Posted , 7 users are following.
Hi would 224 paracetamol and iburophem 4 sertraline kill me
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Hi would 224 paracetamol and iburophem 4 sertraline kill me
0 likes, 64 replies
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sharon07214 sarah77701
In this life or the next!!
Dear Heavenly Father.
Please surround Sarah with your love. Please bring light into her darkness!
Please convict her heart and soul to reach out for help.
Please keep the demons/Satan from binding her soul!!!
Please save her soul, in Jesus's name!!
Love you Sarah! X💓
sharon07214 sarah77701
Did you know that it has been proved that antidepressants can aggravate suicidal attempts in teenagers and young adults up to 26 years old.
Below is part of an article that Yanna sent me.
In 2004, the FDA placed a black box warning on all antidepressants because of concerns that the medications increase risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior in youths; in 2006, the warning was extended to include young adults (up to age 26). -
Hope this helps you and anyone else in this situation. You can show your doctor and mental health worker the article. Some are worse than others.
I am sorry I offended you but please keep talking/ posting if it helps you.
sarah77701 sharon07214
sharon07214 sarah77701
Do do they know that you tried last night? If so they will be found negligent if anything does happen.
sarah77701 sharon07214
sharon07214 sarah77701
Do they know you tried to take your life last night again?
If so they may well be found negligent if anything does happen.
Sarah I just want to give you a great big hug! X💓
sarah77701 sharon07214
sharon07214 sarah77701
Have you still got the tablets?
Surely someone would have taken them away like last time?
sarah77701 sharon07214
sharon07214 sarah77701
Maybe you should go to the police yourself and show them the article on suicide and young people.Â
Tell ll them that you want help and are willing to go into hospital so that the right medication can be found for that doesn't cause intense suicidal urges!
sarah77701 sharon07214
sharon07214 sarah77701
I could go to A&E with you.
It sounds as if you have been for help on your own so far.
It could very well help if there was someone else with you. They would have to listen then. We wouldn't leave until they got you help!
sarah77701 sharon07214
sharon07214 sarah77701
On your behalf.