Sweet Breath..

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Ok so tonight I have this overwhelmingly sweet breath taste everytime I breathe in and out.. Is this a symptom of peri/menopause does anyone else get this??? So I googled it and it says sign of lung cancer so now my anxiety has me freaking on this one because for 2 days ive been getting a sensation in my chest on the left side, never had before it's not a flutter or palpatations its more like a muscle contracting very weird does anyone have that either ?? All these strange symptoms I just can't take or should I say new symptoms, old recurring symptoms I can handle new ones have my anxiety thinking otherwise...

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    hi Gypsy 014 sweet smelling breath and taste as well as urine having a sweet smell or urinating a lot at night is an indicator of high glucose level also know as "sugar". I think you should contact your primary care physician to have your glucose tested. It could indicate diabetes or something else. Never heard of this being a symptom of perimenopause or menopause. Both of my sisters are diabetic and i remember that was one symptom they had for a long time and ignored it. Hopefully thats not what it is but i think you should let your dr. know asap.

    best to you


    • Posted

      Hi jess and thanks for your reply, I'm definitely not diabetic for sure I don't eat any sugar except natural sugar in fruits , and im just the opposite ,hypoglycemic for the most part and eat small meals thru out the day, which makes me even wonder more what the heck could it be.. Well its for sure a new one for me so I will be watching this one and waiting to hear from anyone else that may be experiencing the same thing.. Thanks 😃

    • Posted

      i think you should still run it by your doctor just to rule out other things. glad you are not diabetic. 🤗

    • Posted

      i get this actually, I posted about it recently - horrible lingering sweet taste, i also dont have any stmptoms of diabetes and it seems to have gone the past week - so as it comes and goes its probably hormones...

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