Sugar intake!

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I struggle to control my sugar intake! I eat about 8 biscuits a day more if I really let myself go but I also get these feelings like I need to eat and eat until I'm full then I feel so bloated because I've eaten so much! 

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Sugar is a difficult one. It's so addictive. I read a book called the sugar solution by and also fat around the middle. Both were really helpful in explaining the sugar craving thing and give some good advice in breaking the cycle.
    • Posted

      Thank you :-) I did have a chat with a herbalist and was actually told its good to have a bit of fat round you during the menopause as it cushions us whilst going through it.  I just wish the cravings would stop! I will look at those books, thanks
    • Posted

      Sorry, hope you didn't think I was implying that you were fat around the middle! It's just that that book explains it all so well. It helps you realise that it's not your fault that you get these cravings but the body's response that you can't control . It gives you some practical advice on how to help stop them. Xxx
    • Posted

      Not at all :-) I'm grateful for your advice.  I'm within my BMI etc cholesterol fine etc but it is the middle bit! I'm just not used to it even though my OH loves it as it's also gone on my boobs a bit! ;-) x
    • Posted

      Haha. I know what you mean, my tummy seemed to develop a mind of its own no matter what I did. But at least I know now why that is and can try and do something about it. Xx
  • Posted

    I didn't really have much of a sweet tooth until recently - definitely another one to put down to failing is Haribos! 
  • Posted

    i am in my mid 50s because of my age group i do watch my sugar intake incase of problems such as diabetes, i do not know your age, i did make some fudge which does take an awful lot of sugar, but it was a nice treat, does affect my eye sight though, but today after a bad hormonal day on friday i have a very good well feeling, did have a nice rest yesterday a teat a day is not a bad thing, it is when you eat the whole packet of biscuits regularly problems occur.
    • Posted

      Thanks Barbara, I'm 48.  Just had a heart age check at my local supermarket and glucose was good, all OK thankfully :-)
  • Posted

    Hi Tracky

    i too crave chocolate and sweet things...

    have you had your Blood Sugar checked ..

    make sure its a FASTING blood sugar blood  test 

    my blood sugar increased in peri and i was told my result twice was borderline type 2 diabetes, shock ... yes .... no diabetes in family, i am healthy and only weight 125LB

    i have to check mine all the time at home with the home blood sugar monitor ..

    jay xx


    • Posted

      Mine is the other way Jay, I am borderline Hypo all the time. Dr surprised as I now am well into Type2 risk factors. Hoping the menopause will push it up.
  • Posted

    Changes in blood sugar levels:

    Estrogen and progesterone affect your cells’ response to insulin.

    As you go through menopause, changing hormone levels can cause your blood sugar to fluctuate, making it more difficult to control.

    You might need to check your blood glucose levels more frequently during menopause so they don’t get out of control and lead to complications such as nerve damage, eye disease or cardiovascular problems.


    Thyroid failure

    The signs:

    You're stressed, tired and craving sweets through the day – all signs that indicate an underactive thyroid gland, which leads to fatigue.

    Tension in the muscles – which are also not getting the energy they need to function – can cause frequent headaches.

    The solution: Drink more water to help flush your system. Cut back from caffeine, until you are on one cup a day, then switch to herbal teas. Ban processed food and switch wholefoods such as brown bread, rice and pasta, which take longer for the body to digest, keeping blood sugar levels stable. Getting more sleep optimises energy levels, reduces appetite and slashes sugar cravings. When you are tired, you are more likely to crave sugar to generate energy artificially. 

    • Posted

      I have an underactive thyroid gland but you're spot on with tiredness as sleep awful at mo so as soon as I wake up I need tea and biscuits! I do decaf tea but I have about 6-8 cups a day 
    • Posted

      Hi tracky

      supplement of Idodine of Kelp or Kelp will benefits thyroid..

      i just re-started mine ..

      jay xx


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