SVT recently diagnosed, symptoms and exercise help?

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I'm 23 and have recently been diagnosed with SVT, for years I have suffered with an inability to do much without feeling like my heart was beating so fast I couldn't cope. I am of a healthy weight so I should be capable of excercise but I just can't cope with it. I had my first ''attack'' a month or so ago where I couldn't breathe and my heart was racing and I was eventually put onto a small dose of the beta blocker Bisoprolol. I can only do an extremely small amount of activity before I feel too tired and my heart races so fast I need to stop, does anyone else have this issue? How do you excercise? The beta blockers did help but now I feel like they are sort of wearing off and I can feel my heart racing again. I want to try and excercise to help the condition but I find it so difficult...

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I recently had an ablation done and it is one of the best decisions I ever made. It has changed by life. I used to get dizzy after eating almost to the point of disabling me. I have not had one symptom since the ablation. John Contratto
    • Posted

      I don't think my symptoms are severe enough to be considered for an ablation. My biggest problem is the tiredness, the simplest jobs make me really exhausted but everyone just puts it down to being unfit and I've even been called lazy. My heart rate can go as high as 160 when doing something a simple as walking or cleaning my house. 
    • Posted

      You are too young to put up with this, get yourself to a decent cardio guy and if you are brave enough get the ablation. I am not so I have slowed down and take my verapamil religiously- but still  get tired, I work on a farm. GOOD Luck - -
  • Posted

    Yes, your symptoms are severe. Don't put up with it. Get a good cardio guy and get the ablation. It will change your life, The procedure is not that complicated - one night overnight for observation and that's it. John
    • Posted

      Its difficult to get anyone to believe that there's an actualy problem there, when I was 21 I tried to go out on a run with my other half to get my fitness up, I was bearly down the street before I was so exhausted I had to stop and go home. My parents and other half tend to just laugh at me and say i'm ''scandalous'' for being so unfit. But surely this is becuase of the condition I have? Am I right? I'm going back to the doctors for more beta blockers soon, probably will ask to be referred to the cardio doctor I saw before again, she was really nice and explained my symptoms really well. Although its still difficult to get anyone to understand how tired I get and why...
  • Posted

    Have you ever been placed on a heart monitor? If you are a part of this blog someone must have told you that you have svt. Has no one recommended a heart ablation? I had only one reading of svt out of 35 readings sent in and that was sufficient for my cardiologist to recommend the ablation. I actually thought he was wrong and I underwent the procedure only to get rid of a variable. I thought I was having digestive problems and was working with a gastrologist. You do not have to live like this. John Contratto

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