Survived! Mobilisation of knee under anesthesia

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deal fellow TKR champions ... i just wanted to give you an update on how my much dreaded mobilisation went. first of all, thanks to all of you who where thinking and rooting for me. all the positive vibes reached me!  for anybody new joining, i had my TKR exactly 12 weeks ago and really, really struggled with the bend.  my physio said it was like a wall.  on a bad day we would get 90 degrees, on a good one, 100.  and this was with bendy machine at home, physio 3 times a week, acupuncture once a week and kinesiology once a week.  

i went in on tuesday morning, very nervous and worried so they gave me a calming pill which helped until i went into anesthesisa where they struggled to place the spinal catheter (similar to women going in for a long birthing process).  this was very,very unpleasant but the next i knew, they were putting me under and 10 minutes later it was all done.

once i got to my room - very swanky room which i had to myself for 2 days on my own, a complete bonus and a gift from the gods as i should have been up with the masses -  i was immediately put on the knee bendy machine which i quickly got a 125 degree bend on.  my doc came and told me that i could have been at the physio for a thousand years and i wouldn't have got the necessary bend, it took considerable forcing to get the scaring to give and promptly upped the machine to 130! this is where it stayed for 48 hours solid, minus pee breaks and sitting on the side of the bed to eat.  during these 48 hours i was on the pain catheter PLUS my usual meds so zero pain ... also zero sleep but hey ho!  they then turned the pain catheter off and i was really, really concerned the pain would kick in but no and so i stayed on the machine for another 12 hours, always at 130 degrees.

i came home yesterday, walking without sticks but with a limp.  my leg feels like it has run the marathon.  or gone under the steam roller.  very, very sore but not stabbing pain.  i came in, greeted the cats and collapsed in bed for 3 hours, dead to the world.

today i went and got some arnica c200 globuli, some homeopathic stuff recommended for sports injuries and healing of scars, and was told to take 10 globuli once a week as it is powerful stuff.  i took it and the effect was immediate.  amazing stuff if you can get your hands on it.  i continue to go on the bendy machine at home as well, but this model will "only" go to 120 degrees and because the knee is sore, i have to gradually get up there but get there i do.  remember, this is passive so i will be working on my active bend as well.  my leg feels like it has NO muscle strength at all.  am seeing my phsyio 4 times next week as my doc is determined it won't go back to my paltry 80.

so that is it.  time will tell if it was worth it but so far i am delighted.  and the way the pain got managed was fantastic.  so far, no regrets!

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  • Posted

    Hi Britta,

    Just read you post, fantasic, very pleased for you, I will watch for your updating of progress.


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    I have pain. Have had pain. Ouch know miracle  I dread pt lol she is tough. I do my machine and I am at like 80 I said wish I do this with out. But they say it will come. Pain substites when I walk or stretch for a few second. I hate take pain pill. But I have to. And I don't like to sleep all time but that what happening. My hub laughs at me. In our 4 yrs marriage and many yrs before I've never taken pills. I believe God can heal. But lol as I joke he is dealing with other emergencies know. So he left thease till he gets to me. But I hate them they make me sick. And just for a short time take pain away. I can't bend on my own or life my foot.  As I am very early.  The one thing I like so far is I don't fill the rip pain in my knee when I walk. It's all new ans weird. My Surgen said that's normal. What I could not feel cause my knee so so bad.  

    Prayers for your pain to stop. My cat lays by me she got lazy lol 

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      sonnysgirl ... whilst i admire your belief that God can heal, there are times in life - such as this one when bones have been sawed off - that pills are going to be essential in order for you to be able to bite through and get the bend and the stretch.  by the end of week 1 (when they would normally release you from hospital here) you need to have 90.  i hear it is the same in the UK. 10 degrees doesn't sound like much but it is absolute agony without medication.  so imagine getting a bend of 120 which is what you need to be fully functional, i.e. being able to get down stairs normally, ride a bike, get in and out of a car without looking handicapped, etc.  did you not get medication from your surgeon? or gp? if they do not suit you, there are hundreds of different ones you can take which could agree with you.  
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      Hi britta217 

      Yes they did. But I hate taking them. Makes me sick. But I take crackers and milk and try to coat my stomach. I admit it's hard. And I understand a lot of the pain. Just can't wait till it's over. 

