Surgery to correct anal stenosis
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Hi there. I was just wondering if anyone has had surgery to correct anal stenosis? The stricture is the result of an overzealous haemorrhoidectomy I had nearly 2.5 years ago and it’s been diagnosed as acute stenosis that needs an operation to correct and hopefully give me a better quality of life than I have right now.
I’m due to have a house flap anoplasty on Sunday and I’m just wanting to know how long it took others to recover.
Any comments would be great.
As a single mum of 3 it’s very daunting to be out of action for too long but I know recovery is important.
Thank you
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bas84 Sublime
Sublime bas84
I self diagnosed anal stenosis 2 years ago as my surgical notes got lost.
I was on laxatives for a very long time following surgery as whenever I tried to come off them I would experience fecal impaction ans would have to take more laxatives to resolve this.
I was diagnosed at hospital about 5 months after my haemorrhoidectomy with stenosis and was taken for a dilation surgery but unfortunately this didn’t have much affect.
I was given dilators and asked to used them daily but they also did nothing.
Last year I was placed under the care of my current consultant and he diagnosed acute stenosis and booked me in for the surgery I’ve just had.
The symptoms I experienced were the inability to pass any stools without the help of laxatives. When I did pass anything they would be long and narrow (around 2cm maximum) and I would also experience pain and fresh blood when I struggled to pass a BM.
sez123 Sublime
Anything in that area takes abt that long
If you keep stool soft etc freq baths for pain and swellng it should be helpful
Have you got any help for ur kids ?? You will need ur downtime initially Chasing after 3 kids will be a little tough
Hugs to you. You will atleast have a better quality of life after this xxxxx
Sublime sez123
I’m just home now following the surgery.
Currently I’m cleaning after each motion with warm water and the hospital macerated safe wipes as tissue is a no go.
My eldest two daughters are staying with friends until Friday and I have my young son home as. He has nursery all day tomorrow and Friday so it’s Just morning and evening I have to care for him.
I’m still in a lot of pain but once my son is in bed this evening I’ll be showering and properly cleaning the site and getting in comfy pyjamas to rest.
I can say that thank fully this surgery isn’t as bad as the grade 4 haemorrhoidectomy was. So that’s something.
Thank you again for your reply. I appreciate it xxx
ConcernedOKC Sublime
I have my surgery in 2weeks. My hemorrhoidectomy was 3 1/2 years ago and it was BRUTAL. The pain was unbelievable (& I have a high tolerance to pain.) I am dreading this surgery. Please tell me it’s an easier recovery than the hemmorrhoidectomy & you are happy you made the decision to do it? I need to be back to work in my office as soon as possible as well. (It’s a desk job mostly...some walking but not much.) How long before I can get back to work? Is the pain easier? Are you glad you moved forward with the surgery? I’m so concerned.... any info, insight or guidance would greatly help.
Sublime ConcernedOKC
The pain isn’t great the first few days. I was SO SCARED that it was going to be as bad as the haemorrhoidectomy that when I first tried using the loo I had a panic attack and was given diazepam to calm me down and put back on my mental health medicine (resperidone) but I can say it isn’t half as bad.
The worst part is the stitching as I have quite a few on my bottom where they took the skin from to correct the stenosis. I’m almost a weekpost surgery and I still can’t sit directly on my bottom (I lean to the side/lie down) as it is very uncomfortable BUT my bowel movements have a much larger diameter! Yay! Never thought I’d be so happy to be pooping properly again.
I’m still in pain relief as it is uncomfortable but not unbearable.
And I have to say that after being butchered the first time round, this really was the best decision I ever made despite the pain.
I did a lot of research on my op and there’s like a 97-99% success rate from the studies they did on people.
As long as you’re under a brilliant consultant then I wouldn’t worry.
I hope they can sort yours out too lovely.
I was told 2 weeks til everything is back to normal-ish but a 6-8 week period to be fully recovered.
I have my follow up on Saturday the 24th. I may need the stitches removing as it wasn’t noted if they were dissolvable or not.
The only one problem I have had is when I lost my balance leaning down and popped a stitch. No major damage as most of the healing is done but just a warning to take it super easy from now on until I’m properly healed.
I’m only on 20ml lactulose a day (10ml morning/evening) so I’ve actually popped out across the road a couple times to the shop. Just be prepared as you walk funny for a few days. I had teenage girls laugh at me when I went to get my toddler from his nursery across the road because I must’ve looked crazy hobbling and pushing an empty pushchair but oh well lol.
Hope this helps in your decision making.
They were going to send me home with just ibuprofen and paracetamol but I asked them to swap the paracetamol to cocodamol and I’m glad I did xx
sez123 Sublime
I’m just wondering how u knew you had stenosis ??
I too had haemorrhoidectomy in sept. I suspect I’m snaller in diameter in the rim area. I had two internal and one skin tag removed
I have small droplets of blood almost everyday. It’s likw just having a bm is enough to aggravate the area.
I’m on movichol and coloxyl daily too....
My surg said I didn’t have stenosis as he was able to put in a Jackson Pratt dialater when he did a second op on me. He said if istenosis that wouldn’t have fit...
Don’t know if I believe him ..
Just curious to see your experience prior
Sublime sez123
I had an EUA surgery about 6 months after my first surgery and was apparently able to be dilated to 2cm but obviously the effects weren’t much difference and were short live.
I actually had to google anal stenosis and the symptoms to find out I had it.
