Sugar intolerance/Allergy anyone else with menopause.
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Its taken me a while to work out what was happening but i just thought i would put it on here just in case anyone else is having the smae issues. Ive been having Peri menopause syptoms for about 4 years now, but due to having chronic ilness i just brushed it off as another part of my ilnesss. Im 48 so i guess i should have realised. There have been many weird things happening.. one was a really weird taste in my mouth and unable to eat or drink certain things without them tasting foul. That started at the beginging of last year. Fast forward toseptempber of last year and my periods stopped for 4 months and i started having really bad menopause symptoms. Hot flushes, heart pounding, night sweats etc. my periods started up again though they are now all over the placebut ive ive also noticed that i have developed an allergy to sugar. If i eat or drink anything with alot of sugar in it within 10 mins my sinuses swell up then i get a terrible headache that no painkiller will touch. about 80% of the time an antihistamine will help and the headace does calm down. I did think it was odd and related to my other ilness , but on research i find that it common in menopause as the lack of eastrogen effects your bodies ability to handle sugar and processed carbs. Anyone else with similar issues?
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julie7525 littleme1969
littleme1969 julie7525
lisa72030 littleme1969
julie7525 littleme1969
I've gone the opposite...put on over a stone, but that can be meno, side effects of sertraline, being less active on betablockers...its all conspiring to make me fat! Lol none of us are crazy, we just feel like it lol, its all chemical/hormonal imbalance, we're not crazy and we're not takes real strength of character to get through this trial! Lol
Indifferent littleme1969
littleme1969 Indifferent
lisa72030 littleme1969
I can't tolerate sugar either. It sends me into a like an awful sugar rush, with dizziness, palpitations and then a headache - all that triggers anxiety. Especially in the mornings! So I have cut it out completely including some fruits like pineapple. I have experienced anxiety before but what I am experiencing now is a whole new level. One dr wants me to go on anti anxiety but I googled the medication and was like eeeeeeee and I have got some serepax which I use 1/4 of in an emergency for sleeping. Yesterday I felt a bit " normal" for the afternoon as I started my period after 5 month gap. But today I have woken to cramps and a headache and mild anxiety.
littleme1969 lisa72030
lisa72030 littleme1969
I am also considering HRT. Even for 6 to 12 months and see how I go. I've never taken any medications before ( except Panadol and even then a half lol) so I am quite nervous which is not good for anxiety! I feel disappointed somehow as my body has always been in its natural rythym. I wasn't even on the pill ( haha 5 beautiful children) so I am struggling with the possibility of using synthetic hormones.
thanks for your reply. 😊
littleme1969 lisa72030
lisa72030 littleme1969
littleme1969 lisa72030
julie7525 lisa72030
Hi Lisa, I'm on evorel conti hrt patch (combined estrogen/progesterone), 50 mg patch but I cut it in half just for a little hormone boost. I'm also on sertraline for anxiety and betablockers for BP/ palps, so its hard to say if the hrt is helping...but at some point i'll come off the BBS and anti anxiety meds and stay on the hrt, I'm only 48 so I'm thinking 5 yrs on hrt...we'll see. It appears its less risky the sooner you start it after meno and for fewer years (less than ten). It appears it can help protect the heart from hardening arteries, as my palps give me anxiety, anything that helps me think my hearts ok is useful!
Azzumi littleme1969
littleme1969 Azzumi
julie7525 littleme1969
I know! Can't drink, gave up smoking, no caffeine, need to cut out sugar, no chocolate (migraines), no man/sex...wheres the pleasure? Lol