    • Posted

      With you Britta - does it never occur to the "god heals" division that yes she does - she gave humans the brain to develop ways of healing? Painkillers and everything else are god's gifts to personkind. If you are so sure god will do it all - why waste the surgeon's time in the first place?
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      My profession as a professional development director (fundraiser) put me in contact with many, many clergy. Never once did I meet one who didn't feel that doctors and medicine were not tools for Gods work. You can bet when they had problems they wanted the best of both.
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      Yes, I have met many of that sort too as well as vast numbers of religious people  (all sorts) who worked in the health care professions - I have also met a few of the other sort who would deny the role of scientific medicine and claimed to be able to heal solely with laying on of hands and prayer. There is nothing more demoralising than to be told that you (or a family member) are not getting better because of lack of faith on your part or a failure in ticking the boxes required. That too has happened to me at a point I very much needed care and support as my husband had cancer and for a while was not expected to recover. 

      I'm sure his beliefs sustained him at the time but the entire episode did my faith no good at all. 

    • Posted

      Let's face reality, we are all awarded justjust so much time on earth. My wife is in advancing s ages of Parkinson's disease. Its really tough on everyone to see a gradual decline that takes a body slowly, one cell at a time knowing there is absolutely no cure or hope for reversal. Her faith is indeed her strength. She is strong, quiet person but everyone in our circle of family and friends knows where she stands. Of course she has her moments of tears but she generally keeps them between us.

      Do hope your husband is doing well now.

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      Awwwww bless you and your wife heart. It's hard on us all.  My hubby had a bad heart attack. And he is still by my side.  I pray for some healing. 
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      I tell u. My days is over in my profession. I took care of a amputee before my leg hot bad. My 1st job was working at at psychiatric hospital. Ans that's main reason my legs is so bad. . And it's hard. I could not imagine being in his shoes. I had nothing to work with. So basicly he did olny 50 percent of the transfer. His wife was so lazy and expected me to do it all. I said no. I finally got the guts to record. And show my boss. And needless to say they was off the waver program. They aren't alloyed to have another agency on the home. With them I did it all. And I still have my job. Using all my medical leave. But it's well worth it. Clergy is all sweet that I have met that comes in the homes.  
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    Lol send me a ice machine. My ins won't approve nothing.    Bless your all hearts. I love this sight. I enjoy reading and commenting. I would love to have friends like this to talk to on a daily basis. 
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    Britta your post is very comforting. I just had a session with the physio and he has given up. I am 4 weeks and he cannot get more than 87 degrees bend. He was calling the sugeon as I left to tell him that manipulation was needed, and no point in waiting any longer to do it. In a way it's a relief, because it has been torture to try and bend it and with nothing to show for it all in the end.
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      hi joansgarden ... that is fabulous. do it a 4 weeks if your physio tells you he hits a wall. you will save yourself soooo much time, energy and tears. 12 weeks struggling is a long time and i cannot tell you how much better i feel. your leg will feel very sore, like you have run a marathon, but not the intense pain like after the TKR. keep us posted on when you go in and how your experience is. rooting for you!
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      I get so sacred.  I can't lift my leg off bed or off floor.  Barley walk.   But I can use walker slow.  Olny way to lift leg off floor is to use good leg behind it. Or use a sheet. Very scary. 
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    What a story!  Makes so much more sense now.  I cannot fer bend over 84deg.  How many layers of stitches are there?  Did they open scar again?
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      hi carol ... nono, no need to open the scar. it is a really quick procedure when the surgeon literally bends your knee to a max. he can hear a creaking and squeaking, that is all the scarring and other things sticking coming apart. luckily i didn't hear any this, i was deeeeeeep asleep. no more spinals for me, ever!

      how many weeks are you, carol? have you discussed the manual bending with your surgeon? i really cannot express how much better everything is now. it is just amazing. i encourage you to go and have it done, it is a small sacrifice for many, many years benefit.

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      I am 10 weeks + 4 , my surgeon just tols me to go away and get on with my life.  The physio raised his brows and gave me more excercises to do.  I walk, get up and down stairs, can straighten my leg but bend is not good.

      i have had to get diuretics from doctor who said your kbee is not too bad!

      feel very disappointed.

