Sunshine is Lovely ........But

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Hi everyone

The beautiful weather we have had recently is great, but boy an I glad to see the rain today. It means I won't be tempted to get out in my beloved garden and do really silly things - like I did yesterday. sad

I should have known better - I just couldn't bear looking at the straggly hedges and got out the old electric trimmer - can't ever remember it being as heavy as that :shock: and, of course, am feeling really poorly today. :wah:Why do we never learn. I feel I have been put through a mangle - several times!

So, as it's only 13 days to THE WEDDING - OMG - I have got to be really sensible. I've been feeling so good all week - I honestly thought I had cracked it . This illness is just sooooooooooooooo frustrating!

Katie sad

Yes, and yet another Saturday night in front of the telly! :steam:

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Katie, well you made me smile, and thats a huge achievment, believe me. I dont suffer from CFS, I dont know what I have, oooo probablt nothing.

    Just curious.....but what did you do to your hedge????

    Take care, Tiny Tears.

  • Posted

    Hi Katie,

    I have just sat and ogled David Tennant for 45 mins :P

    Saturday aint too bad... :lol:

    Dale xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Tiny Tears smile

    I'm so pleased I've made someone smile!! Thanks for your lovely reply. We do try to be light-hearted sometimes as well as serious on this forum - occasionally we get slightly 'off topic' - but the lovely mods nearly always let us get away with it! :magic:

    To answer your question about my hedge - I was really only trying to tidy it up, but I think next time I will stick to snipping at it with a pair of scissors whilst sitting. :ant: But last time I did that I ended up with ants in me pants!! Can't win!!

    Take care Tiny Tears

    Katie xx smile

  • Posted

    Hi Dale

    Well I suppose that's better than oogling Andrew Lloyd-Webber on the other channel!! :weird:

    Gosh, do you think I will be sued?

    Katie xx

  • Posted

    The lovely Mods are most probably to busy laughing about your postings to do anything them- but thank you for the complement anyway smile
  • Posted

    I rather like ALW :oops:

    And I think the 'off topic' posts are all part and parcel of our overall experiences with this condition. The fact that coming on here and having a bit of a laugh and a banter makes living with CFS more bearable so even the 'off topic' posts are serving a purpose.

    I am sure the mods appreciate that, and I am glad we entertain them :lol:

  • Posted

    Guys, David Tennant and andrew Liyod Webber are on an equalpar, (if you ask me) David Tennant has mad eyes, and Andrew webber....bluh!!! Think He swallowed the contents of my dyson and then tried to make a stage production out of it called cats :blackcat:

    Listening to Biko now on really old brick of a mobile, it soo old......

    Edwardooo Scissorhands,,,,,,,Id love tohave a could get so creative with it. Katie K, (cant believe I just spelt your name wrong) :lol:

    Are you having a church wedding????

    I was running in and out charity shops yesterday and found a really nice wedding dress in Oxfam, yeah 39.98, . Was thinking Ill buy it with the hope that one day ill meet somone who does love me, :lol: and that would save a grand or 2...hmmmmm, have no money so left it there.

    When I collected becca from a birthday party, yesterday, at Dynamic Earth, there was this couple tying the knot, and all i could think.....dynamic earth??? Thats cool!!!

    Good luck Kati, with it.....but hey have fun!!!

  • Posted

    I married my husband 32 years ago this August and my headdress came from the Oxfam shop. Mum and I trawled all over the place looking for something that went with my dress. We were on the way home, tired and dispirited and there it was on a dummy in the window, £2.50, exactly what I wanted.

    After my wedding I took it back to the Oxfam shop in case someone else was also struggling to find something. Kept my dress though, it's all yellow now. sad

  • Posted

    Hi all

    Ha ha! I like the bit about the Dyson, Tiny Tears :D . I actually used to quite like ALW Alicia, and always thought his comments were very fair and just -but a good friend of mine who is an actor in the West End has had dealings with him and has assured me he is:bleep: ing awful to work for and is really not nice to know - allegedly!

    I think Edward Scissorhands is one of the best films I have ever seen - I've watched it so many times - it is clever and also very touching. And I think Johnny Depp is really beautiful. So everytime I am snipping away with my scissors in the garden, I will think of you Tiny Tears smile

    No we are not having a church wedding (sadly) - my daughter seems to have taken after my husband who is an atheist. I shall just say my own little prayers. The whole thing is being held in a medieval castle near us -we met up with the wedding organisers there again yesterday and I took the opportunity to explain I suffered from ME so should they see me stumbling around uttering rubbish, it's nothing to do with the drink! (So I'm alright then!!). Actually they were very understanding and have even shown me a room where I can lie down if need be - how sweet is that!

    I just hope that I am feeling better than I am today, but then I should have taken more care last week ...... Arrrrrgh!

    Katie xx smile

  • Posted

    Hi Katie K, yeah, Johnny Depp, Id marry him (well maybe). he looks yummy. :cupcake: I love that film tooo, It one of my favourite, it always makes me cry.

    Yeah, you should take it easy this week, so hopefully have lots of energy for your special day.

    My sister just snitched on me.31 and still getting into trouble, mum is on my case and sister is playing I am a halo head, and so is partner, I think that pair should get together, Give me a little relief. So bit upset about it all, but hey, nevermind. Itll be ggod for me.

    Katie, good luck next week, I hope you have a lovely time and here :gift: :goodluck: . Take care and rest up!!Tiny Tears.

  • Posted

    Thanks Tiny Tears - I shall bore everyone afterwards, I expect. :zzz:

    Take care

    Katie xx

  • Posted

    Hey Kaite

    My top tip for this week is " Do something everyday for yourself" ie Monday Manicure your nails etc etc so by the wedding you will look and feel great! Even if you rest all week you may find that you are mentally stressed and tored so everynight jump into a nice hot bath with lavendar and relax.

    I know its easier said then done but do as your told! (ooops thats the teacher in me coming out!

    Dona x

  • Posted

    Hi Donna

    Thanks for your suggestions. Only problem is, my nails are almost non-existant (from gardening) so I am thinking about having those stick-on thingys - I can see me having fun and games trying to put on a pair of tights with them - haven't worn tights for years!!

    Is your fibro. really bad. Mine is worse than ever and stopped me from sleeping last night. sad

    Katie x

  • Posted

    Oh no, Katie K , dont do the stuck on nails bit, theyall ping off , and youll end up eating them in your wedding cake, or youll be doing your thank you speech and one will fly off when your talking and itll hit someone in the eye. Not the false nails things. Og gee, sorry Ive not helped, but ermmm...okay Ill go now.
  • Posted

    Well, maybe I'll forget that then, Tiny Tears. To be honest I've never really bothered about my hands - I'll just give my fingernails a good scrub!

    I suppose having been a nurse in the good old SRN days (when we were properly trained and didn't need to be told to wash our hands - unlike today, it seems!) we always had to keep our nails really short - hardly any makeup, and the lovely old uniforms with collars and cuffs and gorgeous caps that flowed behind us - oh, those were the days! :nurse: I've really got carried away now .......

    Take care everyone

    Katie xx

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