suffer from Achalasia

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I would be really appreciated if any one gives my some helpful tips. Doctores diagnosed  Achalasia (Type 2) by checking my Manometry and Endoscopy tests.

I vomit Water every day. It comes out fast and from both my mouth and noise. It happens even I do not drink water or etc which it seems to be my saliva.

Some days it happens less than other days. I can not understand it's pattern. could any one tell me why it happens and what should I do for making it better.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I am sorry for your struggles! I can relate to what you are going through. I sleep with 3 pillows to help with the saliva at night, I don't eat or drink before bedtime, I avoid foods I struggle with, chew my food good, drink warm water with meals and this doesn't stop my symptoms but it let's me make it day by day. What options did your doctor give you? From my reading, the only options for relief are dilation or surgery and you want to make sure you go to a person very experienced to get this done. I am still waiting for my manometry results and then I plan to choose. It is very hard to relax and keep stress in check when you are going through this.

  • Posted

    You are at the stage I got to before anything was done...

    You need to have food/drink that will relax the LES (muscle at the top of the stomach)

    I avoided cold water, I could drink tea if it was VERY hot.

    Thin soups or tinned macaroni cheese for lunch.

    Dinners were either tinned stews or Turkey mince with baked beans and very sloppy mash potato, and Kronenburg.

    I was also on Omeprazole 80mg a day. It's designed to help with excess stomach acid (not needed) but its side effect is that it relaxes the LES ( NEEDED ).

    Basically, you NEED surgery. Either HM or if you can get it POEM.

    Good luck.


  • Posted

    (I just replied to another thread and much is common)

    I was diagnosed with achalasia 9 years ago. When it first happened I was in a similar way to you and beside myself as to the future.

    I was firstly recommended a balloon dilation. The splincter wasn't working properly nor motility of the esophagus + the width of the esophagus had shrunk. The dilation was brilliant for 4-5 months but even after that it was relatively fine, I just need to drink a lot of water with meals.

    You may need to relax more, eat slower and chew more but hopefully before you know it things will settle and you'll be back to add close to normal as you can be. Lastly, if you have an unresolved situation in your life that you're having trouble accepting or swallowing, it may/may not be part of the reason why this condition has surfaced in you.



    • Posted

      Did you eventually have surgery or a repeat dialation? How is it now for you? I am having trouble deciding g between dialation and a robotic heller. Just out of nervousness and conservativeness I am leaning to the dialation but I know that might not be the best and I don't know what to do.

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