suffering with HSP
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I was diagnosed with henoch-schonlein purpura (HSP) in March 2014. It started off with little red spots appearing on my legs and tummy, and with working in a nursery I assumed it was just chicken pox. The next day I went to see my local GP to be told it was just an allergic reaction and was given hydrocortisone cream and anti-histamines to take to relief the itch. By the time I got home from the GP the rash was now, everywhere! And putting the cream on it felt like my skin was literally on fire! Come that night my knees and ankles were swollen and all my joints were in agony! I returned to the GP the following day who then sent me to the local A&E to get bloods checked. I was then admitted to the hospital overnight where I seen Dermatology and the Renal unit as there were abnormalities with my Kidney Function in my blood tests and Dermatology performed a biopsy to get a definite diagnosis of HSP. I was then discharged with loads of lotions and potions for my skin and told I would be fine within a week. 2 days after being discharged I started being sick constantly, I couldn’t even hold down a sip of water and I had an excruciating pain in my stomach! I ended up back in the hospital, this time with abnormalities in my liver and my rash began to turn into open sores which meant I had to be put on steroids to take down the inflammation on the skin and to help with my liver. After a week of being in the hospital I got discharged again, even though I was still being sick and couldn’t hold a thing down! After only just a day of being at home, things seemed to go from bad to worse! I literally could not move with the pain in my back and abdomen, and was still being sick, so I got taken up to the hospital again. This time, I was admitted to a surgical ward as they thought it could be ‘intercusseption’ which apparently is pretty common in HSP. With HSP being more common in children, nobody was able to give myself or my parents any answers as to when this was all going to stop, it was a nightmare! My mum ended up getting more information from sites like this, than from the doctors! At this point we came to realise we were just going to have to take it as it comes and deal with things as they cropped up. On further investigation by the Surgical team from this hospital admission they realised I had inflammation of the small bowel and pancreatitis which explained why I was in so much pain! As everything on the inside was getting worse, so was everything on the outside! My hands began to swell to the extent of I couldn’t even pick up tablets to take them and I struggled to walk my ankles had swollen so much! The rash also got worse and I ended up having to wear bandages everywhere and was basically, well, mummified! With my bowel being inflamed, it caused me to bleed, a lot! One minute id be fine and the next id be covered in blood, jammies, bedsheets, the lot! For an 18 year old, this was pretty hard to deal with, I felt like I was a fit and healthy teenager trapped inside an elderly persons body, I was just so weak and couldn’t do anything for myself! This went on for 2 weeks straight, and the pain was unbearable, morphine was definitely a life saver! Things finally settled down and I was able to eat again and eventually got discharged. However, this was far from the end! At an outpatients appointment to the Renal Unit we discovered my protein levels were up at 250 instead of being between 30 and 50 and my blood was sitting at 3+++ in my urine! I got started on a higher dose of steroids as they assumed it was just inflammation of my kidneys and hoped for the best. 2 months on and I am still on steroids and have lasting scars on my legs, so much so I refuse to wear my little dresses and shorts for going out in the sun! I am still unable to work as the steroids suppress the immune system even more and I am still in a lot of pain with the lasting problems with my kidneys! I have written my story as I felt that when I was dealing with everything, nobody, not even doctors had the answers as to what was going to go wrong next, simply because HSP isn’t common in Adults. I hope this story helps and gives someone the guidance that I didn’t really have while I was ill.
1 like, 18 replies
kelly22284 bethc1105
Wow that is quite a story ! My 12 year old daughter is at week 10 of HSP and I thought she had a difficult ride but realising now nothing compared to yours. I totally get from a parents point of view that your parents have been constantly looking for answers, I can relate to that being up until all hours looking for a potion or doctor that may help as you feel so helpless.
You are right thou the more people that put their own journeys on these sites the more knowledge and maybe even comfort at those lonely desperate times people can take.
Unfortunately it seems the older you get HSP the more troublesome it is.
Like I said my daughter is 12 but my 3 year old niece also has HSP and is 3 weeks ahead of my daughter but her experience is nothing like my daughters and in fact luckily she is now doing very well whereas my daughter is shall we say ongoing and hasn't turned a corner yet.
I really hope things improve for you soon, I thought I would reply even if it's to say that someone is here listening.
Also have you looked at the website ?
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bethc1105 kelly22284
Sorry to hear that your daughter is having a rough time of it too, but hopefully the end is in sight! We found that this website and reading people's experiences helped us a lot and gave us some answers! The best thing I found for my rash was simply, Vaseline! It took the itch right out and seemed to sooth the burning feeling I had. We were also told that it is worse the older you get it, but fingers crossed your daughter has no lasting problems and makes a full recovery.
kelly22284 bethc1105
That's all we can do is hope tomorrow is a better day as each day can be so very different.
I hope your recovery continues good luck
nancy12351 kelly22284
kelly22284 nancy12351
Rebecca is now into week 22 and whilst on the whole things are better she has had a bit of a tough week this week and has had to have a day off school due to a flare. Rash has gone but skin still marks on flare ups, ongoing joint pain which is her main symptom now. I still dip her urine daily which is usually 1+ protein and 3+ blood and her urine is tested fortnightly for the consultant. She hasn't had any medication at all for HSP although her consultant is recommending for her tonsils to be removed.
I know this question is a bit personal but Rebecca's latest flare is to do with her hormonal monthlys I just wonder does your daughter suffer worse at these times ?
I wish your daughter much love and strength for you both.
nancy12351 kelly22284
jhoana_syl59306 bethc1105
nancy12351 jhoana_syl59306
nancy12351 bethc1105
amy32786 bethc1105
My daughter was diagnosed with HSP in July of 2014, though her symptoms began in March of 2014.
Do you still have underlying problems from this disease? If so what are they? Can anyone reading this say they have had or seen this disease last for two years and what affects were they having? My daughter still has loss of appetite or difficulty eating certain foods as they upset her stomach. please give me feed back. By the way I sure hope your feeling better Beth!
blueflamingo amy32786
I'm not the original person you replied to but thought I'd just share my experience. My HSP has been going on for five years now. The long term damage can often relate to kidneys. My doctors kept putting off doing a kidney biopsy because my blood tests were normal. I recently changed to a new doctor and he was horrified my kidneys hadn't been properly checked. Turns out I've got 10% unrecoverable kidney damage. I'm now on medication to help my kidneys and they will be biopsied again in a year to see how the damage has progressed. So if the HSP is going on long-term, please make sure someone is checking her kidneys. They can suffer a lot of damage before there are any symptoms.
julie00244 bethc1105
caroline47081 bethc1105
I'm so glad I stumbled across this forum as I feel like I am going crazy! It's so nice to hear that there is light at the end of the tunnel and what my daughter is going through is "normal" (or as normal as HSP can be!)
My 7 years old daughter was diagnosed with HSP 3 weeks ago and it's been a steep learning curve. She is due to go back to school on Tuesday but I really don't know what to do. Just like you've all described, one day she is fine and the next she is covered in an angry rash and her joints are inflamed. What would you recommend about school? I am so worried she is going to miss a lot of school and fall behind. The nurse was no use at her last check up and told me to speak to the school. I just worry they'll say for her to come in as they don't understand the condition. Luckily, I teach at her school so I can supervise her inside at playtime so she is not running around.
Sorry for the rambling post, I'm just at my wits end!
julie00244 caroline47081
steph76194 bethc1105
We both wish you a speedy recovery so you can get back to your life.
X steph