Surgical Menopause
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I'm currently waiting for a date to have my remaining ovary removed due to a new dermoid cyst (has the other one removed last year for the same.reason).
I'm only 35 but have had my children so I'm not worried about losing my fertility but the menopause is a daunting prospect!
Would anyone be able to share their experiences of surgical menopause and any advice to offer?
I'll be starting on HRT immediately I have the surgery.
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kerry_89290 jen81483
I'm sorry to hear this I have no advice to offer but I will be praying for you wishing you all the luck in the world god bless you xxxx
jen81483 kerry_89290
pinkcatfairy jen81483
Dear Jen
I went into surgical menopause about a year and half ago, although I think I was starting to go into It anyway. I had my ovaries out and didnt go on hrt.
I didnt feel any different until about six months but in that time I noticed weight gain especially around my hips and tummy. I then had quite bad anxiety and panic attacks. My sleep was affected waking up quite a few times in the night with hot and cold flashes with little sweating. My sleep inproved and flashes went but still come and go now. My anxiety and panic wasn't so bad after taking a multi vit for fifty plus which also helped the painfull joints in the mornings and the muscle cramps! X
jen81483 pinkcatfairy
Thank you for sharing your experience pinkcatfairy. It's good to know what to expect! I'm glad you didn't notice the very sudden onset of awful symptoms we are warned about.
I am a healthy weight now but trying to get my weight a little lower before the surgery so that I don't feel too bad about any weight gain. I'm also hoping that eating healthy and getting a bit more exercise will be good preparation for managing any symptoms I have.
I have to go onto HRT to protect against osteoporosis, heart disease and dementia as my risk of those will increase with such an early menopause but I should be able to stop taking it around the age of natural menopause.
Do you feel there is anything you would have done differently or that worked particularly well for you?
I'm very glad you are feeling better since starting the vitamin. x
pinkcatfairy jen81483
I should cut down on caffeine as it can still cause flushing, but I try to limit it abit more by having some decaffeinated Aswell. I do try to swim when I can, exercising seems to help, I have found it hard at times especially if the anxiety kicks in but have pushed myself to go as it helps! I had digestive issues but that was before my op (when I was in peri) so had to avoid fatty spicy foods and alcohol , as I had gastitis. Before the op I had occular migraines (aura) but no pain but after the op they stopped. Things do seem better but the symptoms can come and go even now. I am trying to get my weight down which is good, I just cant eat what I used to! I hope all goes with your op and if you have any questions please ask! X
Lotti1966 jen81483
Hi Jen,
I'm 16 mths post total hysterectomy. Mine hit almost immediately and with a vengeance. Hot flashes, night sweats, restless legs, not getting a good night's sleep, weight gain, joint pain, anxiety, mood swings, heightened smell and noises drive me crazy, painful intercourse, acid reflux.
You experiment, take advice and find what works for you. Drs have been no help. This forum has literally saved my life. My mom passed a few years back so I really had no-one to talk to. The ladies on here are awesome.
I had suspicious paps for years, biopsies, endometriosis, and then they found cysts in my ovaries that were suspicious. Decided to take it all to be on the safe side. Would I do it again...not sure. But then again we have to go through it eventually right?
I'm going to switch to the over 50 vitamin that pinkcatfairy mentioned. Maybe it will help. Best of luck to you.