Sudden and prolonged loose, orange, sticky stool

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About 2 months ago, I suddenly started having chronic problems with my stool. My stool is now orange, very loose, very sticky (so much so that it sticks to my anus and takes a long time to wipe), and I always find red blood on the tissue paper when I wipe my anus - though it doesn't seem to be present in the stool.

I have a few food sensitives, but I've tried various diets these past few weeks, cutting out dairy and gluten - but it was to no avail, my stool was still the same.

I also feel like I never completely empty my bowels when I defecate, though that might be related to the stool being very sticky.

Any ideas would be much appreciated because this has been a huge inconvenience.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi retricide

    Orange stools can indicate blood in the movement, it would seem you have a gastrointestinal disorder like IBS. Go to your doctor as this can easily be diagnosed and treated.

  • Posted

    Orange stool can be caused by a number of problems:

    your bowel movement is too fast, and your feces are not processed by bile during your digestion;

    your body is not producing enough bile all in all;

    the bile ducts that take it from the liver to the digestive system are suffering from an inflammation or are otherwise blocked;

    you are consuming too many foods rich in beta-carotene, like carrots, squash, sweet potato, pumpkin, kale, cilantro, turnip greens;

    you may be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

    Since the problem has been going on for so long, I would suggest seeing your GP about it, and possibly have a stool sample examined. If the culprit is your liver, you want to take action right away, by changing your diet, enriching it with foods that can naturally cleanse it, and maybe you will need some medication to help the process along, or to take care of your bile production if it is too low.

    It pays to take care of potential liver problems as soon as possible, because the liver is a very sensitive organ and it is always better to make sure that it is working all right.

    Good luck!

  • Posted

    Hi Claudia and Retricide.

    Claudia do you know which foods are cleansing to the liver, I know Milk Thistle is and some aloe vera. If there are others please post.

    thanks in hopes

  • Posted

    Hi! There are many foods that can help the liver cleanse itself. It is always best to eat them fresh, but if you are in a tight spot and don't have the time to cook yourself a meal every day, you can always find most of them as capsules or tablets or essential oils at natural food stores.

    You can try the following:



    Lemon and lime (add the juice of one lemon or lime to a glass of water in the morning to stimulate the liver)

    Turmeric (just add it to any dish you are preparing, meat, veggies and fish, it is a wonderful spice)

    Grapefruit (when fresh you can slice it and add it to a salad for a tangy flavour, or you can drink the juice)

    Green tea (it is a fantastic help for so many things, especially good at fighting free radicals, and your liver will love it)

    Avocado (it contains a high level of glutathione, which is essential in dealing with harmful toxins)

    Whole wheat breads and crackers and whole grains like brown rice ( they are a great source of B complex vitamins, which deal with the metabolisation of fats)

    Walnuts (they contain arginine which frees the liver of ammonia)

    Anything from the Cabbage family will help the liver produce enzimes necessary to its functions

    Hope this helps!

  • Posted

    Hi Reticide, did you ever figure out what this was? I have been suffering from the same thing for over a year now.
    • Posted

      Hi there, I've been dealing with this for about a month ... Did you find a resolution or any answers?

  • Posted

    I have been dealing with this problem for a few weeks now, and it has been worrisome for me. Thank you for not being afraid to talk about it.
  • Posted

    Has the doctor taken a stool sample? Cause it sounds like it could be c-diff
  • Posted

    Hi, I have the same problem except with a few other symptoms. very bad gas (sudden) and ulcer like pain. Also it smells O.O worse than usual. It's been going on nonstop for about 3 weeks. I don't eat orange food.

  • Posted

    As an experiment I Have not consumed any vegies or vitamins for over a week, and continue to have daily orange looking like pieces of carrot when wipe daily for the last  2 months.  Is this a sign of pancreatic problems or liver? or what.   Worse thought? parasites? Pray not!  No discomfort just normal stools, but why same exact orangy tan colored and then the orange pieces mixed in with the tissue paper.  

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