Sugar issues

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The dizziness, the nausea, blurry vision, anxiety!  Has anyone had any issues with their sugar or getting diabetes during this time?  My doctor wants me to do a 3 hour glucose test and I am so busy at work right now that i haven’t had the time.  Can’t i just buy a glucose meter and check my sugar instead?  Will I get the same results?

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8 Replies

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    Hi madracquel,  I am having trouble with blood sugar, my fasting blood sugar is 120 but my a1c comes back normal this has all happened in Perimenapause, am also dizzy and have blurred vision, especially if it is fluctuating. The doc has not said that I am diabetic yet but I think very close to pre, I went and bought a blood meter immediately,  and started watching and trying to change my diet, this has to do with all this peri stuff, I hope I can get it down!!! My blood presure also went up,  I can handle all the anxiety stuff even though it is all stressful but this blood sugar and blood presure stuff is for the birds,  I need to lose a little weight but only about 10 pounds, so it's not that... Good luck hun💜

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    Well, why not just do a simple sugar ac1, and glucose test rather than a 3 hour one or did you have one done already, and now wants to see how much medication to prescribe? Perimenopause will cause your sugar to spike, so in order to stop sugar from entering into your system stop eating bread, pasta and rice. Of course, no sugary sodas of any kind as well unless you're ready to start taking medicine and suffering horrible side reactions to having diabetes. I controlled my sugar intake by taking a supplement that helped kill my sugar spikes and any cravings. I can't posted here because they delete this post but if you want the name send me pm.

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    I don’t have diabetes but I get horrendous palpitations after eating sugar, which I crave all the time.  I also get the random adrenaline rushes, blurred vision and anxiety.  
  • Posted

    Hello madraquel

    Yes, I've had this too when I had the crash in January. At first I thought it was because I had changed my diet, but when I did some reading and got some advice, I was told that it was linked to the endocrine system which manages all of the good stuff: hormones, thyroid, sugars etc. I bought myself a glucose checker (easy finger prick and put into the machine) and even though I felt like I was having dips and spikes it was generally stable. I also had a fasting blood test which was fine. Since taking bhrt I've found that it's much better, I don't get the shakes that I had or the dizziness. Every so often I check my sugars, but just for peace of mind... So it doesn't necessarily result in diabetes, just another example of your endocrine system going hay wire. Get yourself a machine, and a fasting test and see how you get on, but don't worry ? xx

  • Posted

    Estrogen deficiency is linked with low blood sugar levels

    When my blood sugar level suddenly drops, I am pacing the floor and taking deep breaths  due to my anxiety or I am crying and then only by eating a piece of dark chocolate can really stop my outburst ...

    I am worried about diabetes thus I am watching my diet..

    not many carbohydrates, brown sugar, fruits instead of sweets, no bread

    About testing, I had read to a forum, a woman who was checking her blood sugar levels on her own for about a month and at different times of the day according to the advice of her doctor..

    for example Monday before breakfast, Tuesday after lunch, Wednesday after dinner and then the rest of the month when she had symptoms..

    Her results were evaluated  by the doctor

  • Posted

    Hi Racquel,

    I have suffered from fluctuating sugar levels and accompanying symptoms now for years, I haven't had a period for 8 years now, and Ive had all the menopausal symptoms in all of these forums it's absolutely terrible, when my blood sugar starts i feel like I am going to collapse, I instantly need lots of sugar or I feel like i will faint, I feel like fainting even when led down it's a very strange frightening feeling, so i eat lots of biscutes until the craving is satisfied and  then i start to come round a bit. I have done blood tests bit not the fasting blood test, very scary 

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    I don't have diabetes but sugar and just too many carbs affect my moods, makes me super sleepy and raises my temperature. I eat very minimal carbs and even stopped my once a week chocolate treat now as it isn't worth the grief anymore.

  • Posted

    Hello madracquel. My doctor sent me to th3 hospital for a 6 hour blood glucose test in 2014 when I was always feeling faint and shaky. They give you a pint of a glucose drink to have all at once then take a blood glucose test every hour for six hours, mine went down so low they say I’m reactive hypoglycaemic. So my blood sugar dips too low and I have to eat something every three hours to keep it even which is horrendous when I’m nauseas and lost my appetite. I have always had a healthy low blood pressure but now it dips too low so it’s no wonder I feel I will faint. This menopause is dibilitating ladies it’s just not fair. Hope you get yours sorted, I do think you should have the proper test then your sure of the results and get the best advice what to do next. Sending you a comforting hug x

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