Supplements for Menopause ... what's everyone taking?

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I'm a 53 year old woman - being going through the perimenopause/menopause (frankly I have no clue what stage I'm at) - experiencing all of the following for years now:


lethargy and loss of interest in life/no joy in life

sleep disturbance

occasional blurred vision

emotions all over the place

loss of confidence

poor memory

I'm sure there's more but, surprise, surprise, I can't remember ...

Would love to hear what natural supplements everyone is using to mitigate the symptoms.


MenoWoman xx

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    MenoWoman, I'm going on 52 and have many of these symptoms as well. Blurred vision and also an increased sensitivity to light. Fatigue is a definite issue along with just losing the desire to go out and do anything. I need to lose weight and exercise but just care enough at this point to do so. Its a very discouraging time to go through...xoxo
  • Posted

    Hi Menowoman, I don't know what to call mine this time around ( well I do but not in public ). I had my meno at 51, I didn't sail through it because I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and CFS. is enough to cope with. There were times ( many times ) when I screamed at both CFS and Meno to DO ONE and leave me alone. Then in 2001 I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica I have been taking Steroids for 13 years. In 2011 end of October I popped to the loo and discovered I was bleeding, I said out loud oh my god, then i realised what this could mean. and said OH MY GOD, I didn't tell anybody for 2 weeks and then I plucked up the courage to go to my Doctor, she said straight out This Could Be Cancer ( my first thought was "why don't you break it to me gentle then" I told her I knew the implications.. To cut a long story short I ended up having a full hysterectomy 2012. I asked the consultant if I would need HRT after surgery, he said no, you are way past the Meno. Within hours of having the surgery low and behold I was getting Hot Flushes, it was middle of December and I was melting. To have Meno twice is down right unfair, especially with about 13/14 gap. This time around it has been awful, much worse than the 1st time. That's why I don't know what to call it, Sequel, or something else when I am on my own. My Doctor has been right up there with useless 
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      Hi, it wasn't cancer, thankfully, I had 4 D & C done in 12 months to try and put a stop to the bleeding and then because my uterus had become bulky I need the hysterectomy.   ( D & C if you don't know is idelate and quarterise) that for me was a lot to put up with. Especially having all 5 operations with a general anaesthetic at my age at 65 and my level of inactivity, I'm over it now thank goodness, I just wish I knew what to do with this " 2 nd meno"  x x x 
    • Posted

      I'm glad it wasn't cancer, but you sure had to endure a lot anyway with 5 operations! I'm reading What your doctor may not tell you about perimenopause by Dr. John Lee, and it has so much great information about hormones that relate to more than just perimeno. I think it would help you figure out what supplements or bioidentical creams you might benefit from.

      I'm in the USA and borrowed the Adobe Digital edition free from the library. Maybe you have something like it in the UK.

    • Posted

      Hi, thank you my lovely, I have been using Biodentical serenity now for about 18 months, it helped a lot, but not enough, then quite by accident when googling alternatives to HRT I came across this forum, championing the B6 and B12.  Sometimes I look like I've had a bucket of water thrown over me, I just melt, we gave had a few weeks weather quite hot, I gave struggled so much. I told my family, "if you find a puddle on a chair, mop it up gently it's me" 
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      Heard Dr Lee is awesome! Is he the one that offers some kind of hormone testing? Do tell all his great details when your done reading his book! 

      Thanks be blessed xx

  • Posted

    Haha forgot to mention...taking B12, B6 and multivitamin plus evening primose. Can't teally tell if they are helping or not.
  • Posted

    Hello again, forgot to mentio recently I have been taking B6 and B12 ....I know B6 is helping me I have been taking this now 6 weeks and certainly found a difference...the B12, I don't know yet I have only been taking this since last Friday, I live in hope. Margaret 
  • Posted

    I am so glad someone mentioned blurred vision as this was going to be a question I was going to ask but I guess by the looks of it hear that blurred vision is part of it and that all makes sense when I start to see when this all sarted as that and indigestion issues were my first problems and that has been 4-5 years ago, I am now 51.

    The only resolve I have found for the blurred vision is keeping up on my vit D and staying aeway from dairy. I find if I do not get enough sunshine or I eat too much dairy from beef products the vision issues become worse. I have supplemented with codliver oil which has helped me a great deal.

    I have even had times where I get thes very sharp pains in the eyes, like a needle poking. Have gone to diferent eye docs and they all say my eyes look fine.

    If this is all related to peri-menopause this is absolutely crazy! I have been married 22 years, husband is 54 and has had little to no symptoms that his body is waining from lack of hormones. So why is it so hard for females?

    • Posted

      Vitamin D is so necessary! I had a deficiency for years and my doctor prescribed 50,000 units 1x a week. I was scared to death to take that much at first, but after reading up on it and increasing my dosage slowly up to the full amount, I realized we women over 50 probably all need this much. Anyway, it made a big improvement in my overall wellbeing, but now I take vitamin D3, a better form. However, now the perimeno is zapping my energy and motivation.
  • Posted

    Aww I'm so with you on this wish we lived next to each other could do with a friend who understands xx

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