Support Groups

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Hi, I live South of manchester in the UK and was wondering how I find out if there are any local support groups? I'm 45 and none of my friends are going through menopause yet so I feel very alone at the moment 😢

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Cheryl, I don't think anywhere in the UK has a support group I have friend that lives on the out skirts of Manchester and she couldn't find any around,I live in London and can't find any when I first started the menopause....that's why we turn to online sites for help,I hope you find one.

  • Posted

    Hi I live in Sunderland and no support group up here either 😤 thank goodness for this page 😄 I'm 42 and having awful peri symptoms but thankfully the lovely ladies on this site keep me sane xxx

  • Posted

    Sometimes my Doctor who is a Yoga/meditation nut will do seminars about getting older and going thru the change.  

    Also look up meetup  dot   com.   It's nice to chat with other women around age, hobbies and interests.

  • Posted

    Don't know of any Cheryl, but you can come on here anytime and chat to

    us. Looks like what we don't know isn't worth knowing anyway lol😁

    Seriously though most of the Ladies on here are experiencing at least

    one or two (mostly more) symptoms so you will be able to get good

    advice, and maybe give some, for whatever is ailing you.

    Maybe you would just like to chat about anything we will listen.

    Keep in touch.

    All the best to you.

  • Posted


    My name is Sandra and I'm in the process of setting up a menopause support group in Manchester.

    I'm a biomedical scientist by background who retrained as a psychotherapist.

    I'm 54 and have just completed research on the Lived-In Experience of Mid-Life Menopause and Mid-life Issues Associated With Being Menopausal Age.

    The big outcome from the peice was the need for women to talk openly about their experiences and challenges.

    Those challenges may be solely around menopause, but might also be linked to children leaving home, caring for elderly parents, changes in the work environment, reassessing who we are and what we want, being aware of our own mortality, as well changes in relationships.

    As well as a support group which would meet regularly, I'm putting together some workshops around menopause and it's challenges to offer support, information and hope to women amaging menopause.

    Do you feel there is a calling for this type of approach in your area?

    with thanks,


    • Posted

      Yes I think this is a good idea for women who like/need face to face support. Some prefer the anonymity of the forum, can ask questions without embarressment or feeling silly. Self confidence is very low for some of us.

      I would be interested to attend a support group to gain information, share experiences and hopefully have a giggle!

    • Posted


      Have you set up this support group and if so what are the details please

  • Posted

    PS Im based in Manchester so the support group would take place there initially.

    However the workshops would travel around the UK.

    Does this sound helpful and of interest?

    I firmly believe women need support from other women...and this is an excellent way of achiving it.

    Many thanks,

    Sandra x

    • Posted

      I think this is a fantastic idea ! I live in the north east and there's nothing up here to help , guide or inform us 😔 keep me posted xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Cheryl you must not feel alone we are all with you and going through the same thing...I have a friend from Manchester she couldn't find anything down there when she was having menopsal symptoms, this is a good site with so many of get good support from here ok.

  • Posted

    Hi there, support groups for women going through the menopause sound like great idea.

    Not aware of any support in area in which I live😒

     Debmin x

  • Posted

    Hi love am also really interested in chatting to woman simalar age share tips on how to manage ?

    ...i am 46 ..unable to take HRT due to risks in m20 area would prefer to meet in a forum chat face to.face ..thanks for reading ..

  • Posted

    I'm in the same boat! I'm 42 and peri. Feel very alone, my friends don't understand, it's so cruel not to find someone to understand. My mum had her meno at 47 and she said it wasn't a big deal for her. I am on hrt and that helps but I'm in a nightmare emotionally. I try to go on but it's very difficult for me, I feel my life is over.

    • Posted

      Hi vicky. Don't feel alone..

      I am 43, on HRT and going through exactly the same thing.

  • Posted

    Hi I live Easthampton Iwas wondering if any one else has had cold flashes in menopause that keep you up at night.

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