Suffocation feelings for the last 6 month
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Hi ladies. I'm experiencing some scary symptoms of suffocation after any meals, bloated on my upper stomach, like when i was 9 months pregnant pressing on my ribs. Suffocation feeling started suddenly 6 month ago and my blood pressure was 190/110. Been to my doctor several times and also A&E and still today trying to find out the source. I am 51 years old, healthy and never had issues except for on and off high blood pressure problem since 16 years old. I don't take any medications or supplements. I don't have periods for the last 32 months and very happy about it I just want to stop the suffocation, I'm starving myself now for fear of suffocate after food. Feels like someone's strangling me for a while and I try control it with breathing exercise. I walk everyday at least 3 miles and a water drinker. Turned my life upside down... Being a woman it's hell.. we suffer with periods most of our lives, then extreme pain at child birth... now this nonsense of menopause... never stops for us
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lynda20916 Bluerose66
Sorry you're going through this. You might have developed a hernia that is trapping food when you swallow. Think you might want a referral to a gastroenterologist, instead of trying to work with a gp or a gyn. Best of luck to you. xx
Bluerose66 lynda20916
Hi Linda,
Strange you've mentioned about hernia. I thought that could be the cause few months ago. Thank you
kimberly60059 Bluerose66
Years ago an old woman told me something when I was complaining about how I felt being pregnant. I told her it would be over soon and I was glad. She said "wait til menopause. Its like being pregnant but 10 times worse and much longer" boy was she right!
helenhoney Bluerose66
I feel this way quite often. I'm almost 49, haven't had a period in 11 months. For the last couple of years, I've had this strangulation around the belly feeling. It's horrible after eating. Try 5 smaller meals per day rather than 3 -- that might help. It helps me not to eat my biggest meal at dinner time otherwise I'm MISERABLE. I've noticed a huge amount of belly fat accumulation and hoping to get rid of it soon. It's uncomfortable to sleep. Anyways I just joined this website today and saw your post. I wanted you to know you are not alone and that it's normal. For a long time I was googling thinking I had cancer in every organ in my midsection. Now I realize it's just being a girl -- or an old girl, I guess. Good luck!!
Thank you so much ladies for all your replies. Going GP today to request a referral a to a gastroenterologist, Tyroid test and lung x-rays. It's true, menopause's worse than pregnancy, even tho... all my pregnancies was hell anyway... I'm still lucky compare to many of you ladies which are suffering more than me... not fair
Will let you know the outcome.
pinkcatfairy Bluerose66
Bluerose66 pinkcatfairy
Hi Pinkcat, Gosh... hope it's not the cause of my discomfort. Has your Doctor done something about it?
I'm not sure if I have hernia yet. I'm waiting for an appointment with a gastroenterologist. But something good's happening about my issues. Got my blood test result and my folic acid's low. My GP prescribed me 2 months folic acid 5mg and started taking it since Monday. It's early stage yet, but the suffocation stopped, my upper stomach's less swollen and bloated feeling reduced. I didn't take any medicines for over 7 years and I do have fears with medications. The only side effect I get, is feeling slightly sick in the morning which last only 30 minutes and stops after a glass of water. Better than suffocation... tho.. Maybe folic acid alone is the best thing for menopause symptoms? Hopefully
! I will let you know the progress.
pinkcatfairy Bluerose66
Dear ukpapillon
I did take ppi's for the gastitis but thankfully it doesn't normally cause problems, I had the nausea in the mornings but that could just be the extra reflux which happens in peri, normally lying down all night then getting up. Glad you got some things sorted, I had an endoscopy to confirm my hernia