Sudden increased blood pressure
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Is there any reason why my blood pressure might have suddenly started to rise and stay high both morning and evening? I had hypertension diagnosed over 2 years ago and had the Losartan reduced from 50 mg to 25 mg [the lowest dose] over a year ago. At that time I was getting averages of around 122 systolic. It stayed more or less the same with the lower dose until about a month ago, when although the weekly averages stayed within bounds I was getting several quite high readings each week. Each day they seem to get higher and this morning it was 172/102. For me that is really high.
I haven't altered anything in my diet or life style and cannot understand this rise. Is it unusual as I haven't had these fluctuations before?
I have a 6 month check up next week and wonder if I will get the meds increased again.
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diazy jane243
As blood pressure is closely connected to both kidney and heart functions, having a look at these 2 areas could be helpful.
jane243 diazy
Looks like I'm doomed
helen_07568 jane243
jane243 helen_07568
Diazy suggests some meds lose their effectiveness over time: does she mean the type or the actual brand I wonder? What I'm wondering is is Losartan better/worse than say Candesartan - they are both the same type of med although I don't know what the difference is.I wasn't keen to change type of med - say a calcium channel blocker - as I'm told you can't eat grapefruit and I love the stuff! There areother alternatives of course. I'll just have to see what she says. Will keep you posted.
Perhaps it may even normalise itself again - I wish!
diazy jane243
By re-assess, I mean that your doctor should be the detective he's suposed to be and look at all your meds to determine if they are the best suited for you in this new situation. This investigation should also include blood work for kidney function, for cardiac function, and EKG for cardiac function - perhaps an eco-cardiogram, perhaps a referral to a cardiologist.
There are many factors that affect blood pressure - even the food you eat. your worry level, your exercise or lack of it. Blood pressure does not always rise with age either - so a comprehensive look at all these factors would be helpful for you.
BP is usually higher in the morning, lower in late afternoon - and higher as soon as you start to worry about it - in most.
In my experience, I find that pharmacists are far more helpful regarding medication knowledge, as they work with them exclusively.
Any MD. who uses the Qrisk to monitor a diagnosis is not doing his/her job.
You are not doomed at all - you simply need to find a competent doctor and get the proper examinations, and review your eating, drinking, exercise and stress levels.
All of this may not be easy for you, but the chance of a positive outcome is high.
You can do it!
jane243 diazy
My hypertension was diagnosed in Feb 2013 via a health check and I've taken meds for it since May of that year; first Ramipril then Losartan thanks to side effects. The dose was reduced to the lowest possible over a year ago and has stayed around <125 5=""> ever since, it had even dropped significantly during May June and July . That is why I was so concerned when it started to rise in August and that seems to be accelerating, even reaching 204/100 this morning.
I have 6 monthly medicine reviews with my lovely dr who I consider myself incredibly lucky to have. It does help that she happens to be an old friend of my daughter. She does all the right tests and orders blood tests for kidney and liver functions where and when necessary so i don't think I have a problem there. She said last time I went not to bother with another cholesterol test and HbA1c as i had said that I didn't want to take a statin. As for the HbA1c, it had been at the high end of normal and she said that as I'd altered my life style so much [thanks to the hypertension diagnosis] she thought doing an HbA1c wasn't necessary. I have to say i think I will ask for both a cholesterol test and the HbA1c though. Better safe than sorry.
Until I had that health check I had a healthy disregard for illness. I at well, exercised a lot, drank moderately and generally led a fairly stress free life. i did use too much slt to be sure and I cut that out totally and now hardly drink any alcohol. My BMI is 19 for the record. i think that health check made a a patient out of a well person !125>
diazy jane243
It sounds like you are in good hands with your Doctor so I'm sure she wil get it all sorted. Best of success, and let us know the outcome please.
jane243 diazy
Will post here when I've had my appointment. Fingers Xed