surgical stockings

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Hi all, this forum has been very useful for me in the 13 days since my thr op. I think I'm getting about quite well now and the only pain or more like discomfort is the tightness in my thigh, knee and to some extent calf. There is a fair bit of bruising from knee to toes. Probably normal but I want to blame the stockings because for the last few nights they have been driving me crazy and effecting my sleep. I would of ripped them off if that didn't mean waking up my wife and asking her to help yet again. Any tips on dealing with these tools of tortur? I'm still taking the anti coag meds.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Andy congrats on op . I was told to wear the stockings for 6 weeks don't really mind this time of the year and lucky to have slim legs and no swelling . As I live alone the Red Cross come to change them twice a week . They wash legs and feet in oils gum and rub in moistouriser . I also find them hot at night . I was told to ring ward if I had any tightness in calf as it is sign of clots .
  • Posted

    Hi Andy,

    i know how you feel about the stockings!  Fortunately (!) I am allergic to them and refused to wear them.  As long as you are sensible and do plenty of leg exercises and walking and don,t cross your legs, you should be fine. The Heparin injections are very effective and should keep you safe.  It is important you get your rest and you are not going to if they are driving you mad!

    i am qualified to give advice!  I,m not just a know all!

    good luck.     Best wishes.   Sue

    • Posted

      Thanks Sue, that's the answer.

      A new allergy I wasn't previously aware of. Not sure if my wife will fall for it but it's worth a try.

  • Posted

    Hi Andy,  I am nearly three weeks post op. during first week I had lot of bruising on thigh and knee and my wound was weeping badly. I was told to stop taking the blood thinning tabs as that was prob causing oozing and bruising. It worked, even though I was paranoid about dvt! I haven't taken them since.  I was told to keep surgical stockings on for two weeks. My husband changed them daily and washed and moisturised legs. I have no problem now. Might be worth mentioning the bruising and

    tightness to your health care team.  Hope you get some relief. Take care. 

  • Posted

    Hi Andy

    I cut mine off last night-op leg-driving me mad-slept better without it on.

  • Posted

    I gave up on my stockings as they used to get tight round my toes and drove me mad! After four weeks I stopped using them. But didn't tell anyone. Carried on with the Antonio coat tabs for the whole month and kept my legs moving as best I could. 9 wks now and doing pretty good. Still slight bruising under back of knee but no one seemed to be concerned about it. I think it's more important to get a good nights sleep u disturbed  - I an NOT qualified, just naughty but then again wasn't worried about what might happen re dots etc.  Good luck 
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      you may not be qualified, but you talk a lot of sense!   I am sorry if I sounded snotty about being qualified, but I am very naughty as well and will probably end up being struck off!

      good luck.  Sue

  • Posted

    Hi Andy,

    my doctor said I don't need the socks as long as I am ambulatory throughout the day. I actually like the socks, just not the toe part. But I didn't bring any home this time.  My bruising is closer to my thigh, but is getting much better. I am 9 days out from my surgery and doing quite well.

    i wish you a speedy recovery and maybe ask the doctor if you still need the socks if you get up and move around more throughout the day.

    good luck.....

    • Posted

      Thanks Regi , I think I'll give the hosp a ring and see if I can persuade them i'm active enough to ditch them.
  • Posted

    hi Andy

    bruising is normal love it's because your body has had a bashing when I clapped eyes on my bruising I thought what the heck is going on I can't be bruised to that extent. and as far as those strangulating stockings I lasted one week and binned them my whole leg was swollen and bruised they drove me crackers they had to go. I did phone the hospital for advice I was told the stockings are for people who are immobile who just sit about but as you are doing a lot of exercise you should be alright but make sure you continue to take the advice I don't condone my actions good luck

  • Posted

    Hi Andy

    Speaking on behalf of hubby, his bruising isn't as bad as yours but he had an effusion to the knee and was extremely swollen. Two days after he came home he couldn't stand it any longer and I rang the ward and the Staff Nurse told me to take them off him as they were doing more harm than good. As long as he was taking the anticoagulants she said the stockings were doing more harm than good. Of course everyone is different but this was his outcome.

  • Posted

    Hi Andy,

    Have to agree with some of the replies here.  I too was "naughty" and didn't wear them after 10 days.  I was very careful of the swelling and bruising and made sure I took my blood thinners daily, excersied and iced when needed.  However, Here in the USA the surgeon advises us to wear them only half the day 12 hours on 12 hours off.  I'm surprised everyone here says they are sleeping with them on.   Good luck to you!

    • Posted

      Thanks Ginny and to all. I'm not beyond a spot of rebellion. The stockings do not bother me too much during the day, just when it's time to sleep I can't ignore them and they drive me to distraction. I just need to convince my wife it's ok to take them off.
  • Posted

    I wasn't given any stockings at all.  For 24 hours after the op I had ankle pumps on and then these were taken off.  I had some swelling in my calf and ankle at first when I got home, but to make it feel easier I smothered them in baby lotion which eased the tight feeling.  It is important to do the leg exercises and ankle pump exercises and not to be too sedentary.  If you do a lot of walking at first then your legs will swell up again but this should go down after being in bed at night.  Then the bruises started coming out and I had a black knee and front of my calf and a small bit on my thigh.  When the bruises start to go, everything starts to feel better.  I think everything in moderation is good, a bit of walking about, and a bit of resting with feet slightly higher than chest and a bit of the leg exercises.
  • Posted

    I know what you mean regarding the stockings, my dear husband washes my feet each night and put the clean pair on me which he washed the night before, They are so uncomfortable and feels like I havent undressed properly. Two more weeks Monday and they can go hooray!

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