support groups/ people to talk to
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Hi everyone..Ive just registered and am looking for a support group thsat will actually meet up and offer support through friendship. I had a hysterectomy in 2013 and my life has increasingly become difficult and is swiftly going downhill physically and emotionally. I read all the wonderful comments but wish we could meet up and share ideas. Ive stopped working so much although i run a business (cafe) and now find it hard to be there as its a demanding place. My health has spiralled in the last few months and i feel like theres little help form GPs etc. Im Derbyshire/ South Yorkshire based
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karen47058 claranye
Hello I'm South Yorkshire based :-) I've found once you have had it done medical support isn't there! This group however has supported me and I'm only 12 days post op :-).
Sorry to here your health has spiralled :-( they say it's supposed to give you a new lease of life, I can't comment at the moment I'm far too sore and have questioned what I've done but the healing process takes some time doesn't it. I'm 39 so heading straight into the menopause at 90mph which is very frightening and I'm crying most days :-(
maisie05 karen47058
debi62095 claranye
id like to meet up but im down south, like you its good to share.
im struggling emotionally and physically too, not had hysterectomy but at the end of the day its all hormonal whatever.
Lets share some symptoms and help each other out.
ie. whats the worse we are struggling with at the moment.x
michelle46271 debi62095
Where in the South do you live?
debi62095 michelle46271
michelle46271 debi62095
debi62095 michelle46271
jane5216 claranye
Sorry, I'm south of London so it wouldn't be practical. But am here to support remotely. Have you tried approaching the voluntary/charitable sector about some support? They can pick up where the NHS leaves off. It might be worth Googling what organisations are available to support with both physical conditions and emotional ones, from offering practical help and listening/counselling approaches.
kelly55079 claranye
Hi,, You can try meetup dot com. Here in the states you type in your zip code and find a group of people based on your age, interests and hobbies.. I have done this when I feel like I need to do something different.
kelly55079 claranye
UGH... why is it not showing?? I didn't say any thing bad!! I'll message you.
2chr2015 claranye
Hi claranye. I am so sorry you are suffering like this. These hormones are no joke and I think most of us would love to meet up for support and friendship. I don't even know if there is such a thing here in the US. But I can tell you, this forum has been a life saver. Seriously, every time I am having a rough day I can post on here and someone will be there for me. I hope it can be the same for you. ((Hugs))
maisie05 claranye
Hi, I'm in West Yorkshire/ Greater Manchester.
I understand what you mean about chatting and laughing (hopefully) with other women in a similar situation. My friends all seem to be coping and don't need to talk about menopause. I go to a Pilates class full of 40 and 50 year old women and menopause is never mentioned. I tried to make a joke about a hot flush once and there was just nervous giggles and then silence.
I love this site and it has helped me loads with coping tips and hugs.
I don't mind having a drive out now and again if it would help you x
I don't mind
claranye maisie05
Hi Maisie, what you've said has really struck a cord. It was only yesterday after a meltdown that I said the same to my husband.... why do I look around and other women my age seem to be coping? The amount of embarrassment and lack of wanting to even engage the subject among friends and family is confusing. I feel more alone than ever at the moment.
My journey started 3 yrs ago with a hysterectomy and this last few months are the worst. I honestly can't even imagine how bad I'll be when there's no more hormones. I'm on bioidentical progesterone cream which helped at the beginning but not now. There's so much wrong it's exhausting to even type it all out. I'm in Bakewell but have a cafe in a Sheffield and love to get out in the car. Either way us having a coffee and chat would be lovely. I don't know your story but if you want to email me happy to pass on my details or phone number. Where are you? I was in Huddersfield and Leeds this week with work so don't mind a drive out either. X
maisie05 claranye
I haven't had a hysterectomy but considering it due to heavy bleeding from fibroids. I'm out all day soon but I'll message you later x
karen46733 maisie05
Hi Maise,
I'm with you on how much this site has helped me.
I'm 41 so none of my friends are going through it yet, so they don't understand.
I have a couple of friends I try to make a joke of it with, I blame everything on my my menopause 😂😂. If I have been in your pilates class I would have added to your comment, probably mention how smoking "hot" we were, how I couldn't get up off the floor my bones ache to much, how we've gone from tena ladies to tena pants 😂😂. Sometimes the only way forward is to take the Mickey and laugh 😂😂
2chr2015 claranye
I have felt the same way. Where are all the other women around me going through this?! I am 44 and around several women at church that are a little older and no one ever talks about it or they just seem to have it all together. Which I know better, but still it's hard. I feel like I have a sign on my forehead that says I FEEL AWFUL. 😂 Lol. And it really doesn't help when someone asks if I'm okay! Ugh.