Surges of energy - and adrenal disorder?
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Hi All. For 3 weeks I've been getting these surges of energy - like I've just had 3 cups of coffee - that last hours. My heart beats harder in my chest, my mind races, I feel shaky. My stomach gets upset and I can't sleep.
The docs are stumped. All thyroid tests are normal. I have no stress or anxiety in my life, and am certain this isn't a panic attack or "mental" thing. Could it be an adrenal disorder?
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cool_catalan nick17294
I do not think so. However, perhaps an endocrinologist would know what can be the cause of surges of energy. I have adrenal fatigue or adrenal insufficiency or perhaps Addison's disease, no endocrinologist or GP has given me the exact answer. Have you been tested for Cushing's disease? (it is when one has too much cortisol). I hope somebody can help you better than me.
nick17294 cool_catalan
Thanks monsie. Cushing's disease ("surges of cortisol in the morning or night"
sounds like my experience exactly. Unfortunately my symptoms -- weight loss, too much energy -- are the opposite of Cushing's. Still, an avenue worth pursuing. I'll see if my doc checked my cortisol. I hope we both get diagnosed correctly eventually.
deb42962deb1960 nick17294
Hello Nick
I've been experiencing this for several years now and cannot find the cause despite numerous tests including 24 hr urine catchment. If you end up finding the cause please let me know. I've had previous surgeries and at the moment am putting it down to the anaesthetic!
nick17294 deb42962deb1960
Hi deb. Yes, I'm doing the 24 hour urine catchment this weekend per the endocrinologist. It was the only thing my GP hadn't done. I'll let you know what I find out!
cool_catalan nick17294
nick17294 cool_catalan
monsie, per the doc they are to "test for two rare types of tumors" and will almost certainly come back negative, he said. One was related to the intestines, I believe.
cool_catalan nick17294
thanks for your information. I keep thinking to see if some kind of light comes my way on the matter. I'll let you know.
heathermm nick17294
These sound similar to episodes I was having for a couple of months. Thought I was having a heart attack when the first one came, heart checked and all normal, blood pressure very variable, many tests including 24 hr urine, MRI scan and MiBG scan for suspected pheochromocytoma. Nothing clear. (I was hoping to find a tumour which could be taken out.) Same thing - no stress in recent times, came on randomly (e.g. reading a book). VERY scary and disabling. "No, it's not a panic attack - symptoms came on when I was quite calm -I am just anxious now because I feel like I am going to die!"
So with a non-diagnosis (except for counselling for 'anxiety'
I am now on beta blockers and BP-lowerint drugs which seem to control the attacks.
nick17294 heathermm
Heather, sounds like we may have something similar. Yes, I'm tired of trying to convince people that I'm under no stress, and it's really not anxiety or panic attacks. I think I have some type of endocrine-related disorder (maybe an infection). If I can't solve it soon, beta blockers are in order for me too. My pulse/BP monitor will arrive from Amazon tomorrow, and I'll be taking readings at regular intervals. Do you find you have too much energy, and have to burn it off?
My docs have been asking if I take recreational drugs. My answer is - "No, but I'm about to start!".
heathermm nick17294
Nick, I wouldn't say 'too much energy' - or at least in a VERY unpleasant way. Certainly my attacks felt like a powerful charge of adrenalin - with pounding heart, churning stomach, ringing in ears, heat behind eyes, high blood pressure. Felt like a daily heart attack was imminent.