Surgical Menopause Nearly 5 Years Later
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Hello! I am now nearly 5 years post surgery, no HRT at present and I still have horrific symptoms! Nothing much has changed over the years - flushes, horrible anxiety (my worst symptom), severe lack of energy and I've gained over 2 stone.
I really think I'm going to have to start HRT in earnest, as this is not getting better - I think this is it now for life. 😥
Due to the HRT shortages and not getting on well on either patches or gel previously, I think my only option now is to try the Premarin tablets I have sitting here as they at least are consistently in stock (PLEASE - no posts about the ethics of Premarin, I know where it comes from and how it's produced).
Is there anyone else out there who is in the same position as me? I would love to hear from other surgically menopausal ladies - especially if you are feeling better and have stories of hope!
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Foxy62 meredyn65777
Hello my lovlie , just saw your post and had to reply .... i know exactly how you feel as im the same as you xx
im almost 6 years into surgical menopuse and cant have HRT of any description due to the type of tumor i had .... life is absoloute HELL. Like you ive put on weight , to begin with i was 8.7 stone im now 13.7 ..... i cant sleep , i hurt all over , horrific anxiety , palpitatuons , horrid flushes , omg the list goes on .... i feel like crap every single day - youre not alone . If you need a friend im here and you can PM me for support if you like . I really truly know how you feel , i
wish i could be more help but also would love to hear if theres anyone out there with any messages of hope because right now after all this time it doesnt feel like it xx
meredyn65777 Foxy62
Replied to you on another thread, Foxy. I hope you see it, as I'm nearly 5 years post surgery myself and suffering just the same. I'm new to this forum so not sure how to PM yet, but hope to hear from you. Hugs. xxx
meredyn65777 Foxy62
Just realised I replied to my own post, Foxy! This is how confused my brain is!! I'd love yo chat more, if that's ok! xxx
Foxy62 meredyn65777
bless you im the same , dont even know what day it is !!
ive messaged you xx
meredyn65777 Foxy62
Thank you 😊 I've sent you a reply. xxxx
pinkcatfairy meredyn65777
Dear Meredyn
I am four years post surgical menopause but I was starting to go through it just before. I am 55 now and after the ovary removal I seemed ok until about six months after and then I had the anxiety and panic attacks. I didnt take hrt due to family history and all that, and the anxiety and panic attacks did subside, I cannot remember how long it took but all I can say is that it does get better! X
meredyn65777 pinkcatfairy
Thank you so much for replying! I actually found your posts a few months back when I was browsing this forum, before I joined. I was hoping you might reply to mine.😊
Are things pretty much back to 'normal' with you now, menpause symptom wise? I know you've had migraine issues and I have had these too, post surgery. I hope these are improving for you too. They are certainly not fun! 💜
pinkcatfairy meredyn65777
Dear Meradyn
Thanks for your reply, yes I still get the odd symptom, I still get the migraine auras but not as much as say two years ago! I sometimes get the hot feeling in bed where you flick the sheets off and on again but generally yes, things have settled. I hated the anxiety and panic attacks, but thankfully that has gone. I couldnt have caffeine for a while as this fuelled them, but thankfully I can drink tea and coffee like before. Even though I swim and eat and drink like i did before I have gained some weight on the tummy which doesnt seem to want to go! Im sorry you still feel like you do xx
meredyn65777 pinkcatfairy
Thank you so much! I am sooo glad to hear that things can get better - I think I'm feeling sorry for myself because of this rotten flu (a gift from the Hubby). I identify totally with the extra weight around the tummy - this is inevitable with low estrogen, apparently! xxx
pinkcatfairy meredyn65777
Yes having the flu dont help! Keep in touch if you want to talk about anything! X