    • Posted

      Hi carol

      my physio discharged me after 5 sessions and a 94 degree bend 

      my bend now is ok it's the straightening that is the problem ..and I have a limp which I hate 

      I see my surgeon Gain on 31st of this month but he isn't easy to talk too .he's very dismissive and says ...get on with it.

      i must admit I'm not happy

      i work really hard at the exercises and use my little pedal machine at every opportunity 

      I havent a clue what else I can do 

    • Posted

      You sound great now Britta 

      it  really was onwards and upwards for you

      well done 


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      Since I have an 85 bend I know how restricted you are. Can't even sit properly in a chair and I've been wondering if I'll be able to drive my truck since I have to have my seat forward enough to push the clutch all the way in. Plus it's making my hip very tired.

      I think it's very irresponsible of your surgeon to tell you just to 'get on with it'. Bet he wouldn't if it was his own knee. I am in the US so not sure what options you have but is it possible to get a second opinion?

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      I would do some practice runs in the driveway if I were you. If you have to move in a hurry and the pain would take hold you could find yourself in a heap of trouble especially if you have a lot of hills and heavy traffic. Be careful. I know I could never have used a stick shift. I had been offered a corvette at a great price but when I tried to get in I just walked away.
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      carol -- i must admit, i get angry when i hear how you get treated by the medical profession.  in my opinion they are acting completely unprofessional and unresponsible.  i am very surprised that you can get down stairs at 84 degrees, i couldn't with at that point.

      so let me ask you this: if you didn't know about the degrees others have, would you be worried about yours?  does the low degree stop you from doing anything?  does it cause you any discomfort?  i ask only as it is like when you are at weightwatchers: you end up getting down when the lady sitting on the chair next to you has lost 1lb more than you when in fact, you have lost 5lb in a week, which is actually excellent.  do you see what i am getting at?

      all this said, i believe in getting what you pay for. your operation was not a freeby and you deserve to get what you "paid" for.  if i could do this for you, i would come to your surgeon's with you and tell him exactly what was on my mind.  in no uncertain terms.  as i said, it makes me angry for you.

    • Posted

      hi jean -- did you see the post of somebody on here who went back to have her knee stretched, i.e. the opposite to me?  this would actually be less tricky as you usually have a bigger difference in the bend than in the stretch.  if i were you, i would do your research thoroughly online about stretching procedures.  and then i would go and see your surgeon with this info in hand and demand it. firmly. justification: you didn't walk with a limp before the surgery, why would you do so after? i would also throw the question in there, whether consulting with a different surgeon will bring the expected results?  that should get him going.  oyu can do it jean!  put your "i will not take no for an answer" hat.
    • Posted

      I will try that Britta ..I'm going to go with a list and demand to be listened too 

      this limping is the worst thing for me how am I going to wear all my shoes collection . Limping around

       I need to get this leg straight somehow ..exercises are taking over my every waking hour.

      I have googled and done every exercise that I can find   


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      Thanks to this forum i will ask again.  i really had so much hope on this ne knee!

      inwant to get bacj on my bike!

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      Ahh a corvette - what fun! Too bad....  My other car is a Prius, which is automatic, but I don't like to drive it in the snow. Not that we have any snow yet, but it could arrive any day. In the meantime, my husband is the chauffeur.
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      Looks like we will make it through Christmas without snow. Supposed to be 60 and rainy for the Chiefs game Sunday. Strange winter and the up and down barometer playing heck with the joints, artificial and natural
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      Jean i am 8 days and in the sama shape as you. It's a mess and I'm scared. I was told if it won't bend by time home health leaves you have to go back in for sugury. And doc gets mad.  Lol can't have that.  
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      Ouch. There is no way I would be able to go in and get it stretched. I heard that hurts way more. Xxx
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      You are far too early to have such fears. Try and relax a little and continue to do the exercises using pain meds an hour before starting. Find time during the day to just rest, eat healthy foods and drink water till its running out your ears. A dehydrated body is not pliable. Plenty of ice and elevate the leg

