Sudden adrenline surges/pressure waves/body jolts/brain zaps(?)
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Hello from Berlin!
I am in the midst of menopause (I am 51) and have these terrible, terrible "adrenaline surges" or "pressure waves" that start suddenly from my upper body and shoot like a wave to my head. Then I feel a sudden, short lasting pressure on one of my ears, then one of my ears rings for a few short seconds. I feel strange for a second, not really dizzy but "turned off", as if someone had dimmed the current inside of me for a moment. Then everything is back to normal after a few seconds, my heart races, I feel shivery and cold and have feeling of panic. Sometimes these waves are very mild, sometimes they are extremely strong and during these my whole upper body makes a quick jolt or jerk to the front. Its as if current travels very quickly through my body: sometimes I even feel my toes and fingertips tingle at the end of such a rush or wave.
Sometimes I don't have them for weeks, then again I get many, many in a row during one day. Today I had seven of these! I have been to many doctors these last years but no one really knows what it is: the say its either menopause related or due to my taking a Benzodiazepine every now and then a few years ago (NEVER on a daily basis!), or it might be due to my constant underlying anxiety.
Does anybody know this, has experienced this??? I would be so, so grateful for an answer.
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jaynie08827 alexandra15854
i call it like an electracution feeling. sometimes a falling feeling in my head. not dizzy just like a suffen dropping feeling. i get thetingles in my arms and head like pins and needles...this whole thing is up most nights i sleep hete and thete but this feeling jerks me awake then its hard to sleep. i too am 51 ..been without my period for 3 years and this crap started a year ago..i have somewhat good moments and thats when i get stuff done. other times i gotta focus on other things jyst to get by. i have no idea how to fix this neither do drs they blame it on everything else but told to hang in there so im passing that to u. u arent alone we all seem to have the same symptoms just a different levels..sending
Sassyr12a alexandra15854
Hello from Wales Alexandra
I'm 44 and been in full meno since last year but suffered from POF since 17. I also have had anxiety for a really long time, but only when I got to menopause did I get something similar to what you've described. I get the wave of adrenaline, feel cold, and then the terrible rush of anxiety that follows. It's really hard to manage but I used to take hrt which helped. I've recently come off hrt due to migraines and am now trying antidepressants to manage some symptoms, but when I was moving into the new tablets, the adrenaline rushes started again - so definitely hormones in my case. I usually take plenty of deep breaths and try to distract myself until it stops. Hope that helps but pretty sure this has been common for most of us, so you are definitely not alone xx
lana26181 alexandra15854
Hello dear, I am going through exactly same feelings/rushes, and I also used one of the benzos (clonozepam). And - I also have been suffering from high anxiety for years. So, very similar, and at this point I know that the rushes are connected with menopause. I also get dizzy, and I get recently, very often, hot flushes, which I did not have in the beginning of menopause.
My rushes/dizziness/adrenaline, was so strong at some point, that I visited neurologist. At the end, since nothing was found, I realized and accepted this as a party of bad menopause through which some women go ( and many do not go).
Do not worry and try to control your anxiety as much as you can. I went off the benzos completely, and it did me a lot of good. Yes, sometimes my anxiety is really bad, but now I try various ways to calm myself and distract myself from it, instead of reaching for the pills.
Best of luck to you!
Takingtime alexandra15854
Funny I just put a forum on about this similar thing.Mine started last month with a jolt, or shooting wave pain that lasts for seconds in my head usually around my temples and forehead. it can go on all day or just once. They come out of no where. They can come on even if I am relaxed. I have had so many strange symptoms since I entered my forties, I don't know what is normal anymore and what should be checked out. I am going to see my doctor in a couple weeks to discuss this as well as other things. When lt happens it hurts enough for you to panic.
staci88515 alexandra15854
I have something similar. It starts as a coldish tingle usually in my legs or back of arms. Then, it slowly spreads to the rest of my body. It is like a vibration or an energy feeling. It's tingly and odd and off-putting. It usually builds until I get a headache or head pressure. It last for several moments, but it's uncomfortable. My eyes usually go a bit wonky during it and my heart races. I don't get warm/hot, but my palms and the bottom of my feet sweat.
Feels like anxiety, but different. If I remain calm, it's better. If I feed the monster, it can turn into an anxiety attack.