But my main symptoms were severe constipation and being unable to pass big bowel movements.
I’d have the constant feeling of needing to poop with little relief as every time I tried to go to the loo the area with the structure would become very sore and most times while waiting for the laxatives to take effect, I’d have to “manually excavate” my poop from my anus.
Lots of pages say that mild stenosis can be managed well with stool softeners but acute stenosis usually takes the surgical route, this is the one I was diagnosed with.
Hope that helps lovely xx
ConcernedOKC Sublime
THANK YOU Sublime!!! (You made me smile...I haven’t smiled much lately.) People do not understand the pain from the initial surgery, although I believe ours was more painful since we had “overzealous” hemorrhoidectomies. I totally understand the panic attacks...(I know exactly how you feel!) I am so glad to hear it’s not as bad as the initial surgery & very happy to hear you feel better & on the road to recovery. My surgery is scheduled 2/21/18. Your positive feedback gives me hope. I very much appreciate you!
Sublime ConcernedOKC
They catheterised me also for the first few days. It REALLY helped. If you can possibly have that too then I’d highly recommmend as not having to go for a pee sort of stops you having the fear to poop which is the worst. It also meant I missed all the horrible feeling of urine retention.
Do you know if you’re staying in for a few days after? I was booked for day surgery at first but it required a hospital stay just for a few nights to make sure I was doing ok.
Also, good news, I sat down today! Only for a short time to apply my makeup but I did it! Maybe 15-20 mins. I also left the house and went to the local supermarket to get some food for me and the kids. I’m pretty confident that this time next week I will be back to normal as I’m improving with each passing day.
My other advice to you would be to buy some patient dry wipes, like they have in hospital. They’re like large strong tissue sheets and I wipe with them after each motion. Tissue is a bit tricky as it would probably tear and get stuck to the stitches lol. But these dry wipes are amazing and gentle once wet with warm water as they clean effortlessly and make it less harsh on the stitching.
Good luck with your surgery and please do come back and let me know how it went!
I’m so glad that someone else truly understands the troubles I have experienced this last 2.5 years.
Stay strong and if you are very anxious then make sure your consultant and nurses etc know so they can help keep you calm.
I had the most fantastic nurse on my ward after and she gave me a hug and a listening ear when I was at my worst so I really hope you have good support from all the medical staff xxx
ConcernedOKC Sublime
Hi Sublime, sorry for the late response. I have my own business and I am working frantically to get as much done before the surgery. I cannot tell you how much appreciate your kindness and the information. (My fiancé said to tell you he appreciates you as well! You have calmed me bit.) I will have to work some after the surgery. I am hoping 5 days of rest will be enough & I can be back at work on day 6. You know, it’s crazy... I have been like this for so long I don’t remember how being “normal” & having a “normal” bathroom experience/ bowel movement feels?
How is your recovery? Are you feeling better? Most importantly, did the surgery work? I have been thinking of you. I work all the time... I dread the down time but I figure I will need the rest so at least stay home 5 days and hopefully I can go back to work the following week. Please let me know how you are feeling. We appreciate you more than you know! Lots of love from OKC!
Sublime ConcernedOKC
Hi lovely!
I’m so glad I could put your mind at ease. And just promise me you’ll take it super easy! And make sure your fiancé looks after you. I’m sure he’s already got that covered though
My healing is going ok but unfortunately I have overdone it and some of my stitches that are across my buttock (where they take the tissue to reconstruct the rectum) have come undone prematurely and left a small hole, so I’ve been up the hospital today and had the wound packed and dressed. They praised me for the cleanliness of everything despite this (I’ve been showering every day and using dry wipes (that I wet with warm water) to dab clean the area after each toilet trip - make sure you’re dabbing clean and not wiping) and I’m due to see my consultant on Monday morning now instead of waiting til the 24th.
But don’t fret though please despite my little woopsie! Im still healing well despite this (nothing internal or around my anus is affected, just the donor site) and My pain is minimal but discomfort is still there, I can still sit down with ease too. So just don’t be silly like me and push yourself too far and all will be perfectly fine. If I hadn’t have taken that tumble the other day I’d have been fine so don’t try and squat/kneel/get your butt close to the floor lol.
If you’re sat down a lot for work I’d recommend a small swim ring/piles ring or whatever they’re called so it takes the pressure off your wound if sat for long periods.
Bowel movements have become so much easier. It’s not painful anymore, they’re definitely wider and all is good there. I am still wearing incontinence pads as there is a little seepage but nothing too bad or foul.
I’ve dropped the amount of lactulose to 10ml daily and it’s not scary to poop anymore.
Just remember to stay calm, don’t overdo it, take all the help you can get and buy lots of nice things to cheer you up hehe.
Even despite my little set back I will never regret my decision to have this surgery. The pros will always outweigh the cons to me.
Much love to you OKC and please do let me know your experiences.
Remember there will be some pain to start with but you’re prepared for it, and it’s nowhere near as bad as a haemorrhoidectomy xoxo
Sublime ConcernedOKC
I really hope it’s gone well.
Thinking of you and please do update me when you can xoxo
Mai1989 Sublime
Hi Sublime!
I stumble upon your post and saw that you had the anoplasty done. My father is due for one and im so worried. I was wondering how you are now? Is your bowel movement better? Is your stenosis completely gone? PLEASE let me know. Any information and tips will be so helpful!