       Don't overdo the regular chores. Just up and around a little bit at a time. Keep remembering, if you had major abdominal surgery you wouldnt expect to be back in top shape in 8 days and the joint replacement is probably more traumatic because of the invasive nature. Bone removal, drilling a hole in a bone, heavy bleeding, cutting the tissue away from the bone, inserting a foreign substance in your body. Patience, patience, patience. Hang in there, you'll be fine in due time

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      Maybe need to find other doc. U need one that will help you get better not leave yA. Xxx sorry if I made u mad.  But they knew yA was in pain. And option was replace. They need to be on same page. They would not like if we left them stranded. 
    • Posted

      This is a post I put on Facebook.   Heck could not get no comments.  I get so upset.  And I wana cry.  Sucks. I have not a friend at all. Have never. Jus had pep I talk to. And it's real sad.  God my Hub kids foster mom all I got.   And well know this sight.  I call doc. He is work on get it fix. U know what really upsets me? I had a knee replacement I cant bend my leg none. I can't lift my foot off floor.I can't hardly walk,and when I do i have help. I have insurance and more insurance. I had 1 visit from a nurse,1 from pt,1 from ot Thursday.Well we will see you Monday.Ok I wait all day. No calls. I call and the nurse said uh did they not call you and tell you it's going to cost you out pocket? Just to have therapy and a nurse in your home. I said no one called me.And it's nice to know I am lying here helpless and can't get anyone to help me.  Well I'm sorry. Call your ins. I said I did. It's 80 1 ins and other picks up. Must be stupid pep.  OH WAIT I AM FUK POOR AND U HAVE BE RICH TO GET HELP.  Ok so WTF AM I suppose to do for my self to recover?  And change bandage etc. I was told not to touch them nurses would.   Medical equipment sucks to. Bedside canode generic won't raise hurts to use it. High canode won't fit toilet. Excerise machine needs to be reset for daily leaval. I can't touch it. Sorry ins is already paid. Excuse me idiot u knew the defects. U was suppose to fix them when u set them up. Know a excuse. Guess I will lay here get fat,not move at all be stiff lose strength and die of infection. And kings daughters is pathetic to. Uh I'm sorry we aren't in network with your insurance..: dam wtf  any ideas?
    • Posted

      I have an idea

      work hard with your exercises and show them all that you can do it yoursef

      self pity doesn't get results do it through determination 

      may I ask how old you are?

       Exercise exercise exercise .and elevation 

      if you lay there and get fat your knee will be under more pressure  

      think positive the brain can do wonders 


    • Posted

      Time to quit worrying about howuch you have and start concentrating on what you want. No matter rich or poor in the recovery game its all the much you are willing to put into helping yourself. Everyone on here has been through miracles,  no fast track, no magic pills just plain damn hard work and plenty of pain. Like I have said before, I'm 77 yes old, had 9 surgeries on my leg and have to be care giver to a spouse who's illness will eventually kill her. I don't have time for self pity because I'm busy making do with what I have. Time for you to do the same. You will get help on this forum but no sympathy. GWR busy and take control of your life. That's how you get back on your feet
    • Posted

      Well said...I'm 76 and getting on with it in my own way 

      and as you say no sympathy on here we've all gone throught it and are determined to get our lives back 


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      I have thought before replying.  Yes I am still limping, really want to ride my bike again and am not "normal" as I was just over a year ago.  I was on the underground on Monday my leg not sticking out too much on outward journey, but was on return as I was tired!
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      I must add thatmy insurance paid £10,000.00 for the operation!
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      Um - did it not come with a money back guarantee? At that price I think an optimal result should be the baselines for satisfaction! If the rationale for TKR was "it will be better" and it isn't - then someone has a question to answer.
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      When i was in business it would  be a question I would ask.  Pain does take your personality away!  I will go back and get my  mojo going!
    • Posted

      The gubmint is doing an excellent job of turning it into a business - if their backdoor privitisation is NOT achieving good results it needs trumpeting from the rooftops. No problem if it does get better results - but I don't see how it can. But that's another thread isn't it.
    • Posted

      We're going the other way and irsca mess. Drs are abandoning practice at much earlier ages and the shortfall of professionals will just throw the patients under the bus. The various agencies are cooking the books to make their endeavors seem worthwhile. Cost going going down. Someones going to be left out, guess who
    • Posted

      While I do not believe the US model was ever a good thing for anyone without money, the transfer from your old model to the new one was going to be fraught from beginning to end. 

