Suprapubic cath failed. Started voiding naturally
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Went to my uro to have my cath changed. Cath failed to drain after 3 hours.
It was on a Friday so the uro's office closed at noon, so I went to the ER. They didn't have the exact replacement, so they tried with what they had no luck.
In the middle of this, I began to void thru my penis, 2 times each about 300 cc
The ER doc saw this had my blood checked for creatinine and BUN, they were good, so they sent me home and said see my uro Monday.
I got home and my output decreased to 100-150 cc.
Outside of learning not to have my cath changed on a Friday, Has anyone had the experience of having a failed cath, being able to void normally, and then have the amount you can greatly reduced.
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johnclen bernie82609
Well that's great news. Depending on my liquid intake, my normal voids are 100 to 150. When my intake is large I will experience 300. Unfortunately I have no idea what they were before I got this BPH. I hope you continue to void without the cath.
bernie82609 johnclen
Thanks for your positive sopport. I had a button turp in August, the ER penis voiding was the 1st time the two 300 cc voids were strong flows, the ones at home were much slower and longer. I'll get my 2 minuites with my uro Monday so I'll see what he thinks This condition can drive you crazy...thanks again
randy_85492 bernie82609
Per my Uro Doc, a normal VOID is 100-150ml and the bladder may retain 100-150ml which is OK..If the bladder retains more than 150ml. , your retention is too high which means your urethra is probable obstructed mby a swollen prostate due to overgrowth of cells/prostate tissue which causes BHP........Haqve your URO Doc check your Retention Amount....If it's 100-150ml, you should be OK and be able to stay-off the Cath....
bernie82609 randy_85492
Thanks for the info. The voids I had in the ER were strong flows, the one at home are weaker and longer, I don't think the bladder contractions are as strong. I see my URO on Monday, so I'll see what he has to say.
The ER nurse gave me a picture of my urinal to show my URO the amount I voided. I'm glad I'm not the only one this condition makes crazy. ...thanks again
sandip1952 bernie82609
Good luck to you:-)
bernie82609 sandip1952