just starting my third week I am in the US and with my insurance I still pay about $50 a week for it. I don't have an ulcer they say but mild to moderate gastritis and was told it probably won't work for me but I have been doing some reading where it says that can heal the stomach as well what do you think I have felt some relief but it comes and goes still not a constant relief. I'm wondering if I'm even taking enough what is the proper dose I take 10 milliliters in the morning and 10 milliliters at night for one month is all I was prescribed what do you think
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      Yes you can take it for that it forms a coating over the stomach lining to give it chance to heal. I have been told to take it first thing in a morning and last thing at night. I was given the pills but I have also been reading about it and read good reports about it. My doctor won't give it to me because of there budget. I have to buy it myself. I will have to change doctors to get it on our NHS hear in the UK. I hope it works for you 👍. I am praying it works for me because I don't know what else to do this Chronic Gastritis is making my life a misery😒 How long does it last for? Been going on now for 6 month or more.
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      I forgot you have to pay insurance in the USA

      I have had reflux problems with having many scopes I also have really a lot of excess acid and hytius hernia taking sacral fate for long Lenth of time can't be being urial to you

      I take opeprazol with 30 mg in the morning take peptic liquid after meals and don't eat after 6pm and if I do take peptic liquid

      Kevin I don't know what they call it in America but try peptic liquid for your reflux it's a lot cheaper and see if it benefits you

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      I also have hiatus hernia with reflux. Had endoscopy after Hpylori then diagnosed with chronic Gastritis. I live in UK by the way😀 We're can you get peptic liquid from? Thanks
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      There's to many Kevin's on here lol get it from a pharmacy I get a prescription for it from my dr as the specialist said I have really bad acid I would buy some and try it I get the aniseed one as I don't like peppermint I buy the chemists own make its half the price than the named brand and works just as well worth a try hopefully get rid of the heartburn pain nothing worse when you feel it in your throat and mouth
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      I know😬 Yes I will try it 👍 Just hope this sucralfate does the trick after 8 week
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    Ok thanks, not sure is the carafate is working on me I don't have pain just bloating and discomfort sometimes I feel great have a low iron count and b12 is borderline not really sure what I have going on but fatigue and slight shortness of breath is the biggest complaint
    • Posted

      Bloating a and pain sounds more like ibs just don't be afraid to go back to your Drs if there don't get better

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