sudden blurry vision with dizziness?
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hi ladies, the strangest thing just happened to me at work, (home now) I was with a client and felt great and then I looked up from some paperwork and blurry vision and dizziness hit me like a ton of bricks! it scared me because I was feeling fine just moments before. has this happened to any of you? it only lasted a minute but now my eyes feel really weird. no headache or pain, just the vision and dizziness. it freaked me out enough to leave work and come home. so tired of this rollercoaster ride and I want off!
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anxiousface susane84679
Hello Susane
I know what your going through.
I get the same feeling most days which happens randomly at different times, for example today i was reading something on my computer at work then suddenly my eyes went blurry, dizzy and i felt weird for a while which effects my stomach like an adrenaline rush. this lasts for a while but scares me so much for the rest of the day.
I'm not sure if its a sort of eye migraine or a hormonal rush but i'm sick of it taking over my life like all the other horrendous symptoms we have to endure with menopause . I'm sorry i'm no help but wanted you to know myself and other ladies have the exact same feeling as you.
sending you a comforting hug xx
susane84679 anxiousface
I dont know but I feel like you do, it always seems to be one symptom or another every day!
debra16694 susane84679
You probably experienced an Ocular Migraine - did you feel nauseous after it happened? it happens to me if i drink coffee & dont really eat any protein or eat carbs with coffee etc. its very scary for sure - best to always get it checked out -
susane84679 debra16694
hi debra, it wasnt an ocular migraine because I have had those before. no stomach upset, just the blurry vision and dizziness.
debra16694 susane84679
yes, i get that also - i think once again, our blood sugar gets whacked out during this time - i have always had stellar glucose & A1C readings, now my diet is healthier than ever & my glucose & A1C are creeping over it!
pamela2016 susane84679
everyday of my life its so old and scary never can get use to this. im sick of this rollercoaster ride
toni44td susane84679
Yes! I experienced something similar a couple of weeks ago. I was in the kitchen putting shopping away and suddenly my vision went blurry and as I was blinking to try and see clearly, it felt like I had wide angled vision. I felt off balance too. It was really scary, I had to hold onto the kitchen side for support. It didn't last too long but sure felt like it. So, is this another part of the meno??? To be honest I didn't connect the two, but it certainly doesn't surprise me. Everyday, it's something! x
susane84679 toni44td
hi toni,
that is what happened to me, fine one second and then blurry vision and dizziness the next. like you, it only lasted about 30 seconds but it shook me up enough that I came home. I was sitting and looked up when it happened. also, after it went away I felt really claustrophobic, like the walls of my office were closing in on me. it scared the heck out of me, that's for sure! I hate that you have experienced this but at the same time I'm grateful it's not just me. hugs to you😌
Guest susane84679
Yes, I've had weird hazy vision and dizziness for the last 2 years, it is there every day to varying degrees. I have had so many tests and it has come back to it being hormonal because they can't find anything else. A neurologist has diagnosed me with a form of chronic migraine, which I am assuming is hormonally driven as I was 41 when it started and have never had migraines or headaches before. My mum was in full meno by 44, so I am assuming that I am following a similar path.
Nettie261962 susane84679
Have had this going on three years. Balance super bad and now have developed an intention tremor in my hands. Menopause sucks!
susane84679 Nettie261962
I'm so sorry nettie, yes menopause sucks! sending hugs to you!
claire38123 susane84679
hi i get this all the time one min fine the next feeling like my head has just spun round at 100 mph iv had several tests over the years with no luck it comes and goes sometimes i can have it for a few days then other times it lasts on and off for a few months but iv noticed since hitting the menopause its worse and it makes my anxiety worse iv found nothing that stops it it just comes in waves but iv never passed out or had any serious out comes from it its just horrid but iv just learned to shrug it off so goodluck if u find anything that stops it and let me know i also have fuzzy head most of the time feels like you have a head full of buzzy bees and my sinuses are always playing up with ringing in my right ear which i also know can make u off balance and dizzy so goodluck and big hugs xx
hi claire, hugs to you too! I know the fuzzy head feeling well but this was totally a new experience. it was scary to say the least. hope you are feeling better!
LouiseScotland susane84679
I'm 56 and the whole menopause thing started at 46, and that's when I started having random dizziness. I got no warning, there was no common trigger and it was incredibly inconvenient! Once in Asda, when I had a 3 y/o grandchild with me, I had to kneel down right in the entrance to the store as we were leaving, and pretend I was looking for something in my bag...if I hadn't done that I would have fallen over! (TIP: if you are having issues with menopausal dizziness, make sure you ALWAYS use a trolley when in the supermarket, even if you are only getting one or two things. Very useful to hold, or even lean over/on if you need to, without drawing attention to yourself). I had very occasional vision disturbances, and it was a bit like a zig-zag flickering line around the outer edge of one eye (a bit like you see on TV when there's a medical programme on and you see the trace of a heartbeat on a monitor) and it would last for a while and then just vanish. I didn't have either symptom checked although I probably should have, but the dizziness has thankfully gone, and the last time it happened was probably not long after my last period at about 53. The vision thing has only happened once in the past year and didn't last long at all. This whole meno thing sucks, and the biggest issue for me has been anxiety...I'm sure there must be a link to that and the dizziness and vision issues. The anxiety has yet to go though! Still, at least we are all still here to experience it, so hang in there!
anetta85562 susane84679
It is vertigo. I ve had it bad for 4 years since start of peri. Don't worry, take hot showers and try to demucous your sinuses and ears. It is clogging of these that causes this. Vertigo can happen with heart palps sometimes, so that is why it is possible to get nervous because of this.
susane84679 anetta85562
it's not vertigo, I have had vertigo and its completely different. I've never had blurry vision with vertigo but who knows, there's a first time for everything I guess. Dr thinks its meno related since bloodwork came back fine.