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:oops: Ive been in Tibolone for a month now, Im 43 and just starting menopause..no probs with cancer and so on..never had kids either. Im happy that the hot flushes have gone and I can sleep like a normal person again, but, yes - the swelling is awful and the weight gain too. Im in the unlucky position of being a Brit living in Greece, where my Doctor here just told me, 'take the pills or die at 45!'

Although Im following a diet and exercising everyday...still putting weight on and having problem with joint pain and feeling like a zombie. With no psychological support whatsoever..I don't know how im goin to cope..

The pluses are indeed sexual drive (!)..less flushes and good nights sleep..but please god...if I get facial hair...I will kill myself!

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I have only just found this site by accident and was interested to read your experience... well I have just been taking Tibolone for about 3 weeks -I am 52 - and noticed yesterday that I started to feel really bloated, and my hip joints have been aching ... I thought it was because last weekend I ran the Race for Life but after reading some of the experiences Its from the Livial...

    My morning sweats have reduced to very minimal but the water retention is bad especially as I had water retention in one of my ankles before taking it and I was on water tablets periodically and the swelling had gone and yesterday the swelling was back worse so have decided will try some of the herbal remedies that someone has written about and give up on this Tibolone - damiana for sex drive, sage tea and tablets. See how that goes. :roll:

  • Posted


    I too, like you, am a Brit living in Greece. I was given Livial (Tibolone) after my hysterectomy last year (I'm 40). My doctor was incredibly off-hand too. At first I didn't notice any side effects but I have found that just recently I've put on weight (about a stone) and I'm beginning to wonder if this increase is going to level off at some point or not. Thank god no sign of facial hair!

    Luckily this is the only side effect I've experienced after a year of taking the drug.

    As for support - you're in the wrong country! I would try to be there for you if I knew how to contact you....


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  • Posted

    I have been on pro stap injections since march as i have severe endometriosis. i was given the tibolone to help my mood swings. i am eating less but looking like a big ball around my middle. it is so frusrating, i am also suffering from swollen ankles and my wedding ring is tight on my finger which it never was before. i also have quite bad breakouts of spots on my face. could this be all down to the tibolone?

    i would be very grateful for any advice,


  • Posted

    [b:943f26fb04]Ive been on tibolone since I was 29yrs old and now 40yrs old ive never had any side affects at all I live in Abu Dhabi and have to pay nearly 25.00 per box of 28 tablets....which is a lot but as its private healthcare the HRT tablets are included in the insurance....I totally recommend them and safe to use.... :D [/b:943f26fb04]
  • Posted

    What would we do without google hey!!! Im 46yo female who had hysterectomy 6yrs ago (still have ovaries). I've had alot of vague, nuisance symptoms which have been unexplainable.....till now. I recently went to Dr & she said I was in menopause and has suggested Livial, so I'm reading up everything I can.

    I was even referred to a liver specialist because my liver readings were up and I was having episodes of severe tiredness, fluid retention up 1-2 inches all over my body, heart palpitations, dizziness, very weak in the legs, everything to the point where I needed to lay down straight away. And any physical exertion just made these symptoms worse, eg. just carrying a couple of grocery bags to the car. The higher liver reading was more related to lifestyle. I went on strict diet & no alcohol (there goes my 4 times a year \"drinks\" with the girls lol) for 3mths and they returned to normal. And this specialist told me that I had autoimmune hepatitis!!!!!!! Thanks for scaring the crap out of me.

    The specialist made an off the cuff comment about my potassium levels being on the low side (even though they were in the range of 3.5 - 5 as being \"normal\", but I bet when these episodes happened they were below 3.5. NO bananas/sultanas etc are not adequate to replenish. Your body needs 2000mg of potassium a day & a banana contains only 90mg.

    I did a lot of research on low potassium levels and all my symptoms were listed but it also stated that you need magnesium to carry the potassium in your body. BE CAREFUL tho as high potassium produces the same symptoms and that can be very dangerous & increase blood pressure. I did have tests prior to PUTTING MYSELF on K-Mag and had another test after 5 days of being on it, I also monitored my blood pressure at home.

    K-Mag supplements contain 250mg potassium & 250mg magnesium in each tab. I take 4-6 each day, depending on if I'm in the diahhrea phase)

    Within 2 days the above symptoms DISSAPPEARED COMPLETELY. At one point I ran out of the supplements as the chemist wasn't stocking it anymore and within half a day of not taking the tabs I was back to square one with symptoms and feeling absolute sh*t.

    Got more tabs, felt great again within a day. Run out a 2nd time and back to square 1. Now I carry them in my bag all the time.

    Note to that one of the symptoms of menopause is diahhrea/constipation which I alternative between. Diahhrea also depletes your potassium levels.

    I see that Livial contains magnesium so I'd have to see what that means re the supplement I already take.

    Hope this helps someone at least smile

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