SVT Suffering

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Doc told me not to worry when I feel fluttering, it scares me. After I drink a glass or two of wine, 8 hrs later my heart flutters for a few seconds. Anyone else? Doc says it won’t kill me. 

Says I should not worry until the flutter happens for hrs. Do others feel a fast flutter up high in the heart? It’s not a fast heart beat, it just flutters. No pain or SoB. Do you worry? I take 12 ml of Lopressor. Thanks kat

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    My heart does that if I drink caffeine. If I drink a lot of caffeine in 1 day, I'll have fluttering for 3 days. 

    • Posted


      Me too. My heart will beat with palps for a couple days after alcohol.

      Thank you for responding. - kat

  • Posted

    Have you had any other symptoms? Have you had any tests done?
    • Posted

      Hi Moon,

      Yes, I’ve worn a 14 day heart monitor and had an ultrasound. Diagnosed with SVT. I meet with an Electrocardiologist re ablation surgery but he felt the issues with my heart are not severe enough, especially since 12 mg of Lopressor are greatly helping.  I find the Lopressor helps with palps I get on and off through the day, however, the flutter while less is still there. Thanks. - kat

  • Posted


    It doesn't sound to bad but I completely understand how alarming it may feel.

    I know the docs say don't worry etc etc but when your heart starts playing up the anxiety follows immediately.

    I have been almost free of any issues at all . Took around 2 years after ablation. I still have the odd flutter but a drop in the ocean compared to the full blown attacks.

    Personally I would say drop the alcohol for a month or so and see if it helps. If alcohol plays a big part of your life then the alcohol free alternatives are pretty good.

    Another huge thing that offers far more than just cardio strength is exercise.

    30 mins 5 days a week. More if you can. Get your heart rate up and follow a semi healthy diet.

    This I believe solved so many issues for me. It cleanses your body and 3 months or so later you will feel like a new person.

    Having your heart working as efficiently as possible can only help you.

    All the best!

    • Posted

      Hi Ric,

      Yes, I have found that cardio greatly helps and I workout most days. So pleased to hear your ablation surgery was so successful. I was disappointed my Doc didn’t want to go that way. The flutter feels so abnormal and scary. I need to trust my Doc in that my SVT issues to him and my life are minor. I’d rather not take any meds. 

      Thank you for your kind response and uplifting guidance! - kat 

  • Posted

    Last time I had red wine I had a full attack lasting about 10 minutes. The following week (drinking red wine again) had another one, this one longer about 20 minutes. I had an ablation 7 years ago. Everything had been going really well, having some small flutters here and there, until I had those episodes with the wine last December. ): I was very sad to have to ditch the wine, but it's all worth my health. I have been drinking red or dark beer, which seem to be ok with my heart flutters. Good luck to you! 

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