Surgery is over
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I had my surgery and it went great. I was worried about the nerve block, didn't feel a thing. Worried about the spinal, didn't even know they did it. I woke up in recovery with no nausea which I was also worried about. I am in very little pain today and I'm sure the block has worn off. Maybe not the cocktail they inject into the joint. I was warned that I could feel a jolt of pain when those wear off but staying on top of pain mess should help.
I was walking last night with pain. Today I walked with pain but the second time around it lessened. Pt was painful but necessary. My range of motion was 110 and o. Don't really know how to phrase that.
Anyway for those of you anxiously awaiting the surgery is nothing but I think the recovery will take patience. I'm already wanting to do things myself and it's the second day after surgery. I need to mentally slow down.
My husband has MS and I'm his primary caregiver. We have help while I recover but it's so hard to see him wanting to help me but he's unable to go much. This will be a trial but we believe in Joshua 1:9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
2 likes, 11 replies
Eizie Duckfan
Wow. You're doing so well. I'm so happy for you. Keep it up.
Guest Duckfan
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Sounds like my recovery but pace yourself so you dont overdo and get a lot of swelling that sets your range of motion back. So glad u have extra hands. Use them for a few days
God bless
clive45466 Duckfan
Good healing
eileen15268 Duckfan
Eizie eileen15268
I have good news all my encouraging and sympathetic knee replacement friends. Today I am 4 weeks post bilateral knee replacement and PT got me to 110. She had previously told me she wanted me to get to 120 but she looked at my surgeons preop notes and I was only at 105 before surgery. Sooooo this means I'm pretty much where I should be. I just have to maintain it which she'll help me do. I am so relieved. To get to 120 I know there would be more pain. Thank the Dear Lord!! There is light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you everyone for all your support!!!
robin66848 Duckfan
betty07083 Duckfan
Hello, I'm sorry to "piggy back" your post, but I have not been on for awhile and don't know how to start a new discussion.
I had a TKR on right knee, July, 2014. I am now due to have my hip replaced on the same side. I've been walking with a limp for quite awhile and thought it was because of my bad hip, however yesterday, when I was having a consultation with my surgeon, during an exam he discovered that my right leg was at least an inch, to an inch and a half longer than my left leg.
I can't help but feel the length discrepancy is from the TKR. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same problem?
Thank you and again I'm sorry for attaching myself to your post!
Eizie betty07083
Duckfan betty07083
betty07083 Duckfan
Did she think it was caused from her TKR?
Mines longer which seems weird, as shorter would make more sense, but I never noticed this problem until after my TKR so that's why I can't help but feel the TKR had a role in this. How would an arthritic hip make the leg longer, do you know what I mean?
I'm seeing another surgeon tomorrow and plan to ask him about it.
cheryl90571 Duckfan
VERY happy to hear all went well!😄
Sounds like you are thinking in a positive direction and looking to the reality of recovery with calm and patience.
Being a caregiver AND recovering from surgery is a challenge, but it will also be quite successful because you KNOW that God is RIGHT THERE!
Be sure to put your concerns in God's hands. He LOVES when we trust Him!??