Suprapubic Catheter

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I would love to hear from anyone that has a suprapubic catheter in him .or had one taken out.Please let me know as this is very important decision for me.What is the advantage over having a foley catheter?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I had one after a bladder repair surgery. I had it for 10 days and it was better than having a foley catheter. As i had to wait for my bladder function to re-start.

    The downside was having to use that rubbery foam tape over the site. After the first week I developed a rash from the tape. They do have the clear adhesive now that is a lot less irritating. So if you start to get a sensitivity i would ask for the clear patches. They sell them on Amazon and it is also available by the roll as people use it for tattoo aftercare and it is waterproof so it works well.

    If i had known about the roll type adhesive then i would have used it because you can choose the size and avoid the sore areas.

    Good Luck to you.

    • Posted

      HI Thanks for your reply. You said you had a suprapubic catheter in for 10 days only? They had to make a hole in your stomach to insert the catheter in the bladder.Did they do that to you? And after 10 days how did they remove the catheter from your bladder? This is the procedure for a male,maybe it's different for a female? Thank you so much for this info,looking forward to your response.


    • Posted

      yes they make a small incision and the tube is about the size of a drinking straw. If they do it while you are awake they'll numb you up first. If you are having surgery they do it while you are under anesthesia. when they take it out the just pull it out. It doesn't hurt. Its about like getting an IV removed.

      The procedure is probably the same for males and females as the bladder is below your pubic area and they go straight i to the bladder. There will probably be a valve type assembly in the tubing to be able to turn it off and on when you need to try to urinate normally if that is what you need the catheter for.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply on suprapubic.I have urine retention,and have a foley in my penis,not to comfortable. My urologist says the suprapubic catheter not as good as the foley they don't drain as well,whats your opinion on this since you had a suprapubic? Can you exercise with this catheter in you.After 10 days they removed your catheter and put a plug in the hole?Was having this procedure very painful ? also, pain after it was done?

      Thank you so much for this info?


    • Posted

      Hi Joannwilson, I hope your feeling better.I am so concerned about getting knowledge about suprapubic catheter,and you know the ups and downs of this catheter. Would you kindly tell me if there is pain with this catheter? Can you go to a gym and exercise with this catheter? Is the drain good enough? For answer to these these questions i want to thank you very much. Also what are the downsides to this catheter?


      frank fiore

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