supposidly torn meniscus

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hi,i hope someone can give me some advice. ive been told i have a torn medial meniscus. knelt down 3weeks ago,heard a loud pop crunch sound and leg seemed to jolt. cant bear weight either. i cant straighten leg or bend it and now my legs so weak. i was told to go hoe,use crutches and ty to bear some weight. im forcing myself but getting nowhere. i see pt next week what will be the next step as she wasnt very helpful at all. single mum with 2 kids ans having to reley on family. just want it fixed as already been off work 3weeks. any advice would be greatly appreciated 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I had a similar experience.  I stepped down from a curb in NYC and pop. Torn meniscus.  The doctor said the tear leaves rough edges and sometimes a piece folds over on itself and this causes the pain.  I had the arthroscopic surgery as soon as I could after.  The surgery improved the situation right away.  I was back to work 1week later.  The knee didn't feel perfectly fine until about 6months,  At that time it was pain-free and doing everything I previously had done.  A year later the other knee went and I had the same surgery and pretty much the same experience. There is some controversy as to the benefits of arthroscopic surgery, but I felt it really helped and as I said a year later did it all over again.  
  • Posted

    My daughter had a meniscus problem with her knee, unfortunately she had to have surgery to have meniscus removed, she was unable to straighten her leg until after surgery. The surgeon said it would have been impossible to straighten due to the type of injury even though A n E tried to straighten it without success. She was in agony at the time though and any movement at all was very painful. She saw an orthopaedic surgeon and had mri scan prior to surgery. She was walking up and down stairs a few hours after surgery and now walks fine 2 years on, but it is important to follow physiotherapists advice re exercise in order to strengthen the knee.
    • Posted

      hi,thakyou for your reply. i am terrified of surgery. how long wll they put me to sleep for? will i be waiting for long time to have this proedure done a im desparate to ge bck to work,thanks x
    • Posted

      Hi, my daughter was under for about 30mins I think, keyhole surgery, she was back on her feet almost straight awaway. Remember though that your condition could be completely different and so the treatment and subsequent outcome could be completely different.

      I hope your treatment goes well.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for getting back to me,hopefully if I do need surgery the wait isn't too long as been on crutches a month already. Happy your daughter had a great outcome. X

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