      The strange thing is that doctors in the NHS are leaving medicine at younger ages at present too. He wan't a clinician but my husband took a look at his future in the NHS and ditched 15% of his pension to leave early. They had taken away the only consolation: time to do research - he never did get paid for it anyway. That we didn't mind, but the agony of filling in forms and tring to cut costs that were already pared to the bone was simply too much. He's almost turned into a human bean now :-)

    • Posted

      Actually the really poor came out pretty good

       The welfare system was a safety net that caught most of them. Up until recently almost every employer of any major status paid for most or all of the insurance premiums and out of pocket was minimal. It was a group in the middle, the under employees that got caught in the black hole. Nor enough income to pay premiums for decent coverage and the coverage they could get left unfathomable co pays. Its federal law that an emergency room cannot turn down anyone for treatment and, as our local asst administrator told me.........we have to offer free interpretors in almost 30 languages. Interperptors are almost as expensive per hour as the docs. We have 12 million illegals in this country and they can get treated without fear of being turned in. Something ain't right but that's for people in a higher pay grade than me to work out

    • Posted

      Much the same when it comes to language in the UK - my husband had to find the cash to pay for interpreters out of HIS budget, in some cases for people who had lived in the Uk most of their lives. I have lived in Germany and now in the German speaking area of Italy. No one has EVER offered me an interpreter, it has been my responsibility to make sure I can cope. 

      And yes - I see what you mean, to poor to be rich but too rich to be poor. Have a job and work hard - and you are worse off than sitting at home doing nothing. But the ER is no good for the chronic sick is it? 

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      No....and terribly overused and abused. My grandson is a med tech in a walkin clinicclinic or as we call them, " doc in a box". He says you can't believe the stuff he sees in a week
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      I know some insurances know require guy to meet the deduction. And u don't and it messes all up... And I've had trouble about pt ot nurse come in. They said self pay. I said 3x week 3 pep a day at 147 each.  I said I can't do that. I'm so afraid. 
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      I wish I could ride a bike. It hurts so bad. Before my pkr I would try ride. Ans felt like my knee cap was going to blow out.  A ripping pain.  As lkke when I walk. 
    • Posted

      They have had articles in the media recently about the reasons people have called 999 (911 for you is it?). Broken nails, I need the TV channel changing and I can't reach the remote without standing up, there's too much salt on my pizza...

      My daughter is a paramedic and they get a lot of jobs that don't need her or are abusive - they quite enjoy having an elderly patient who has fallen - they are usually nice to work with. She had a 90 year old recently who had fallen and hit her head at 11pm and it bled like mad, scalp cuts do of course. But the dear soul didn't want to be a bother so didn't call 999. She went to the local minor injuries clinic the next morning, under her own steam, and they managed to dislodge the scab and it bled again so she needed a 999 call anyway! It's a generational thing.

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      i like the "demand to be listened to"! that's the right spirit. i wouldn't mention the shoe collection if i were you, he probably has a black and a brown pair so would look at you as if you have gone mad :-) but you go, jean, show him who is boss.
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      I guess he wouldn't wear my pink shoes biggrin

      but yes I'm determined to be listened too...this is My body and if he messed it up he can sort it there lol


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      You know the old saying, there are two things that are plentiful in this world, oxygen an ignorance. People like that consume one of those and produce the other and it will never change
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      I am trying. Early days.  I have to help my hub to. And it's hard. But as I read I become more and more willing to do.   I had posted on FB asking advice. Ins has mess me up. Ans it's been hard. But the doc got it fix and know I'm ok. Bending somw what better. Just don't know why there is still painful pop. And also when I walk ky wants to bend and I almost lose balance. Thanks 
    • Posted

      Thanks.  I guess it's where I've not been like this before. I've alswsys been able to do stuff. Ans know I am bound to a chair or bed lol.   Thanks again appreciate it.  I am doing better.  Little pain worse at night. But it's all good. 

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