Sudden Improvement in BP
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Hello all
Just wanted to share some interesting news about my BP. After 18 months of on and off very high readings over 200 systolic and 90+ diastolic and many different blood pressure lowering pills which caused very unwanted side effects, during the last couple of weeks, I have been seeing a few readings in the low 130's systolic and 68 to 80 diastolic. The very high readings did follow a couple of years with a few shocks with hubby and son's health.
However, even before the very high readings my systolic BP was often in the 150's/60's and 70's.
I can't pinpoint any one thing that might have helped over the last few weeks but, following the TV programme about high BP a couple of weeks ago, I did up my fresh garlic intake to 2 cloves a day from one, on most days; I increased my celery intake; I took Benecol for 3-4 weeks following a diagnosis of high cholesterol, and started eating 7 almonds a day after a friend said they were believed to lower cholesterol. I have checked online and it appears that they can also help BP. I have recently had 3 sessions at the Gym under GP referral and under the guidance of a member of staff there, but had only had one session when I discovered the lower BP, so I would think that was too soon to have any effect. I stopped the Benecol a couple of weeks ago as I had a bout of severe diarrhoea for a couple of days which was quite unusual for me.
The only BP pill I have continued taking is Losartan, being the only one that hasn't produced side effects but which failed to reduce my BP.....until now it seems. The last pill to be stopped, a diuretic called Indapamide, after just 3 weekscaused abnormal blood tests results, worsened my already reduced kidney function, and reduced my sodium levels making me feel quite poorly. My consultant then decided to leave me just on the Loartan until my next appointment by which time he is researching another BP lowering pill to try with the Losartan. As you can imagine, I'm now crossing my fingers that my good readings continue and hoping that something magic is happening and I won't need to add anything else.
I hope all this isn't boring, but any suggestions as to what might be the magic ingredient would be most welcome.
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Fisherman MrsO-UK_Surrey
You know we shouldn't really be surprised when our bodies react so well to 'natural' ways of helping problems. I haven't used the word 'cure' as I believe people like us will always be preproposed towards high bp due to genetics and other factors. However, I think that we can all do things to help our bodies reduce high bp by diet and lifestyle combo. You have proved it.
I have gone the beetroot route (there's a joke there somewhere!) but will add almonds to my diet now. Garlic has long been recognised as giving health benefits although it can pong a bit!!
Your trips to the gym will pay dividends in the end as the human body was never designed to be inactive.
I think your news is wonderful and gives us all encouragement to try these small but potentially effective lifestyle changes.
MrsO-UK_Surrey Fisherman
Yes the garlic certainly pongs, not that I can notice it of course but hubby has been commenting some mornings (I have it with my evening meal, hoping that the smell will disappear overnight!). I'm finding myself apologising to people now just in case they notice. Must get myself a bunch of parsley and chew on that after the garlic, as it's supposed to reduce that side effect!
If the TV programme is anything to go by, they really pushed the daily two cloves of garlic, beetroot and celery (they didn't suggest how much of the last two items). I have been having beetroot every day for a very long time now.
I'm so crossing everything as I was getting quite desperate, especially when they keep telling me that I will have to cope with the side effects of medication or run the risk of stroke, heart attack and my sole kidney failing.
I'm not taking my BP often - I stopped doing that several months ago as I just felt I was putting more stress on myself and worrying about the readings. I suppose I went into some sort of denial. I always rush to take a few readings in the days leading up to my next renal appointment as they like to have a record from me due to the fact that my BP soars at the hospital and at the surgery - a degree of white coat syndrome there.
Just wish I could narrow down the real cause for the sudden BP drop and pass it on to all you lovely people, although I know we're all different and what might suit one will not suit another.
jane243 MrsO-UK_Surrey
Regarding the almonds, walnuts are supposed to be very good too as are all nuts I believe. Do you know anything about almond milk which I've heard is good for something but can't remember what!! Diabetics use it I believe but not sure why.
Like you I've been on BP meds for 18 months and am just on the lowest dose of Losartan [25mg] now. It was lowered to this in early August and after a few ups and downs it levelled off to an average of 120/5. I do get some very low readings and then suddenly several days of readings in the 130/40s for no apparent reason. Like you I do wonder what causes these. No side effects though.
Since being diagnosed with the hypertension, also borderline high cholesterol which I don't give any thought to, I have tried all the known lifestyle changes that are always trotted out - no salt, v. little alcohol, exercise [walking] for over 30 mins a dayand losing weight, lots of it in fact. I've never felt better and the arthritis in my knee doesn't give me any problems either. I still have the diabetes risk thing hanging over me and will probably be offered another HbA1c test in the New year. That should have sorted itself but then I thought so [as did my dr] last Jan and it was still the same as the previous year. Can't do much more about that really.
Still, I'm eally pleased for you. It feels so good when hard work pays off
helen_07568 MrsO-UK_Surrey
We have found our own magic solution 2 cloves a day of garlic I really don.t care if I stink as long as readings good ...good luck Mrs O, its my daughters 21st birthday on Thursday so lots of cake this week so see if the garlic has the power to combat the unhealthy diet keep us informed
jane243 helen_07568
jane243 helen_07568
MrsO-UK_Surrey helen_07568
Congtrats to the 21-year-old and enjoy indulging - you need a treat every now and then.
We must keep in touch on this, and lots of good luck wishes to you too.
helen_07568 MrsO-UK_Surrey
Fisherman MrsO-UK_Surrey
Does anyone know if garlic capsules work or does it have to be fresh garlic?
jane243 Fisherman
jane243 Fisherman
Fisherman jane243
jane243 Fisherman
amanda444 MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey amanda444