Sudden bouts of vision going out of whack
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Help::: of course I think it’s a brain tumor but every so often I get a sudden onset of visual changes blurriness almost tunnel like buto not darkness. Anyone who can relate or know if a hormone imbalance can cause this I would love to hear from you. Never had anything like this before. I’m 50 years old in peri but my ob would say different🙄. Long periods heavy periods not getting period and just an absolute wreck. Thanks for listening
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Gypsy014 E1024
I do get wavy vision when looking at patterns, bright lights set it off too, Can't be in big stores with fluorescent lightning without getting blurry vision and dizzy, many migraines follow the blurry vision, so be prepared that's usually a sign the awful migraines are on the way. What other symptoms do you have? How long you been in peri?
E1024 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 E1024
Yes the symptoms do get so intense to where you start questioning yourself, everything from feeling like you have no idea who you're becoming, you get the feeling like your not the same person anymore.. You want to be hugged and told everything's ok but you don't want to be touched or bothered, you want someone there with you cause you don't want to be alone, but yet you don't want anyone near you.. If that makes sense.. You start to worry about everything and everyone, and is your life over, it really takes you into a dark place that you have to fight everyday to stay out of mentally , its a crazy time in your life, and that is just the mental part of peri, the physical part is just as intense, crazy symptoms thrown at you left and right , get ready to dodge all punches coming your way... I know what you mean about not wanting anyone to worry, and trying to keep it all to yourself.. I did that for a while but then couldn't keep it all in I wanted to shout it from the rooftops at how damn bad I feel.. And you know it doesn't matter anyway cause nobdy wants to hear it anyway, nobody knows what your going through unless they themselves are going through the same , its a lonely time and very scary all the depression and physical symptoms, its hard but there are good days and there are really bad days.. On the really bad days you got to remind yourself you will get through its hormones , they run everything in your body... The blurry vision can be silent migraines no pain, I had them at first then the intense pain came later.. I did have an eye exam and I was all cleared, but did say I have the dry eyes which I do super bad.. Your not alone we are all suffering with the same symptoms, it helps a lot to come on here and share symptoms, it really does make you feel not so all alone , take care ?
E1024 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 E1024
Your welcome! My eyes are getting really weird now during this transition and it can be frightening, stay strong, and keep posting, it keeps you comforted 😄
haley30534 E1024
Hi Yes I get this also, had it for ages, didn't realise at the time it was related to peri, get very blurry vision on and off usually worse when my period is due which at the moment is every 2 weeks, oh the joys
debra16694 E1024
Hi there - I can only speak for myself, but my vision has definitely been effected from menopause. I have gotten ocular migraines, blurry vision & light sensitivity since entering this wonderful stage of life - I also have some focusing issues & after going to the ophthalmologist, my eyesight prescriptionhas not changed, so I do believe hormones play a part with this - best to check it out though -
E1024 debra16694
debra16694 E1024
Well, I know for sure what not to seemed if I drank a lot of caffeine in the day (for me 3 of anything caffeinated is too much) & didn’t eat, I was sure to get an ocular migraine - chocolate with caffeine...really bad - but I do think it was also tied to my cycle - also flashing lights of any kind really do a number on me & I really can’t drive at night anymore - I also have had bouts of dizziness when my vision was skewed - all I can say is you just learn to deal with it & if you do feel a migraine coming on - lay down in a dark room with a cool wash cloth - oh my goodness - we should all be out enjoying life instead of having these conversations - how did we all get so lucky? Ugh!
Gypsy014 debra16694
debra16694 Gypsy014
Guest E1024
Yes, my vision has been crazy. For awhile I had eye flashes, like lightening bolts out the side of my eye. Sometimes I see silver glitter rain when I walk outside. I have a hard time reading, will start seeing double. I'll get dizzy sometimes, even vertigo. I've had my eyes checked by an ophthalmologist and I've had a brain MRI, so I know it's nothing serious. Still you should probably get your eyes checked.
lana07071 E1024
Oh yes. Lightening flashes in the side especially when walking into a dark room it driving in the dark. Thats the vitreous gel thing. I think it's a silent migraine you have.
pinkcatfairy E1024
audra86673 E1024
I just went to the ophthalmologist 2 weeks ago. My left eye feels different than my right! Like it's heavier. It's a crazy feeling. I was certain he was going to find something sinister. He ran all these high tech tests and turns out it's nothing! I even have 20/20 vision! My eye still feels different but I'm now ignoring it. Figure it's part of the menopause process. All these weird symptoms can drive a person crazy!
Guest audra86673
We are going to start ignoring everything, and then, what if we really have something? But this is what we need to do at this time. When I start getting anxiety about something sinister going on I just have to remind myself that I've had everything checked out!
You're lucky to have 20/20 vision!
audra86673 Guest
You're so right! Ive counted and in the past 12 months I have been to 18 Dr appointments with 8 various Dr's along with a physical therapist and a wasted 2 months of PT ( for the frozen shoulder). It's just crazy to have all these dr visits and have diagnosed 2 issues.. frozen shoulder and I did discover a basal cell carcinoma that I've had removed. That's is! I decided in January that I was going to have to start ignoring my chronic symptoms and realize it's just menopause even though a small part of me is still anxious that the dr's have missed something and I'm slowly dying! Until last year I never went to the dr! I didn't even have a GP. Now, not only do I have a GP, I also have a string of specialist! It's just crazy!
Guest audra86673
I’m glad I can laugh about it now, but I seriously thought I was checking out too. My endo said if it’s some bad autoimmune disease it will eventually show itself. Which didn’t give me much comfort!
Are you in the US?
audra86673 Guest
Yes, I'm in the US. In Texas.
My PT was plain old torture! I went to an Arrosti specialist per my GP suggestion. Wow! What a mistake! I'd come home after being mangled ( best word to describe it) and lay around and feel queasy and drained until the next afternoon - only to go back and do it all again a couple days later. I swear it made the shoulder worse! My new Orthopedist believes in letting it run its course and only doing PT when I start thawing. I was so happy to hear that! I don't think I could have done anymore PT! Such a waste of time and money!
We're lucky we are so healthy. My brother has terminal cancer and my dad died a year and half ago after years and years of suffering many different debilitating issues. I'm so grateful for my health but it's still hard to deal with the meno symptoms. They may not be serious but can really take a toll on the body and mind! I'm so looking forward to the end of it!!!