Suspected anxiety ruining my life
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Hi all,
I'm a 27 y.o male & I suspect that I have anxiety over my health which is slowly but surely taking a massive toll on my life. I was wondering if anyone has experienced the same as me. The main symptoms i have are:
- aching in my left side of chest and pain down left forearm (daily)
- feeling like my heart is beating hard and fast when it isn't (daily)
- feeling sick when i haven't eaten anything & my appetite (comes and goes)
And an overall feeling that basically, i am going to die. for example at the moment i have an infection which in my head, after googling (i know!) i'm sure will lead to sepsis. All of this has led me to spending regular time in A&E. i don't want to waste their time but it's either that or i sit at home thinking i'm going to die.
Doctors are confident that there's nothing wrong with my heart or lungs but every time i feel chest pain i'm sure its the end, or i have lymphoma or something.
Does anyone else get all of this and if they do, any advice?
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lewis79954 michael19127
hello michael, when i was 17 i experienced my first racing heart through anxiety (ive always been sporting and pretty fit throughout my life) i had all sorts of tests including mri on my heart all cane back fine. im 26 now and a recent panic attack has sparked up all the health anxiety again. 2 ecgs and full blood fine again this time minus low vit d and still im here checking my pulse with all kinds of symptons the last 2 months. i have hope in ill recover soon as i did the first time as i hate my partner and 2 children seeing my like this as they never have. i try keep busy with work as its tough with constant symptoms of tight chest, light headed vision problems etc. youll get there mate as will we all eventually!
amy39119 michael19127
Hi sorry to read this! I am the same! I really recommend you watching youtube videos about health anxiety. Theres this guy that says "risk it" it could be something or it might not. Every time you go to the doctors about something you are feeding that anxiety. You just need to continuously in your head tell yourself you are ok (easier said then done) but if you keep saying it you will believe it soon enough!